FreeDOS Command Line Interface Development History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v0.85a ~~~~~ regression fix: ensure not setting errorlevel for all internal commands, exclude commands such IF FOR etc documentation update - merge/remove duplicate files, add history, general updates (links, email, etc) correct help for 'for' command, add %% escaping to printf so for command shows %a ... do ... %a instead of ?a ... do ... ?a use program exit code as errorlevel when using loadfix or loadhigh (unless error invoking program) compatibility improvement, don't print % when missing paired % on command lines (show 'somevar' not '%somevar') if COMSPEC isn't set, strdup an empty "" string instead of potential NULL pointer dereference add beginning of more comprehensive test batch file prevent debug builds crashing on startup, intr and lowexec needs to retf not retn for medium memory model builds (e.g.debug build) fix xms-swap debug build when returning from exec'd programs, fixup return segment and do a far return from xmsexec call v0.85 ~~~~~ From Kenneth J Davis support CMDLINE for command lines > 126 characters when invoking COMMAND.COM improve compatibility when executing external programs - from RBIL and other sources, the command line should end in just \r and if greater than 126 chars, the size byte should be 127 not actual size; still keep \0 if command line is short enough but allow 126 chars without terminating \0, set size to 127 if >126 misc batch file updates to aid in building multiple versions (languages/xmswap or not/compiler) support /E maxsize of 32768, FreeCOM documentation and MS/PC DOS document max value as 32768, due to use of signed int FreeCOM max size was actually 32766; change argument processing to use unsigned int and support up to 32768 as argument git should ignore generated files add files to GitHub so directs to GitHub hosted content From Andrew Bird fix build due to language keyword in strings file got renamed improve fixstrs compatibility with gcc-ia16 multiple build fixes for Linux due to case sensitive filenames muttiple fixes to avoid git encoding issues for translations slightly improved French translations from @cardpuncher fix so fixstrs does not segfault on incorrect input add the remaining translations to the CI build setup CI build on GitHub using GCC-ia16 and Open Watcom, multiple improvements to CI build remove duplicate translation the translation 'yu852' is identical to 'serbian' so remove it Update README - convert to Markdown, add build status badge, add links for Changes and Compile text documents fixstrs: Avoid sign extension of chars 128..255 - with GCC on Linux, cp850 char 0xa3 'ú' was being converted as 0xffffffa3, so be explicit about signedness and size of the parameter. fixstrs: fix invalid escape chars fixstrs: initialise version number, strupr should return the pointer passed in - fixes gcc warnings fixstrs: rename log variable - fix declaration mismatch build: Copy default file if config missing From lpproj dbcs fork add nls fallback, fix for running on DOS kernels that lack the nls API used Add build option `upx' to build a compressed execuable alias watcom=wc in build script Fix chcp report wrong codepage on old DOS before v3.30 (and v3.30 for NEC PC-9800 series) From p-durlej fork CLS: Use appropriate attribute values for common display modes. DIR: Fix DIR /O /W not putting newline before the summary. TYPE: Fix file open error handling TYPE: Fix partial read handling displayPrompt: prevent $P from being intermixed with INT 24H and phantom drive messages DEL: Fix printing the directory path when deleting all files From Jason Pittman Fix for multi-line commands in history, properly wrap and clear lines From Bart Oldeman Update French translation (corrected some grammatical errors) Add some more GCC options to reduce the size of Add comment about MinGW. From Sampo Hippeläinen better GOTO help translation improve/add Finnish translation From Emir Sari Fix typo Improve Turkish translations - fixes ambiguities and overall improves current translations From Francesco Sacco allow internal commands set the ERRORLEVEL Minor fixes for pt-br. From ghderty Translations: Update russian translation From Darrin M. Gorski Allow non-permanent instances to exit with the last errorlevel instead of zero. v0.84pre7 ~~~~~~~~~ fix: Check for Win64 in Watcom makefile via %ProgramFiles(x86) (Bart) chg: Build xms-swap by default (Bart) fix: Use -fno-builtin for GCC to use libc/overridden functions everywhere (Bart) chg: Use -mregparmcall for GCC. Needs adjustment of intr() prototype (still stdcall) (Bart) chg: Add linker script command.ld so relocations can be used in NASM code for GCC via _TEXTSEG. (Bart) fix: Force 8086-asm; use direct call far real_XMSexec instead of push/push/retf. Fixes #15 (Bart) fix: Move termination hook into seperate file and always use independent of XMS. Closes #16 (Bart) fix: Fix loadhigh failure when zero-byte free memory block is exist (Sava, lpproj) fix: Allow escape of > < | via ^> ^< and ^|. Fixes #12. (Bart) fix: Fix build break on msys2 (with *-mingw32-gcc and ia16-elf-gcc) (Sava,lpproj) fix: LH/LOADFIX call execute instead of exec and skip bat files. Fixes #8. (Bart) fix: LOADFIX: stop manipulating UMB link, use first fit>0x10000. Fixes #10. (Bart) fix: dosGetUMBLinkState needs to return state in _AL, not _AX (see #10) (Bart) fix: Avoid possible NULL dereference in dprintf. Fixes #9 (Bart) fix: XMScopy needs to be declared noinline for GCC to work correctly. (Bart) fix: Fix "copy con file" where file already exists. (Bart) We need to use devopen instead of dfnstat to check for src existence. fix: Create and use sfn_creat() for dos_creatnew() redone. Also rename dos_creatnew() to sfn_creatnew(). Using creat instead of creatnew for file creation avoids the need for truncation using write(), and the handle can be directly used without needing to reopen the file. However, differently from the previous try, LFNs are still reopened for compatibility with Windows 2000/XP. (Bart) fix: dos_read and dos_write now call farread/write for all compilers. This is more consistent and fixes truncating writes for GCC. (Bart) fix: Fix lfnmkdir to really create LFNs; easiest to separate out. (Bart) fix: Don't use expensive open/close to check for SFN. Instead use the boolean, then put in extra check to see if int21/ax=7160 works. (Bart) fix: Add stack checking, adapted from Tom Ehlert (Bart) fix: Save another 520 bytes of stack by reusing buffers where safe. (Bart) fix: myfnsplit(): use common buffer to store dir/name/ext to save stack space. This saves ~1250 bytes of stack and eliminates stack overflows in the ke2041 test in metados. (Bart) chg: Generate and from assembly language. (Bart) v0.84pre6 ~~~~~~~~~ fix: Revert to first-fit dosalloc for copy&dir buffers for non-large model (Bart) fix: Enable reporting of directory sizes up to 2TB (with Tom Ehlert) fix: dosalloc: apply carry to flag image for intr(), not directly via stc The carry flag was not preserved before. (Bart) fix: Use intr.asm with OW too, to be able to use SZAPC flags on input. (Bart) chg: Enable cross-compilation from 64-bit Windows using Open Watcom (Bart) fix: ia16-elf-gcc: intr( ) now loads flags before invoking interrupt (TK Chia) fix: compilation errors when LFN is disabled. Fixes #5. (Bart) fix: Allocate a large enough buffer for the rest of the command line. We need to use a full buffer for the rest to allow for alias expansion. Fixes #6. (Bart) fix: GCC: make sure that XMS calls get ds:si, otherwise ds can be wrong. (Bart) fix: OW: Use xmsfunc typedef and apply #pragma aux to that. This way XMScopy actually works, and passes the structure in si, so messages are copied correctly. Fixes issues with metados. (Bart) fix: keep asm inputs & clobbers separate in gcc port of dup2 (TK Chia) fix: ia16-elf-gcc code wrongly assumed XMS driver preserves %bx (TK Chia) fix: tell OW that bx/cx can be modified, similar to ia16-elf-gcc (Bart) fix: cmd: shift: use correct context, Fixes SF Bug #155 (Wolfram Sang) chg: Replace XMSrequest external asm with inline asm for GCC. (Bart) v0.84pre5 ~~~~~~~~~ add: Serbian/Yugoslavian for cp852 from freedoslocal (Dejan Strbac) add: Slovenian translations from freedoslocal (Matej Horvat) add: Turkish translations from freedoslocal. fix: Update French translations from freedoslocal (Mateusz Viste) fix: [bugs:#192] FOR %i IN (*.