Hi, this FreeDOS game CD itself is free, but of course you have to look what the programmers say about their right of origin. For this reason I added a section "Yes, it is Freeware" at each game. There is a "comefrom.txt" file at the root of the CD which contains the name of the programmers and the website where I got the game from. There is also a "changelog.txt" file at the root of the CD which tells you which changes I made. To create the CD simply unzip the file - and you will receive 2 files: a) Readme.txt (this file) b) fdosgamexx.iso (xx= the number of games on the CD, or version number). When burning, do not use "drag and drop" and move the .iso-image on the CD. Look for something like "Burn an ISO-Image" at your burning program. The program should then open a window where you can look for the fdosgamexx.iso-file. If you find any bugs don`t hesitate to send me a mail at: fritz.mueller@mail.com