====================================== File: unixcalc-1.5-x86.pkg Author: Michael Griebling (grieblm@inforamp.net) Release: V1.5 for BeOS, 1 Jan 1999 Compatibility: R4 Location: contrib/utilities Description: CLI-based scientific/programmer calculator. Notes: Now includes precompiled binaries. UnixCalc is a command line calculator which can evaluate algebraic equations and uses non-volatile history lists to store unlimited equations, calculated results, and arbitrarily-named variables. There are several numerical display modes which include floating point, scientific, and engineering notation. The scientific mode supports imaginary numbers for most functions. Standard functions (+,-,*,/,Sqrt,^) are accurate to more than 50 digits. Based numbers (2 to 16) are also supported along with all the standard logical operators (see table below). Some additional features are: o imaginary numbers and functions o unlimited named variables (up to 16 characters long) o automatic history logging of both equations and results o full scientific, transcendental, power, and logarithmic operations o programmer functions like and, or, shift, rotate, etc., on 172-bits! o choice of radian, degree, or gradian angle measurements o from 8 to 52 digits o numbers from -1E9999 to 1E9999 o exact decimal number representation o convenience functions like square and cube roots, reciprocal, etc. o persistant variables, equations, and state ======================================