*) do @ECHO %i does not work fix: [bugs:#209] The shell doesn't display any error if exec fails. It will now say "EXE file corrupt" if the .exe file has a bogus header. chg: Reduce ifdef's for GCC, using new ia16-elf-gcc functionality. chg: Use cglobal and cextern macros in asm files for globals. fix: Use last-fit dosalloc for copy&dir buffers to work well with large model fix: Plug memory leak in and around comResFile(). fix: _dos_allocmem takes a pointer to unsigned, not unsigned long. fix: Wrap dprintf macro into do { ... } while (0); fix: Use only libc stdio in DEBUG build, not printf from clib. chg: Remove no longer used tempfile/rmtmpfile. fix: cgetchar_timed and eliminate its call to fputmc. chg: Replace fputmc calls by more direct memset/dos_write calls. fix: non-small (debug) model compilations for Turbo/Borland. chg: Compile debug version in medium memory model instead of large. fix: debug version (large model); enable for watcom. chg: Create and use sfn_creat() and use instead of dos_creatnew() fix: lfn_creat needs to truncate files that already exist. fix: hang for batchfiles that do not end with an EOL character. This fixes a hang with Rugxulo's metados.img. v0.84pre4 ~~~~~~~~~ fix: spelling, by Anders Jonsson fix: Edits to Swedish translation file, by Anders Jonsson fix: Make echolib.bat compatible with cmd.exe (Tom Ehlert) fix: Fix build for GCC-compiled load_icd.exe (Bart) fix: parsefnm failures and cleanup other inline asm for OW and GCC (Bart) fix: revert change keeping context alwyas on heap (caused out-of-memory) (Bart) fix: replace use of inline asm lcall/call for GCC with plain C calls (Bart) v0.84pre3 ~~~~~~~~~ fix: Make sure that ds=ss in XMSexec call (Bart) The newest ia16-elf-gcc floats ds inside functions and with the inline asm doesn't know it's a function call (Bart) chg: fmemcpy now compiles properly with ia16-elf-gcc (remove workaround) (Bart) chg: Use GNU Make instead of OW wmake to compile with ia16-elf-gcc (Bart) chg: Build strings without needing to create/remove the subdirectory (Bart) chg: Move xmssave and some related variables to near transient data This is possible since the resident code no longer references those Be careful to not write to any transient data after the save to XMS (Bart) chg: Fix "TODO make XMSsave two structures in order to drop this subroutine" (Bart) chg: Make XMSexec function near and move 80 resident code bytes to transient section. (Bart) chg: fix xms-swap TODO: first_time either 04ah or 049h --> no jumps (Bart) chg: xms-swap: move residentCS from cs: to ds: (Bart) fix: Stack size for OW needs to be 4K instead of default 2K. This matches Turbo C's default, and allows for some large stack users with LFNs. (Bart) chg: Reduce heap memory by only keeping the necessary rest of the command line. (Bart) chg: Keep the context permanently on the heap via realloc, to reduce fragmentation. (Bart) chg: Properly patch the heap size for Open Watcom The memory layout for OW is different from Turbo C. For Turbo, heap is below stack, but for OW it's the reverse. Hence OW keeps the data segment much more minimal by default. There is however a default sbrk increment of 8096 set by _amblksiz. If we set that to 6K instead the heap will stay at that size, so TSRs are loaded beyond that point (for non-XMS-SWAP that is, with XMS-SWAP it's completely different) (Bart) chg: getEnv: remove static pointers, caller responsible for free. Eliminating the 3-pointer dance and free-ing the environment variable pointer as soon as possible reduces heap fragmentation. (Bart) fix: Fix farwrite and hence copy for Turbo/GCC (Bart) fix: "dir" output for dates with our own printf. It supports %02u but not %.2u. Those produce the same result though (Bart) chg: port to ia16-elf-gcc (Bart) fix: kswap_p is a _seg * pointer so we need MK_SEG_PTR for compilers without _seg (Turbo C 2.01, OW). Otherwise the critical error handler is not installed correctly for non-xms-swap builds. (Bart) chg: Use "add si, byte 10" so old and new NASM generate the same opcodes (Bart) fix: Use proper prototypes on enum{File}Resources callback function (Bart) chg: allow Linux cross-compilation, port build utils to GCC-Linux (Bart) fix: Fix ren for files without extensions (passes NULL ptr for ext) (Bart) fix: Fix LOADHIGH for compilers without _seg pointers. Use FP_SEG instead of casting the pointer to unsigned, as _seg is defined to far on compilers without _seg (e.g. Watcom) (Bart) fix: IF EXIST should auto-fail critical errors due to empty drive (Tom & Jeremy) add: %CD% as alternative to %_CWD% (Tom) fix: Use screen height 25 when 0 returned as current height, from Mateusz Viste, bug #131 see (Jeremy) chg: Merged fcompl1 and fcompl2.c to filecomp.c (Bart) chg: Untangle findfirst/next/close definitions to make them more explicit (Bart) chg: Consistently use dos_open/dos_close/dos_read/dos_write, etc The problem with _open, _read, etc. is that they mean different things to Turbo than for OW: Turbo _open is like _dos_open but OW _open is an alias for open (Bart) chg: Eliminate open() in favor of _open/_creat/dos_creatnew (Bart) chg: Eliminate fgets(), replacing with _read() (Bart) chg: Use backspaces instead of gotoxy calls to clear a command line (Bart) chg: Use _write for all printf style writes in prf.c and for putc(har). Remove fflush and setbuf calls (Bart) chg: Eliminate fputs everywhere except for prf.c (Bart) chg: Eliminate read() by using _read() everywhere (Bart) chg: Remove references to fopen / fcloseall for non-debug builds (Bart) chg: Use open/read/close instead of fopen/fread/fclose everywhere (Bart) fix: EnumFileResources function arguments to all use handles instead of streams (Bart) fix: Fix loadModule: it should use an int fd for a handle instead of a FILE *. (Bart) chg: replaced all text mode write()s by binary _write()s to save RTL usage space (Bart) chg: farread/farwrite cleanup of DOS r/w's (Bart) chg: Use handle I/O instead of stream I/O for resources to save space (Bart) chg: Change geninterrupt emulation to use intr() instead of int86x() for consistency (Bart) chg: Centralize LFN functions for mkdir/rmdir/chdir (Bart) fix: Support precision flag and size/precision from argument list in abbreviated printf function, to fix "dir /lfn" (Bart) fix: Don't truncate when not necessary for LFN opens. Works around an FD kernel bug were truncating a 0-byte file caused an error (Bart). fix: "copy con file" (Bart) fix: COPY: trailing /a and /b options only apply to the last (destination) file, not globally, when concatenating, "/a" is the default. (Bart) chg: Replace stream i/o for COPY by simpler handle i/o, so fileno doesn't need to be used all the time. (Bart) chg: Use BIGcopy() for both ascii and binary copies. ASCII just means to check for Ctrl-Z, don't mess with line endings, so do that manually using fmemchr. When eof is detected, no more reads are needed. (Bart) fix: COPY: The /B switch should switch devices to raw mode (see nansi.sys documentation). Fix errors given for "copy [/a|/b] file.txt con". (Bart) chg: Use small printf() from the kernel source with a few modifications to do some buffering. Saves 3.5K in RTL code for OW. (Bart) fix: exit() needs to be overriden for OpenWatcom as well as Turbo C. (Bart) fix: Fix direct _seg pointer casts for Open Watcom (and also Turbo C 2.01)(Bart) fix: Fix size of LFN in struct locffblk, and make sure the ffblk structs are packed (Bart) fix: Fix devopen in OW using stdarg.h and proper prototypes (Bart) fix: Fix xms-swap for Open Watcom (Bart) fix: Set stdout to unbuffered for Watcom as it is by default for Turbo C (Bart) fix: Use stdarg.h to avoid messing with prototypes in, and fixing Open Watcom' use of env_replace (Bart) fix: Update build system to support Open Watcom. Introduce config.b/config.bat like in the kernel source to be able to configure make/wmake locations (Bart) fix: ISR/dir.h/stpcpy/string/?etverify/parsfnm related changes for OW compatibility (Bart) chg: Use IREGS/intrpt instead of struct REGPACK/intr everywhere for OW compatibility. Similarly, USEREGS simulates geninterrupt (Bart) fix: Avoid Turbo C specific use of sizeof in preprocessor expressions (Bart) fix: Adjust makefiles to be compatible with TC 2.01's very limited MAKE utility (no redirection) (Bart) fix: Fix compiler warnings (Bart) chg: Handle .obj dependencies for suppl instead of rebuilding every time (Bart) chg: Prune unused files from stripped-down suppl (Bart) chg: Remove duplicate .h files from suppl source (Bart) fix: Do not compare (signed) to ' ' but use iscntrl() - otherwise, FIXSTRS may chop trailing non-ASCII (eg Russian) words away (Eric Auer). fix: Fixed compilation completely with Turbo C (Blair). fix: Got rid of all '//' comments (Blair) fix: Support for BC (Blair) fix: Fix for compiler oddities (Arkady). fix: Fixed bug in Truename (Blair). fix: Print long filename current directory (Blair). fix: Use safer intr routine rather than directly modify registers (Blair). fix: Moved lfnsup to a place where it will not be overwritten (Blair). add: Add option to compile to support switch character instead of hardcoded '/' (Blair) add: The new SET /E feature. (Blair) fix: Fixed long filename handling in DIR. (Blair) fix: COPY uses static-size buffers now to prevent