File: Legolas.sea Author: Seth R. Flaxman ( Release: 0.97 PR (December 18, 1997) Compatability: PR Archive Contents: Legolas, Legolas.txt (this file), Legolas.html, Documentation (folder), libs (folder), JPEGHandler, TGAHandler (datatypes add-ons); Installation: double-click on Legolas.sea Requires: (included in libs directory) John Watte; JPEG handler by Simon Clark) Description: A Simple Kids Drawing Program (named after an elf in "Lord of the Rings." Legolas uses datatypes to open GIF, JPEG, and TGA and other formats. Tools allow simple drawing on the canvas. Acknowledgements: The curve function uses code provided by Jos van Roosmalen . The cool arrow buttons come from the libcools distribution but do not need libcools to run. The installer is a self-extracting archive made with StarCode's PackageBuilder. To Do Features: The documentation is a work in progress. Notes: A program by a kid (SRF just turned 12 years old and is in the 6th grade (grammar school).