History/Changes - Alternate Tree - pdTree v1.02 Written by Kenneth J. Davis Public Domain Tree Future Plans: When time permits. KJD I would like to get it to compile using other compilers, such as DJGPP, Dunfield's Micro C, and Borland's TC++ v1.01 Update cats library (use cats v4 aka kitten for DOS and cats v3.97 for Windows) Update DOS version to detect screen size and if output redirected or not. May 22, 2004 pdTree V1.02 Release KJD Add Latvian translation from Kristaps Kaupe Adjust to continue on certain errors accessing subdirectories (match v1.00 behaviour I believe). Add initial /P option, pause after screenful (80x25). Update Win32 version to also support /S option Feb 11, 2001 pdTree V1.01 Release KJD Source includes fixstub that can be used to fix DOS executable automatically so can be used as stub for win32 executable (limited testing). Jan 21, 2001 pdTree V1.01 Beta Release KJD Ensured compiles with Borland's v5 win32 C++ compiler that is freely (if you tell them about yourself) available. Retested with various versions of DOS and Windows. Tree.exe is dual Win32 and DOS executable, with both parts compressed with UPX. Jan 18, 2001 pdTree V1.01 Alpha Release KJD Implemented proper fix for potential stack overwrites on really deep (> 30) directory structures in DOS version. Now uses non-recursive function to display directory tree, placing necessary information onto the heap via a 'stack' object. Depth is still limited to available memory, but maintained goal of minimal hard coded limits (if there is enough memory should be able to handle any number of files or subdirectories in a given directory and able to handle any depth directory tree up to MAX PATH length). November, 2000 Fixed relocation table of the dual Win32/DOS binary. Oct 26, 2000 pdTree V1.00 Initial Release Kenneth J. Davis Initial Release version of my public domain tree. Initially called Tree (and labeled version 4) in hopes it would become the official FreeDOS tree (at version 3), but I have since given up on that and officially released it as pdTree. Includes the method specified by Borland to insure the stack on the DOS version is 40KB instead of the default 4KB value. History.txt is now separate as it is for the FreeDOS tree (and this is no longer attempting to be part of that chain). Updated tree.htm to conform to HTML Help 4.1 help files (added
               Using unmodified Jim Hall's cats v3.8 now.
               DOS version packed using APACK v0.99b
               http://apack.cjb.net/ - jibz@hotmail.com - Joergen Ibsen
               Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by  - Jibz -  All Rights Reserved
               Greetings. [Apack is free for noncommerical use - with greeting.]
               Note: apack produces slightly smaller DOS exes than UPX, but
               UPX will make a win32 only binary about 20k.

October, 2000  Tree V4.00 Gold Revision G   KJD
               Internal version.  Not released.

Sept 11, 2000  Tree V4.00 Gold Revision F Release   KJD
               Recompiled DOS version using small model.  Found a
               minor bug in the large model compile. Will be fixed
               in next release (as soon as I figure out the cause).
               DOS version now packed using APACK v0.98b
               http://apack.cjb.net/ - jibz@hotmail.com - Joergen Ibsen
               Copyright (c) 1997-99 by  - Jibz -  All Rights Reserved
               [ Apack is free for noncommerical use - requires greeting. ]

Sept 7, 2000   Tree V4.00 Gold Revision E Release   KJD
               Updated w32fdos.cpp to use far pointers, allowing it
               to used in large and compact memory models.
               Changed traverseTree to reuse buffers instead
               of adding them to the stack with each recursive call.

Sept 2, 2000   Tree V4.00 Gold Revision D Release   KJD
               Modified tree source to use latest cats (v3.71), it
               includes most of the changes I made to v3.6 for 
               prior releases of tree v4.  Changed history.txt to
               changes.txt.  Added history.txt to reflect FreeDOS 
               versions of tree including ones prior to v4 tree.
               Added batch files to aid in compiling.

Aug 26, 2000   Tree V4.00 Gold Revision C Updated   KJD
               Added Aitor Santamaria Merino's corrected spanish
               translation (tree.es) and changed MAXLINE to support
               lines twice as long. [version change deemed unneccesary
               due to lack of availability of prior release]

Aug 25, 2000   Tree V4.00 Gold Revision C Release   KJD
               Added check in DOS get volume information for FreeDOS
               returning 0x02=File Not Found, instead of 0x12=No More
               Files when disk has no label.  

Aug 24, 2000   Tree v4.00 Gold Revision B Release   KJD
               Changed argument processing to allow the switch character
               and options to be read in from message catalog.  This is
               to allow easy changing of switch character and language
               specific option character(s).  Aitor Santamaria Merino
               is helping me to fix my spanish translation.
               Added tree.htm for Joe Cosentino's HTML Help (using
               existing tree.htm from HTML4.ZIP as basis).

Aug 22, 2000   Tree v4.00 Gold Revision A Release   KJD
               Added fix so LFN failure detection works properly under
               FreeDOS (beta 5 mini boot disk).  Now tree also works
               under FreeDOS (without using /S switch - force shortnames 
               only).  Also added initial spanish translation.

Aug 18, 2000   Tree v4.00 Gold Release   KJD
               This version contains fully functional tree (win32 and DOS),
               with support for Long FileNames, [DOS limited] network
               shares using Universal Naming Convention (\\server\share),
               near identical output to NT tree, and support for messages
               catalog (language specific output).  Tested under
               WinNT 2000SP1, WinNT 4SP6a, Win98SE, PC DOS 2000, and
               Caldera OpenDOS 7.01  [ Includes minor fixes, such as
               now using official DOS 4+ documented interface to get
               disk serial #. ]

Aug 15, 2000   Tree V4.00 Beta4 Release   KJD
               Added Long FileName support.

Aug 14, 2000   Tree V4.00 Beta3c (Beta3b updated)   KJD
               Minor code clean up and fixes for failing on network
               drives (in form \\server\share).

Aug 14, 2000   Tree V4.00 Beta3b (Beta3 updated)   KJD
               Added a fix to GetVolumeInformation(...) so under NT5
               properly detects failure.  NT5 does not change the
               carry flag on int 21h 0x6900, so the only test for
               failure is if it made no changes.

Aug 13, 2000   Tree V4.00 Beta3 Release   KJD
               Rewrote w32fdos to directly call DOS's findfirst/findnext.
               This is a much better DOS implementation.

Aug 13, 2000   Tree V4.00 Beta2 (updated)   KJD
               Added support for serial# using DOS 4+ internal
               int 21 0x6900 call.

Aug 11, 2000   Tree V4.00 Beta2 Release   KJD
               Added DOS support using Borland's findfirst, findnext.
               Supports volume label but not serial #.
               Not a good implementation, but appears to work.

Aug 10, 2000   Tree V4.00 Beta Release   KJD
               Tested cases produce identical results to WinNT's tree.
               Except return code, which instead of always 0, uses
               PC DOS 2000's return codes.  Still Win32 only.

Aug 9, 2000    Alpha version (Win32 only) of alternate tree.
               Adding LFN support and message support, so opting
               to rewrite instead of retro fitting FreeDOS tree v3.5
               with LFN findfirst/findnext/findclose and message
               catalog support.

Feb 2000       KJD For a short time official maintainer of tree.
               Wanted to add LFN support to tree (current then
               was v3.2 - port to Borland's compilers from v3.1).
               But alas, my time was consumed with my last
               class for my MS in CS. [ And yes I'm still working
               on that, but its near complete so I took a break
               to work on this. ]