known problems with dynamic allocation. (Blair) fix: Improved PATH handling routine (Arkady). fix: Fixed (hopefully) bug in %PATH% parsing routing and A:/B: random accessing bug (Blair). fix: Fixed bug where a directory could be found in %PATH% parsing (Blair). chg: Added Polish translation, updated French&Italian translation (Blair). chg: Made RD/MD/CD more buggy-lfn-implementation friendly (Blair). chg: Removed usage of CLIB perror function and reduced executable size by nearly 1 kb. Since perror was only used in ren and del, and only two possible errnos exist, the function can be minimized, and also as an added advantage, the errors that were printed can now be translated (Blair). v0.84pre2 ~~~~~~~~~ add: exec sets CMDLINE if command-line is longer than 125 characters; if setting CMDLINE fails, so does exec. (All DJGPP-compiled apps and various others support CMDLINE for passing parameters) chg: Size optimizations chg: CONIO dependencies removed - smaller size chg: VER /R now prints the FreeDOS version string chg: SET VAR can display %VAR% instead of syntax error chg: Remove version strings fix: COPY now checks for existance of source file before asking to overwrite destination add: ukr.lng: Ukrainian translated messages add: default.lng: LFNFOR messages add: LFN support for REN, COPY, IF EXIST, DEL, FOR (LFNFOR), MKDIR, CHDIR, RMDIR, TYPE, TRUENAME, filename completion (LFNFOR COMPLETE), command execution, and redirection; set LFN=n to disable chg: DIR/LFN: now displays lfn for all files that return one fix: IF: /I option parsing interfered with /whatever tests fix: DIR: divide by 0 {TE, Eric, & Mark Bailey} v0.84pre: ~~~~~~~~~ fix: DIR/VOL: bug#1809, volume label missing spaces {KJD} fix: VOL: syntax error if extra whitespace after drive {KJD} add: CDD: if given path to a valid filename, ignore filename portion instead of error add: SET /U: indicate that the value will be stored in env var in UPPERCASE add: DIR: bug#1889, added limited 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION file support {KJD} add: IF: /I option for case insensitive comparisons, if /I "Aa"=="aA" echo is true fix: IF: bug#1885, fix if exists on system/hidden files {Erwin Veermans} fix: LH: fix wrong errorlevel returned when program goes resident {KJD} fix: default.lng: typos and misc corrections {Bernd Blaauw} fix: swedish.lng & swedish.err so correctly builds add: /Z: lib\dispexit.c missing, added new implementation {KJD} add: /Z: Display exit code after external command {Bernd Blaauw} fix: LH: Errorlevel of program effects LH's error reporting {Eric Auer} chg: BUILD.BAT: Removed CONFIG.MAK and add the warning concering CONFIG.STD fix: CONFIG.MAK: changes of CONFIG.MAK propagate to all make's chg: SUPPL: integrate a stripoped down variant of SUPPL into CVS {Tom Ehlert} [#1794] add: CRITER: Repeat check autofail magic {Tom Ehlert/Eric Auer} fix: CLS: cut debug message add: DIR: display LFNs if enabled with /lfn [Tom Ehlert] add: DIR: display FAT32 free space on drive [Tom Ehlert] chg: res_r.c: don't use relative seek; fails under NTFSdos [Tom Ehlert] chg: doc DIR: note about how many entries can be sorted with /O [Eric Auer] bugfix: DIR: /b don't append spurios spaces {fd-doc#226} bugfix: use of the nls thousands separator in convert() [Eduardo Casino] add: ITALIAN.ERR {Roberto Mariottini} bugfix: CHCP: use n to set new codepage [Eduardo Casino] add: cmdinput.c: Ctrl-Left & Ctrl-Right [Tom Ehlert] fix: xms-swap.mak: dependencies [Tom Ehlert] chg: init.c: Don't displays command on startup [Tom Ehlert] {common request} bugfix: init.c: invalid empty MSDOS environment [Tom Ehlert] fix: appendDisable(): should disable APPEND [Eduardo Casino] fix: /LOW option upd: ITALIAN.LNG {Roberto Mariottini} fix: help screen of internal commands causes "Unknown command error" {Bernd Blaauw} chg: REN: disable APPEND.EXE {Eduardo Casino} fix: DIR: disable APPEND.EXE during DIR processing {Eduardo Casino} bugfix: CLS: use BIOS, unless fd1 is file or NUL {Eric Auer} add: config.h: MUX_AE_MAX_REPEAT_CALL bugfix: MUX-AE: useage of DS:[SI] {Eduardo Casino} bugfix: COPY C: D: heap corruption [#556] {Tom Ehlert} fix: PROMPT $V: include FreeCOM version information [#1776] fix: docu: typo and mailing list [#1774] fix: docu: mailing list at topica {Arkady V.Belousov} upd: german.lng [Eric Auer] bugfix: argv[1] and no ComPath stuff [#1761] fix: typo upd: documentation: batch processing, Bugzilla bugfix: documentation of wildcards [#1727] fix: get_redirection(): double comment mark /* {Arkady V.Belousov} bugfix: get_redirection(): apostrophe used as quote bugfix: readcommandline(): spurious \n after commands [#1721] bugfix: readbatchline(): permit @ before labels [#1747] bugfix: onoffStr(): do not ignore leading argument delimiters [#1736] add/upd: CVS $id$ keywords to/of files bugfix: misidentifying unspecific failures from within SUPPL [#1616] v0.83 Beta 56: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: DIR: /O (single sort order) {Tom Ehlert} bugfix: CONFIG.H: enabled CHCP by default fix: typos bugfix: cached NLS data not flushed fix: DIR: correct attribute behaviour, no + syntax {Tom Ehlert} fix: DIR /A-S need to default to attrMay == any fix: DIR: bailing out if boolean switches found with /A fix: DIR /S: if not found a single item, display error add: SET /P {based on luojiuming} bugfix: removed /V from CMDHELP_DIR add: DIR /A*** (selected attributes) {based on patch from Michael Devore} v0.83 Beta 54: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: prevent from executing non-*.bat/com/exe files [part 1) BugID #966] bugfix: calling an external program: preserve leading spaces [BugID #752] bugfix: ECHO: preserve leading spaces [BugID #1081] v0.83 Beta 52: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: CHCP (disabled by default) bugfix: COPY: additional output to honor redirection {Eric Auer} [bugID #1313] bugfix: onOffStr(): zaps trailing argument delimiters, e.g. ECHO set= add: save/restore session (swap context) {Tom Ehlert} bugfix: CTTY CON -> missing CR's {Eric Auer} [bugID #1441] v0.83 Beta 50: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: /?: found on all the command line fix: %0 to return batchfilename as typed on cmd line (bug: maybe upcased) chg: enumResources(): handle fnam == 0 (file open error) bugfix: FreeCOM should accept relative path as argv[0] bugfix: FreeCOM is to pass the fully-qualified path to DOS-4B-00 bugfix: use %1 (and assoc) in FOR commands (activeBatchContext()) add: auto-vars ERRORLEVEL and _CWD (current working directory) bugfix: removed %? because of incompatibly with existing scripts bugfix: none-working LOADFIX {Tom Ehlert} bugfix: XMS-Swap/LOADHIGH: crashes {Tom Ehlert} v0.83 Beta 48: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: XMS-Swap/LOADHIGH: wrongly calculated UMBs if loaded into UMB {Tom Ehlert} fix: expand environment variables within FOR ()'s (utter hack, to be replaced) chg: do not strip control characters from command line bugfix: FOR: If a pattern fails to match, --> ignore {Tom Ehlert} bugfix: FOR and redirection [BugID #1050, #708, #1041] chg: documentary about new build process, build48.html add: DUTCH.LNG {Bernd Blaauw} chg: BUILD.BAT: To display %LNG% at XMS-Swap remark add: to use on a cdrom to create localized versions {Bernd Blaauw} fix: COMMAND.COM /P/C cmd: hangs in endless loop, should become interactive bugfix: CONFIG.MAK: default location of SUPPL fix: IF ERRORLEVEL non-numeric hack (H? / x?) {Tom Ehlert} [Bug #1066] add: pt/BR Strings {Max M. Velasques} v0.83 Beta 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: COPY: keep file time if not appending chg: upload.txt: update options of DIFF utility bugfix: documentation: link to ftp://sourceforge bugfix: shell\batch.c: incorrect dfn.h path v0.83 Beta 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ upd: documented bug of 16bit NASM version 0.98.34 compiled on Jun 17 2002 v0.83 Beta 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: feature ENVIRONMENT_KEEP_FREE bugfix: DOS memory corruption by bad struct MCB declaration v0.83 Beta 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: ^Break detection after XMS-Swapping v0.83 Beta 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chg: cswap.asm: make local stack 256 (as RBIL suggests) bugfix: cswap.asm: make local stack 200 bytes to let MS NET work (Tom Ehlert) chg: init.c: removed warning about non-used arguments bug: config.h: re-enabled LOADHIGH/FIX chg: BUILD.BAT to handle XMS-Swap better bugfix: CTTY: added to try to set the device flags bugfix: LOADHIGH: disable swapping when executing bugfix: init.c: /p:arg ignores argument add: XMS-Only Swap feature (FEATURE_XMS_SWAP) (Tom Ehlert) chg: COPY: appFile unneccessarily declared FAR (Tom Ehlert) bugfix: cmdinput.c: histGet(,str,maxlen) (Tom Ehlert) bugfix: mux_ae.h: #ifdef --> #if (Tom Ehlert) bugfix: day/month read from ff_time reversed (John Price) bugfix: IF lower==LOWER bug; MS COMMAND compares case-sensitively fix: Several typos in documentation 2003/03/09 Tom Ehlert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: DIR /A** and /O*** 2002/10/16 Alain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: COPY: keep file time 2002/04/02 Tom Ehlert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: XMS-Only Swap feature (FEATURE_XMS_SWAP) 2002/03/31 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chg: COPY: appFile unneccessarily declared FAR (Tom Ehlert) bugfix: cmdinput.c: histGet(,str,maxlen) (Tom Ehlert) bugfix: mux_ae.h: #ifdef --> #if (Tom Ehlert) bugfix: day/month read from ff_time reversed (John Price) bugfix: IF lower==LOWER bug; MS COMMAND compares case-sensitively fix: Several typos in documentation v0.83 Beta 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: if FREECOM.COM /P without AUTOEXEC.BAT --> assert() failure. add: if DEBUG enabled: internal command EXIT!! that ignores /P chg: FEATURE_BOOT_KEYS: mandory boot keys (F5/F8) turned into optional compile-time option; disabled by default now as the kernel provides F5/F8 checking chg: some document updates v0.83 Beta 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: SET /I: To display the size and unused area in env segm (about 700 bytes increase of image; WILL BE REMOVED WITH NEXT STABLE RELEASE) bugfix: INIT.C/COMMAND.C: in MS DOS environment no program expects that the string area of an environment is used and is therefore killed. FreeCOM now zeroes the string counter in order to let SUPPL work correctly. Warning: Known Bug: Now test is made, if the two bytes for the counter is not available, thus, the env_nullStrings() function fails. bugfix: INIT.C: negated test for FreeDOS's build >= 2025 v0.83 Beta 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: scancmd.c: /B and /A let COPY fail (ec == E_Ignore) (bug 829) upd: HTML section v0.83 Beta 25: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: pre-compiled package BINARY.ZIP without command-line editing chg: FreeCOM archive (== executable) is opened read-only. v0.83 Beta 21: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: process_input(): iscntrl() does not advance ip possible bugfix: force to default to _unsigned_ char as built-in macros do not work with signed char > 127 v0.83 Beta 15: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: expalias: if malloc() fails, random expanded is free'ed bugfix: nls_maketime(): 12hour display does not free AM/PM id fix: dbg_printmem() if compiled in Large memory model, near is invalid 2001/06/11 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fix: dbg_printmem() if compiled in Large memory model, near is invalid 2001/06/11 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ release of v0.83 Beta 14: add: ALIAS HTML documentation bugfix: MEMORY displays batch nesting level, although, not implemented, yet 2001/06/10 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: Single point of configuration CONFIG.MAK/.H: CONFIG.MAK <-> Compiler specific settings, paths etc. CONFIG.H <-> FreeCOM releated settings, included commands etc. bugfix: DEFAULT strings for COMMAND /?, WHICH /?, DOSKEY /?, DIR /? (/A & /O) add: error message if debugging when to open the resource file failed bugfix: links in FreeCOM.html & typos in commands database add: check for low memory during init() when debugging bugfix: TYPE: first argument only bugfix: DATE: does not accept empty line bugfix: >>PATH<< with empty %PATH% --> PATH=(null) fix: BREAK/VERIFY ignore trailing spaces fix: >>PATH ;<< remove PATH environment variable fix: cache 3 environment variables to overcome nested useage (e.g. when loading message segment to print environment variable) bugfix: keep trailing spaces of command line v0.83 Beta 14: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: ALIAS HTML documentation bugfix: MEMORY displays batch nesting level, although, not implemented, yet bugfix: Single point of configuration CONFIG.MAK/.H: CONFIG.MAK <-> Compiler specific settings, paths etc. CONFIG.H <-> FreeCOM releated settings, included commands etc. bugfix: DEFAULT strings for COMMAND /?, WHICH /?, DOSKEY /?, DIR /? (/A & /O) add: error message if debugging when to open the resource file failed bugfix: links in FreeCOM.html & typos in commands database add: check for low memory during init() when debugging bugfix: TYPE: first argument only bugfix: DATE: does not accept empty line bugfix: >>PATH<< with empty %PATH% --> PATH=(null) fix: BREAK/VERIFY ignore trailing spaces fix: >>PATH ;<< remove PATH environment variable fix: cache 3 environment variables to overcome nested useage (e.g. when loading message segment to print environment variable) bugfix: keep trailing spaces of command line chg: default heap size (tools\ptchsize) set to 6KB chg: error displaying functions centralized into lib\err_fcts.src add: displayError() chg: all errors are displayed through functions void error_*() bugfix: somtimes error messages are not displayed (see displayError()) bugfix: docommand(): type:file must pass ":file" to TYPE bugfix: error_sfile(): string _SFILE_ bugfix: error message on empty redirection bugfix: comma and semicolon ';' are recognized as argument seperators of internal commands fix: config.mak: missing libpath & "-d" causes crashes fix: cmdinput.c: first histGet() is not #if'ed chg: new directory structure chg: If DEBUG enabled, no available commands are displayed on startup fix: PTCHSIZE also patches min extra size to force to have this amount of memory available on start bugfix: CALL doesn't reset options add: PTCHSIZE to patch heap size add: VSPAWN, /SWAP switch, .SWP resource handling bugfix: COMMAND.COM A:\ bugfix: CALL: if swapOnExec == ERROR, no change of swapOnExec allowed add: command MEMORY bugfix: runExtension(): destroys command[-2] add: clean.bat add: localized CRITER strings chg: use LNG files for hard-coded strings (hangForEver(), init.c) via STRINGS.LIB add: DEL.C, COPY.C, CBREAK.C: STRINGS-based prompts add: fixstrs.c: prompts & symbolic keys add: fixstrs.c: backslash escape sequences add: version IDs to DEFAULT.LNG and validation to FIXSTRS.C chg: splitted code apart into LIB\*.c and CMD\*.c bugfix: IF is now using error system & STRINGS to report errors add: CALL: /N bugfix: mktempfile(): if realloc() fails, fn is not deallocated bugfix: showcmds(): always display all implemented (though possibly not available) features fix: criter.asm: DEBUG does no longer compile to .COM (for consistency) chg: removed all NULLs to prevent NULL problematic, functions must be used fully prototyped now v0.82 pl 3: ~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: Ask for FreeCOM location when STRINGS are missing [#687] bugfix: INIT: FreeCOM-path and TTY can be in any order chg: SCRIPTS\MAKECMD.BAT: replaces MAKE_LNG.BAT, make localized FreeCOMs add: SCRIPTS\MAKE_LNG.BAT: Make language-specific FreeCOM from *.LNG files {Bernd Blaauw} add: SPANISH.LNG/ERR {Aitor Santamarˇa Merino} add: copy.c: BIGcopy() - large buffer r/w copy {Tom Ehlert} add: total update/rewrite GERMAN.LNG {Clemens Löser} bugfix: FIXSTRS: TEXT_CMDHELP_FOR: Invalid warning for %v {Bernd Blaauw} bugfix: CRITERR: to use DOS API {Tom Ehlert/Bart Oldeman} bugfix: LOADHIGH: deallocating context if /L is present {Tom Ehlert} fix: set.c: warning missing prototype strchr() bugfix: /F (AutoFail) for the XMS_Swap variant bugfix: COPY * X: re-linked to correct SUPPL version fix: typos [#1694,#1696,#1695] add: FOR/?: example [#1679] bugfix: typo: bad varable specification [#1678] fix: copy(): replace chsize() to not fill with '\0's {Tom Ehlert} add: copy(): Speed-Up by pre-creating the file {Tom Ehlert} bugfix: BATCH.C: extract of label name failed due to macro {Tom Ehlert} add: Serbian CP437 LNG/ERR files {Dejan Strbac} add: Swedish CP850 LNG/ERR files {Oscar Molin} v0.82 pl 2: ~~~~~~~~~~~ chg: Prevent double-parsing of redirection in CALL and IF chg: updated FreeCOM implementation status doc add: documentation for Benny levels, IF and TESTS\BENNY.BAT bugfix: FREECOM.COM /?: is to terminate unless /P is present [Andrew Sly] bugfix: Cleanup HTML docs to pass W3C validation fix: typo in HISTORY /? {Andrew Sly} chg: wilcard matching: COPY/REN *.TXT ???b.