fdoscd.zip contains fdoscd.iso This is an ISO image of a bootable FreeDOS Beta7 CD Once fdoscd.zip is unzipped, most CD Writing programs should be able to burn it to a CDR/CDRW and most machines that can boot from CD-ROM should be about to boot from it. It provides a menu allowing one to boot the MINI boot disk, FULL boot disk, or a generic boot disk that one can use to run FreeDOS from the CD. This CD-ROM can also be useful for those without the ability to boot CD-ROMs, as it includes a complete FreeDOS beta7 install in \FDOS and for installation purposes, all the installation disksets are available in \DISKSETS. Errata: When installing from CD-ROM, the source location for the install program should be R:\DISKSETS (the screen will suggest using . [the current drive/directory] as the disk image is expecting the installation to occur from floppy). The 1st two options (Install FULL or Install MINI) should be fairly stable, however there still may be some odd behavior when trying to run FreeDOS from CD-ROM. As such, option 3 (Run From CD) should be considered experimental at this time. Many commands will work fine, but a few might lock up your machine requiring a reset. Jeremy Davis September 07, 2001