Begin3 Title: LBACACHE Version: 2008apr07 Entered-date: 23 Jul 2008 Description: Disk cache, caches reads for max 8 CHS / LBA hard disks and floppies, XMS, 386 or better - tickle comes with lbacache! Keywords: cache, smartdrv, nwcache Author: Eric Auer Maintained-by: Eric Auer Primary-site: Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: DOS 386+ (nasm assembler), FreeDOS Copying-policy: GPL2 Group: base MD5: 708d16dbfbdd61e8bb69ae8eb0464c68 SHA: ba2e276271ca36c866714978fc58a978fa6c3983791140505b666dcd26942ae5 End