Video Packet


The Video packet and contains compressed video.

Packet Format

    0              8              16             24            31
    |                      CU-SeeMe Header                      |
    |                         (26 bytes)                        |
    |                            ...                            |
    +                             +--------------+--------------+
    |                             |    Length of Video Data     |
28h |                        Video Data                         |
    |                            ...                            |
00h - CU-SeeMe Header (26 bytes)

26h - Length of Video Data (2 bytes - unsigned integer)
Number of bytes of video data contained in this data packet

28h - Video Data (length specified by Length of Data)
Compressed video data.

Note: The Data Type field in the CU-SEEME HEADER must be 1 (small video -160x120) or 2 (big video - 320x240).