Apples 1875 Private collection. 202KB |
The End of the Story 1877 Oil on canvas Private collection. 152KB |
A Reader 1877 Oil on canvas mounted on board Private collection. 153KB |
Marigolds 1877 Oil on canvas Private collection. 156KB |
Sapphires 1877 Oil on canvas Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. 125KB |
Birds 1878 Oil on canvas Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. 159KB |
Topaz 1879 Oil on canvas Private collection. 213KB |
Dreamers 1879-82 Oil on canvas Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. 202KB |
William Connal, Esq Jr, of Solsgirth 1883 Oil on canvas York City Art Gallery. 185KB |
Silver Oil on canvas Private collection. 176KB |
Midsummer 1887 Oil on canvas Russell-Cotes Art Gallery, Bournemouth. 210KB |
The Loves of the Winds and the Seasons 1890-93 Oil on canvas Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery. 208KB |
A Revery 1892 Oil on canvas 255KB |
Idyll 1892-93 Oil on canvas Manchester City Art Gallery. 205KB |