*: If length of source filename is less than 3, the superflous question marks are ignored, as in MS COMMAND v6.22 COPY, but INCOMPATIBLE to same version's REN, which embeds spaces bugfix: CRITSTRS: hexa-decimal (%&??) interpretation {Strbac Dejan} upd: STRINGS\DUTCH.LNG {Bernd Blaauw} bugfix: CVS problem regarding strings\dutch.lng add: Russian/CP866 language file {Sandul} bugfix: dfnstat(): Use DOS-44-09 for "X:" {Bart Oldeman} fix: memory leak (newname) in REN add: MS COMMAND-style wildcards for REN {Wolf Bergenheim} add: Serbian language files {Strbac Dejan} v0.82 pl 1: ~~~~~~~~~~~ chg: Version number scheme: all v0.83 Beta <> really are predecessors of v0.82 pl 1 fix: DIR: /O default sort order add: DEL: /V option [#1587] chg: tracemode: print prompt prior command [#1487] add: CALL /Y: To enable tracemode during command bugfix: PROMPT $T: hour: space padded; fraction zero padded [#1481] bugfix: command line scanner: must accept ' and ` as filename characters hence dropping them as quote character [#1244] bugfix: DIR: /4 synonym for /Y [#937] bugfix: COPY: remove created files on error [#756] fix: COPY: broken wildcarded source pattern add: COPY: colon'ed device names on command line, e.g. COPY CON: file [#225] fix: COPY: con: is misinterpreted as C: fix: DIR: /O: endless loop /OU; ignored /OG; /OE: return 0 if no extension add: DIR: /O: multiple /O** conditions {Tom Ehlert} bugfix: COPY: process directories as if "*.*" were appended bugfix: split(): out-of-mem condition during building argument array v0.81 beta 1: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: _fstrchr() doesnot find '\0' bugfix: NULL problematic v0.81 beta 0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: "copy 1 + 2 + 3 target" copies first & last file only add: interactive command flag add: FDDEBUG may redirect output into file bugfix: STRINGS resource length value counts 1. string twice sub: enumResources() won't check secondary files no longer fix: MKTOOLS must include $(CFG) into list add: command WHICH fix: BUILD.BAT and accompanying makefiles for TC++ v1.01 bugfix: if ENHANCED_INPUT && !HISTORY, CurRight falls through to CurLeft bugfix: CB_CATCH: In DEBUG mode: recursive test fails always bugfix: KSSF: restore parentPSP on exit chg: using STRINGS resource for all non-interactive messages chg: moved all assembly files to NASM v0.80b ~~~~~~ add: DIR /Y to display 4digit year fix: DIR displays "bytes free" at the very end, but if more than one argument is specified, it only displays the free bytes of the very last argument. The line is now printed after the display of each argument. bugfix: When the "bytes free" are displayed the used drive letter had been deallocated already. add: NLS-compatible input of date add: NLS-compatible display of date & time (incl DIR) fix: parse years 80..199 as century 1900 (by Arkady) chg: removed some static variables chg: made all global functions & variables static to LOADHIGH.C sub: LH.ASM/LOADHIGH.C: duplicate functions (memory API, farmemcmp) fix: doc of DATE, TIME, FreeCOM v0.80a ~~~~~~ chg: two-digit year -> 2000 if less than 80 add: DATE /D and TIME /T v0.80: ~~~~~~ chg: canexit disabled by default, allowed within initialize() chg: command table uppercased as Installable Commands use uppercased names add: installable COMMAND extensions FEATURE_EXTENSIONS add: F1, F3, F5, cur-right add: French Strings file add: German Strings file add: useage of %COPYCMD% v0.79dá2: ~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: "CD." and analogeous commands v0.79dá1: ~~~~~~~~~ add: FEATURE_ENHANCED_INPUT and it's non-defined variant bugfix: "%1" could writer behind end of string bugfix: check of length of external command line was considered too long chg: moved check for length of external command line in order to let batch files use the internal length v0.79dá: ~~~~~~~~ bugfix: "line too long" error if last line of batch files has no newline bugfix: root path not recognized, e.g. in "C:\PATH> \program" 2001/04/31 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chg: default heap size (tools\ptchsize) set to 6KB chg: error displaying functions centralized into lib\err_fcts.src add: displayError() chg: all errors are displayed through functions void error_*() bugfix: somtimes error messages are not displayed (see displayError()) bugfix: docommand(): type:file must pass ":file" to TYPE bugfix: error_sfile(): string _SFILE_ bugfix: error message on empty redirection bugfix: comma and semicolon ';' are recognized as argument seperators of internal commands fix: config.mak: missing libpath & "-d" causes crashes fix: cmdinput.c: first histGet() is not #if'ed chg: new directory structure chg: If DEBUG enabled, no available commands are displayed on startup fix: PTCHSIZE also patches min extra size to force to have this amount of memory available on start bugfix: CALL doesn't reset options add: PTCHSIZE to patch heap size add: VSPAWN, /SWAP switch, .SWP resource handling bugfix: COMMAND.COM A:\ bugfix: CALL: if swapOnExec == ERROR, no change of swapOnExec allowed add: command MEMORY bugfix: runExtension(): destroys command[-2] add: clean.bat add: localized CRITER strings chg: use LNG files for hard-coded strings (hangForEver(), init.c) via STRINGS.LIB add: DEL.C, COPY.C, CBREAK.C: STRINGS-based prompts add: fixstrs.c: prompts & symbolic keys add: fixstrs.c: backslash escape sequences add: version IDs to DEFAULT.LNG and validation to FIXSTRS.C chg: splitted code apart into LIB\*.c and CMD\*.c bugfix: IF is now using error system & STRINGS to report errors add: CALL: /N bugfix: mktempfile(): if realloc() fails, fn is not deallocated bugfix: showcmds(): always display all implemented (though possibly not available) features fix: criter.asm: DEBUG does no longer compile to .COM (for consistency) chg: removed all NULLs to prevent NULL problematic, functions must be used fully prototyped now 2001/02/27 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fix: criter.asm: DEBUG does no longer compile to .COM (for consistency) chg: removed all NULLs to prevent NULL problematic, functions must be used fully prototyped now 2001/02/20 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ release v0.81 beta 1 bugfix: _fstrchr() doesnot find '\0' bugfix: NULL problematic 2001/02/16 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: "copy 1 + 2 + 3 target" copies first & last file only add: interactive command flag add: FDDEBUG: redirect output into file add: command WHICH chg: moved all assembly sources to NASM chg: using STRINGS resources for all non-interactive strings bugfix: if ENHANCED_INPUT && !HISTORY, CurRight falls through to CurLeft bugfix: CB_CATCH: In DEBUG mode: recursive test fails always bugfix: KSSF: restore parentPSP on exit 2001/02/14 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fix: parse years 80..199 as century 1900 (by Arkady) chg: removed some static variables chg: made all global functions & variables static to LOADHIGH.C sub: LH.ASM/LOADHIGH.C: duplicate functions (memory API, farmemcmp) fix: doc of DATE, TIME, FreeCOM 2001/02/08 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chg: two-digit year -> 2000 if less than 80 add: DATE /D and TIME /T 2000/12/13 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ released v0.80 2000/12/10 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add: Installable Commands interface (MUX_AE.*) FEATURE_INSTALLABLE_COMMANDS chg: F3 == complete string add: cur-right at end of string == F1 fix: F5 removes cursor sometimes 2000/11/28 (Owen Rudge ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added support for F1, F3 and F5, as in MS COMMAND.COM F1 = Insert next character from last buffer F3 = Complete string (NOTE: in this version, replaces string) F5 = Places current string in buffer, moves to next line 2002/10/09 Michael Kj”rling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: directory commands now support periods without leading space 2000/09/26 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: "%1" expansion could overwrite end of string bugfix: length of external command line was assumed too long chg: moved check of length of ext cmdline before exec() in order to allow batch files use the internal length 2000/08/15 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chg: layout of CVS: + removed all pre-compiled files but COMMAND.COM for English + pre-compiled files can be downloaded from See DOWNLOAD.TXT + created a "localizer" package add: FIXSTRS.EXE now creates a third file STRINGS.LOG to help to localize the strings; see DOCS\LOCALIZE.TXT 2000/08/15 Ron Cemer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: Piping, when the tempfile is opened for read-only access for the 2nd command it's still opened for write-only for the 1st one. This may fail, see DOCS\PIPING.TXT 2000/07/24 Ron Cemer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fix: COPY fix: environment handling 2000/07/10 Ron Cemer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: for DIR /S fix: COPY (started) 2000/07/10 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chg: To support to change the STRINGS.DAT file without recompiling FreeCOM, the format of STRINGS.DAT and FIXSTRS was updated see FIXSTRS.C for more information 2000/06/22 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added TC++1 fix contributed by