Begin3 Title: SRDISK (resizeable RAM disk) Version: 2.09c Entered-date: 2005-07-23 Description: Resizeable Ramdisk. Srdisk is fast and able to use over 32 MB of XMS and EMS memory. The size of the disk can be changed without rebooting or loss of content. Diskcopy compatible. Keywords: extension, utility, ramdisk Author: Marko Kohtala Maintained-by: Marko Kohtala Primary-site: Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: DOS, FreeDOS Copying-policy: GPL Group: util MD5: c5076940c213ffa64f8c622e59148b65 SHA: d8743318ea0287265fa22489ac2fb975b9d28dc769b570ca4de456cf3a065a1e End