Ron Cemer 2000/06/22 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ released version v0.79b 2000/06/22 ska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o add: CDD - changes drive and directory o add: FEATURE_LAST_DIR - "CD -" as in 4/Ndos o bugfix: "CD C:" has to display cwd of drive C: 01-Jun-2000 (D. Lucas Parker ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Added PUSHD, POPD, and DIRS commands similar to 4/NDOS, in file DSTACK.C 1-Apr-2000 0.79 Henry Voigt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: ver.c : options uninitilized - every second output of ver with the same option is empty (except FreeCom-string) 19-May-2000 James Tabor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Import FreeCom from John Price CVS at to the new CVS at 30-Mar-2000 0.79 John Price ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added fddebug command so you can turn debug output on and off. 30-Mar-2000 0.79 Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Merged in code from Revision 0.78ska1 & 0.78ska2) add: internal command CTTY: redirects the three standard file descriptors stdin, stdout and stderr to the specified device add: FEATURE_CALL_LOGGING & tool PTCHLDRV bugfix: Y2K: DIR displays year 2000 as "100" + bugfix: if: case-insensitive compare in "==" format + bugfix: if: added support for quoted operands of "==" format + add: if: detailed error messages + bugfix: if: keyword "EXIST" misspelled + bugfix: echo: "ECHO" does not display the ECHO status + bugfix: goto: label may be prefixed by one colon + bugfix: "skipwd" is commented out --> SUPPL's skipwd() is used which is not 100% compatible, though 20-Sep-1999 0.78 Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chg: added v0.77 patches <> chg: centralized DEBUG stuff (see debug.*) add: SET: Issues no-such-variable if a variable could not be removed bugfix: COPY *.C A: chg: automatic load of messages and keep them in memory add: session management add: comments add: command line scanner acts over both internal command lines and arguments of COMMAND.COM itself ==> added longname options chg: replaced access() by dfnstat() chg: replaced stat() by dfnstat() chg: split() may recieve NULL as line --> empty line add: every internal command that can display some information, can be called with parameter == NULL and this info is displayed. cmd_echo(NULL) will display ECHO status. add: ECHO. hack chg: every internal command detects and scans the options in the same way; see CMT3.TXT add: DEL accepts multiple arguments bugfix: "FOR %a IN (dir\*.*) DO" expands to "dir\..." instead of just "..." bugfix: %9 wrong, if 9 > number of paramters chg: %0 returns fullname; see CMT2.TXT chg: rewritten COPY. Now behaves as described in CMT4.TXT 29-Apr-1999 0.77 (John P Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o dir.c: changed dir so it always shows the bytes free. Changed so that "dir command" with no extension will do as "dir command.*" (as it should). Also made the display of the directory not include the whole filespec, but only the directory o copy.c: Now works if dest is just a drive letter. (i.e "copy file a:") 25-Apr-1999 0.77 Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bugfix: alias.c: aliasexpand(): The main loop is multiply executed, if at least one alias was expanded (controlled by variable 'd'). However, because 'ptr' is never resetted, the second loop always immediately fails, because 'ptr' is still NULL. bugfix: batch.c: batch_params(): Copying a quoted argument: If the string is not terminated, the do-while loop stops, then copies the '\0' byte, then increments s2 --> s2 now behind the string. bugfix: batch.c: batch(): fullname is duplicated into heap, but not freed if this function fails bugfix: batch.c: batch(): no error checking of batch_params() add: cmdinput.c: readcommand(): ^C: as ESC, also sets ECHO to ON bugfix: copy.c: cmd_copy(): If malloc of sources fails, 'p' is not freed bugfix: dir.c: cmd_dir(): dircmd can be NULL bugfix: filecomp.c: complete_filename(): makelower undefined if count < 0 bugfix: for.c: cmd_for(): missing out-of-memory check with batch_params() bugfix: goto.c: cmd_goto(): leave the current FOR contexts add: command.h/misc.c: match(), matchtok(), match_() test if a word begins a line, if so, skip over it and following spaces add: misc.c: comFile(): returns the absolute filename of COMMAND.COM add: misc.c: comPathFile(): returns the name of a file located in the directory as COMMAND.COM chg: init.c: ComDir: replaced by ComPath, comFile() & comPathFile() fix: init.c: initialize(): combination of "/p" and "/c"|"/k" did not work bugfix: command.c: process_input(): FOR hack: On command line one can enter "FOR %a IN () DO ...". The current implementation expanded the %A's. chg: alias.c: ltrim() & rtrim() moved to MISC.C, all "skip whitespace" code pieces use these functions now add: misc.c: trim(): combination of rtrim() & ltrim() add: assert()'s to every function 24-Mar-1999 0.77 (John P Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Added support for swapable exec. There is a compile-time directive so you can leave it out, or use it. IT DOES NOT WORK UNDER FREEDOS. Probably a kernel problem, but that has not been determined yet. o changed the way we run autoexec.bat or a batch file on the command line. This seemed to clear up some bugs with running autoexec.bat. o Changed set command so you can use a space between the variable and the value. Prints Syntax error if you don't have a space or a '='. 24-Mar-1999 0.76b Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o date.c: bugfix: detection for invalid date strings. Now the whole string must match: ^\s*\d+(.(\d+(.\d*)?)?)?\s*$ The numbers can be delimited by any character from the 7-bit ASCII set, which is printable, but not alphanumerical. One need not specify all three parts (in which case the delimiter may be omitted, too). If one specify; 1 number --> only the day changes 2 numbers --> month/day; year remains unchanged 3 numbers --> month/day/year o time.c: bugfix: Detection of invalid time strings One can specify: ^\s*\d+.\d+(.(\d+(.\d*)?)?)?\s*([aApP]([mM]|\.[mM]\.)?\s*$ If one specifies: 1 number --> error 2 numbers --> hour:minute, seconds & hundreds default to zero 3 numbers --> hour:minute:seconds, hundreds defaults to zero 4 numbers --> hour:minute:seconds.hundreds The numbers may be delimited by any character from the 7-bit ASCII set, which is printable, but not alphanumerical. o err_hand.c: bugfix: Print garbage on screen, if no disk in floppy drive An "interrupt" function saves & restores all registers and also sets up DS correctly. o created parsenum.c 11-Feb-1999 (John P Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o command.c: changed the spawnl call back to using the exec function. Now that we are handling the environment correctly, this seems to work better. It passes new environment variables (even ones that were created by this copy of to the child process. This was suggested by Steffen Kaiser. o using keypressed() that I wrote instead of Turbo C's kbhit() function because for some reason kbhit() hangs under the FreeDOS kernel. o prints seconds as it waits for a keypress from user (during initial boot) o Fixed path to autoexec.bat. o Changed openStrFile() function to try to read the strings from the end of command first, and then to try to read strings.dat in the same directory as This helps when running from the debugger. 01-Feb-1999 0.76 Rob Linwood ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o alias.c: added code to allow alias commands to contain extra whitespace o added "?" command that shows the available commands. 31-Jan-1999 0.76 (John P. Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o dir.c: Changed dir_print_header to use function INT21,AH=69 instead of the function it was using. I'm not sure if this will fix anything or not. Also fixed bug with changing and restoring the current drive. o ver.c: changed /r to identify the FreeDOS kernel. If you are using kernel build 2000 or greater, it also shows the kernel version! o init.c: when is started, it shows how much memory is not hogging! Hopefully this will increase soon! 28-Jan-1999 0.75i (John P. Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o alias.c: Changed noalias character from a dot to an asterisk (*). 25-Jan-1999 0.75i Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o This patch includes the CP/M style device name support: o Changed any open() and fopen() calls, when definitely sure that they are called for disk files only, into devopen() and fdevopen(). o Support for COPY is a hack. Rob or John should double check it, or possibly rewrite the whole file. (Thanx Steffen! - John :-) Changes in COPY.C: bugfix: setting time in ASCII mode before writing final ^Z bugfix: copy(): if bsiz < 128: the opened files are not closed chg: all error "return" statements perform the actions in the same sequence to allow the code optimizer to re-use code add: support for CP/M style device names (openf.h) chg/bugfix: overwrite(): use vcgetcstr(); could overflow the buffer chg: there were two individual flags ASCII and BINARY to indicate which option was specified. Internally only the ASCII flag was used, if it was clear, the files were copied in binary mode. To support devices the two flags are passed unchanged to the copy() function and, if both are clear (== none specified on command line), it defaults to ASCII for devices, but will not append the ^Z character. Due to this, the destination file must be opened in ASCII mode, too; otherwise the newline character had to be handled manually. o Two new files: openf.c & openf.h 25-Jan-1999 0.75i Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o This patch addresses the two bugs reported by Eric Kohl : o alias.c: aliasdel(): accesses dynamic memory after it was free()'ed. o split()'s code to skip leading whitespaces crashes at end of string. 22-Jan-1999 0.75i Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o bugfix: on suggestion of Charles Dye ( "/ccommand" "/c" must work without a space between [MS COMMAND compatibly] also mimics: "/c/? dir" --> bad command or filename o add: DR DOS compatibly: "/c:" and "/c=" even supports wierd looking: "/c:dir/?" o add: DR DOS compatibly: "/p:AUTOEXEC_replacement" o sub: calling _fullpath() for ComDir; at this point the path must be fully-qualtifed by convention of the environ 16-Dec-1998 0.75h (John P. Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o alias.c: Changed so that a dot before a command will disable alias expansion. I was "noalias" but I prefer the shorter solution. 16-Dec-1998 0.75h Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o bugfix in init() for the /C branch (collecting arguments) o tracemode interaction in parsecommandline() o vcgetcstr() to fetch a visible user input, incl. validation check o command line parsing now exactly as the help screen (strings.txt) describes o show help screen using display_string() o set exitflag (and exit if allowed) if help screen was issued or a bad option was found o load messages into conventional far memory o change in message.c that string_index is not allocated dynamically o The "load messages into memory" feature allocates the block the messages are read into using the DOS API. It is not guarranteed that this block is freed by DOS upon termination of the program, therefore the atexit() function (installed by init()) explicitly frees the block, because it seems to be the best (and most secure) place to do so. o is designed to work for a file STRINGS.DAT *less* than 64KB only! o bugfix: preserve ECHO state of interactive command line (see TEST1.BAT) o bugfix with infinite loop in aliasexpand() when the useFlag warps 04-Dec-1998 0.75g Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o changed dosalloc.c in the suppl library to fix the environment problem. 03-Dec-1998 0.75f (John P. Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o alias.c: changed to convert to lower case instead of upper o cls.c: cls now sets the text colors to lightgray on black before clearing the screen. o command.c: Added code to remove white space from end of command in docommand function. Also added nextcmd char pointer so we don't loose the other commands in the line. This fixes the bug with "type filename.c | more" o dir.c: Rewrote DIR command. fixed problem with "DIR .COM" and other bugs. Recursive switch does not work now, but it will be added soon. o init.c: finished batch file trace mode. Fixed bug with /C command line switch running batch files. Added about 2 second delay where user can press F8 to run autoexec.bat in tracemode, or press F5 to bypass autoexec.bat completely. o messages.c: Reduced the ammount of memory allocated by not reading in entire index, but only the index element needed. 27-Oct-1998 0.75e Rob Green ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o command.c: changed line in is_delim function to include backslash and period. 27-Oct-1998 0.75e Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o bugfix: cmd_del(): Prompting the user for "DEL ab*.*" o chg: display_string(): Invalid FreeDOS ID is not displayed on screen o chg: get_redirection(): join '|'-loop with the other loop o chg: get_redirection(): allocate filenames (instead of parsecommand()) o bugfix: get_redirection(): Missing closing quote o bugfix: parsecommandline(): replace tmpnam() by tmpfn() to ensure that the temporary file is placed into the temporary directory instead of the current one o chg: alias.c: to reflect changes in tempfile.c o chg: rmtmpfile(): to close file pointer o chg: tempfile(): to use tmpfn() o add: tmpfn(): to create a temporary filename 13-Sep-1998 0.75d (Hans B Pufal ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o added an icon for the program. fdcom.ico. 13-Sep-1998 0.75d (John P. Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o added VOL command. o fixed a couple of bugs in the COPY command. o move nearly all messages to external file that is appended to end of is now an EXE type program, but has only been renamed to .COM. This allowed the file to be longger than 64K. Also changed model to small instead of tiny. o changed VER to print system info when /R is used. /D shows redistribution info now. 13-Sep-1998 0.75d Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Corrected/rewrote ^Break handling to work on external commands. 13-Sep-1998 0.75d (Rob Lake ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o added COPY command. Not all functionality is implemented yet, but it's a great start! 10-Aug-1998 0.75b Steffen Kaiser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Corrected ^Break handling in batch.c. If one batch file (BATCH1) calls another (BATCH2), pressing ^Break or ^C most of the time asks to terminate BATCH1.BAT (Y/N/A). If you press 'Y', you should only terminate BATCH1, but BATCH2 should continue. But if you press 'A' (or ^C), all batch files should terminate. o added modifyable batch scripts (following the standard). o bug: nested comments in old split() o bug: DEL memory allocation o added ^Break checks to cmd_type(), cmd_dir() o added: chkCBreak(0) [aka "cbreak"] is a generic form that autodetects if currently a batchfile is active and displays the batchfile prompt, if so. The batchfile prompt now displays the name of the batchfile. 09-Aug-1998 0.75a (Rob Lake ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o dir.c: fixed bug that caused blank lines to be printed o dir.c: renamed _Read_Dir to Read_Dir o del.c: changed check for ^C o del.c: alloced mem for char **arg o misc.c: changed split function o misc.c: added freep function o truename.c: _truename now sets errno o created build.bat 07-Aug-1998 0.75 (John P Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Fixed carrage return output to better match MSDOS with echo on or off. 04-Aug-1998 (Hans B Pufal) ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o call.c: added lines to initialize for pointers. This fixed the lock-up that happened sometimes when calling a batch file from another batch file. 02-Aug-1998 (Hans B Pufal) ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o batch.c: Fixed bug in ECHO flag restoration at exit from batch file o command.c: Fixed return value when called with /C option o Terminate label on first space character, use only first 8 chars of label string 30-Jul-1998 (John P Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Fixed bug where if you typed something, then hit HOME, then tried to type something else in insert mode, it locked up. o Changed default insert mode to on. There should be a way to change this. Maybe options to doskey command. o Added VERIFY command 30-Jul-1998 (John P Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Changed filename completion so that a second TAB displays a list of matching filenames! o made filename be lower case if last character typed is lower case. o Moved filename completion code to filecomp.c. o Change ver command to display email address to report bugs, and the web page address for updates. o fixed so that it find_which returns NULL if filename is not executable (does not have .bat, .com, or .exe extension). Before command would to execute any file with any extension. (opps!) 29 Jul 1998 (Rob Lake ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o changed date.c and time.c, and wrote datefunc.c and timefunc.c to impliment _dos_getdate, _dos_setdate, _dos_gettime and _dos_settime. This is the first of many steps to make the shell compatible under Pacific C. 28 Jul 1998 (John P Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Added CLS command. o Put ifdef's around all commands and added include file config.h Now you can define exact what commands you want to include in o Also added ifdefs for optional features: aliases, command history and filename completion. o Added display of available internal commands and options at startup. 20 Jul 1998 (John P Price ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Fixed bug in DATE.C. o Fixed bug in LH.ASM. o Separated commands into individual files. 19 Jul 1998 (Hans B Pufal) ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Preserve state of echo flag across batch calls. o Implementation of FOR command 16 Jul 1998 (Rob Lake ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added TRUENAME command. 16 Jul 1998 (Hans B Pufal ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ batch.c A new version, implements CALL, ECHO, GOT, IF, PAUSE, SHIFT and BEEP. There is a stub for FOR but that's all. cmdtable.c New file to keep the internal command table. I plan on getting rid of the table real soon now and replacing it with a dynamic mechanism. command.c A new (improved ;) version. Conforms closely to MS-DOS specs. Cleaned up (and fixed) the redirection handler. command.h Version D with changes. Look for the HBP tag. redir.c Modified file, now supports append redirects. 07/13/98 version 0.74d (Rob Lake ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTERNAL.C o removed most of the commands and placed them in there own file -- del, ren, set and ver o created DEL.C, REN.C SET.C and VER.C o fixed bug that caused del not to delete files with no attributes o the critical error handler count number of times called, autofails at 5 calls 07/12/98 version 0.74c (Rob Lake ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Various Files: o removed redundant use of error message defines and moved error printing calls to ERROR.C to reduced program size. o created MISC.C o created ERR_HAND.C/H o created ERROR.C 07/08/1998 version 0.74b (John P. Price ( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMMAND.C o fixed call to spawnl so that it would pass command line arguments correctly. 07/08/1998 version 0.74 (John P. Price ( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMMAND.C/COMMAND.H: o Now sets COMSPEC environment variable o misc clean up and optimization o added date, time and type commands o changed to using spawnl instead of exec. exec does not copy the environment to the child process! DIR.C o removed extra returns; closer to MSDOS o fixed wide display so that an extra return is not displayed when there is five filenames in the last line. ENVIRON.C o commented out show_environment function. Not used anymore. INTERAL.C o removed call to show_environment in set command. o moved test for syntax before allocating memory in set command. o misc clean up and optimization. o created DATE.C o created TIME.C o created TYPE.C 07/01/98 version 0.73 (Rob Lake) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o New DIR commands supported: /S, /B, /L, /A and /W. (/R changed to /S). Also /? added. o Supports DIRCMD in environment. o Supports turning off commands with hyphen (ex. /-S turns off recursive listing) o Changed error messages for DIR and DEL to more MS-DOS'ish o Moved error messages from DIR.C and DEL.C to COMMAND.H (more may go there soon) o Fixed bug that caused dir *.ext/X not to work (no spaces between filespec and slash) o Added wildcard support for DEL command o Added prompt and help switch for DEL command, /P and /? respectively. o Added support for /C when envoking the shell o Added /P support when Kernel loads shell. This means the shell now is permanent and runs the autoexec.bat (/E is not implemented) o Added my name (Rob Lake) to the developer listing o Changed version routine to print out copyright notice with no args, and with appropriate switches, warranty and redistribution notices and developer listing 07/13/97 version 0.72b ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disabled a feature that caused a crash on some machines. o Replaced setcursor calls in cmdinput.c with _setcursortype o Added dir.c to the distribution (was left out in 0.72) 07/12/97 version 0.72 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More bug fixes and code cleanup o Rewrote cmdinput.c to be more efficient (Marc Desrochers) o Added insert/overstrike modes (Marc Desrochers) o Replaced findxy() with pointers into BIOS (maxx, maxy) (Marc Desrochers) o Fixed bug that disallowed listing of root directories o Fixed bug that didn't search the first path (again!) 06/14/97 version 0.71 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lots of bug fixes, plus some additional features. o New DIR command. Now more like MS-DOS's DIR. /p supported, /s coming soon o bug fix in internal.c - parse_firstarg o Rewrote parser in batch.c (Steffan Kaiser) o Ctrl-Break checking in various places (Steffan Kaiser) o Error level setting/checking (%? in batch files) (Steffan Kaiser) o bug fix in cmdinput.c ("%i" on command-line caused weird behavior) o bug fix in where.c (first item in path wasn't searched) 08/27/96 version 0.70 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally added Oliver Mueller's ALIAS command! Also numerous bug fixes. o Added ALIAS command o Removed support for - as a switch in LOADHIGH.C o Bugfixes in BATCH.C. %0 was returning garbage o Removed lots of unused variables, reducing # of warnings when compiling o Other miscellaneous code clean-ups o Changed WHERE.C to use a little less memory 07/26/96 version 0.61 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bugfixes o Added hook to the PATH command o Fixed CD.. bug 07/26/96 version 0.60 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lots of internal changes here... Not much added to the interface. o Changed internals to use first,rest parameters instead of arrays of params o Fixed some bugs o Some other things I don't remember :) 01/17/96 version 0.50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 0.40 was never released because I was home on Christmas vacation, and I couldn't upload it. By the time I got back to school, I had the LOADHIGH patch from Svante Frey, so I decided to jump up to 0.50 without any release of 0.40... - Tim Norman o LOADHIGH/LOADFIX/LH support added!!!! Many thanks go to Svante Frey! o bug fixed in command parsing that didn't handle / switches correctly... o removed debugging output from history.c 01/06/96 version 0.40 (never released) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o added redirection and piping support!!! (see redir.c and command.c) o fixed a stupid pointer problem in where.c that was causing LOTS of problems in the strangest places... o added day of the week support to prompt.c (oops, that was already supposed to be there! :) o fixed and reorganized the EXEC code!!! Thanks to Svante Frey! o reorganized command.c and internal.c to handle parsing internal commands more efficiently and consistently. o changed the behavior of MD, CD, RD to work without spaces (e.g. CD\DOS) o small changes here and there to make it work with redirection/piping (e.g. DIR only pauses if you're not doing redirection) 12/14/95 version 0.31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o modified cmdinput.c to work with non-standard screen sizes (see o fixed a bug in history.c that made it not work when you hit the up arrow on the first line o fixed DIR to work a little more like MS-DOS's DIR (see internal.c) o fixed some code in where.c to make things a bit more efficient and nicer 12/10/95 version 0.30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o used Borland's spawnve to fix exec problem o fixed CD again so you don't need a space after it o couple of spelling fixes 08/06/95 prerelease of version 0.30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o reorganized code into separate source modules. o added batch processing support (thanks to Evan Jeffrey). o added exec code (thanks to Steffan Kaiser). o removed environment handling (thanks again to Steffan Kaiser) [ 08/08/95 -- Matt Rains ] o formatted this development log. o formatted all existing source modules so that they comply with recommended programming practice. o added MD command. o added RD command. o added VER command. o replaced CD command. o modified DIR command. o DIR now called regardless of other DIR.??? files. this is done because of exec() problems. 01/15/95 version 0.20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o formatted all existing source modules. o added prompt support. o added drive selection. o added dir command. o started this development log. 01/01/95 version 0.10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o removed some scaffolding. o modified CD. o added tab file completion. o added command line history. 11/11/94 version 0.01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o initial release.