eqn not supported
The remaining blend equations use the source and destination blend factors specified by glBlendFunc. See glBlendFunc for a description of the various blend factors.
In the equations that follow, source and destination color components are referred to as $(R sub s, G sub s, B sub s, A sub s )$ and $(R sub d, G sub d, B sub d, A sub d )$, respectively. The result color is referred to as $(R sub r, G sub r, B sub r, A sub r )$. The source and destination blend factors are denoted $(s sub R, s sub G, s sub B, s sub A )$ and $(d sub R, d sub G, d sub B, d sub A )$, respectively. For these equations all color components are understood to have values in the range [0, 1].
$Rr ~=~ mark min (1, ~R sub s~s sub R ~+~ R sub d~d sub R )$ $Gr ~=~ lineup min (1, ~G sub s~s sub G ~+~ G sub d~d sub G )$ $Br ~=~ lineup min (1, ~B sub s~s sub B ~+~ B sub d~d sub B )$ $Ar ~=~ lineup min (1, ~A sub s~s sub A ~+~ A sub d~d sub A )$
$Rr ~=~ mark max (0 , ~R sub s~s sub R ~-~ R sub d~d sub R )$ $Gr ~=~ lineup max (0 , ~G sub s~s sub G ~-~ G sub d~d sub G )$ $Br ~=~ lineup max (0 , ~B sub s~s sub B ~-~ B sub d~d sub B )$ $Ar ~=~ lineup max (0 , ~A sub s~s sub A ~-~ A sub d~d sub A )$
$Rr ~=~ mark max (0 , ~R sub d~d sub R ~-~ R sub s~s sub R )$ $Gr ~=~ lineup max (0 , ~G sub d~d sub G ~-~ G sub s~s sub G )$ $Br ~=~ lineup max (0 , ~B sub d~d sub B ~-~ B sub s~s sub B )$ $Ar ~=~ lineup max (0 , ~A sub d~d sub A ~-~ A sub s~s sub A )$
The GL_MIN and GL_MAX equations are useful for applications that analyze
image data (image thresholding against a constant color, for example). The
GL_FUNC_ADD equation is useful for antialiasing and transparency, among
other things.
Initially, the blend equation is set to GL_FUNC_ADD.
The GL_MIN, and GL_MAX equations do not use the source or destination factors, only the source and destination colors.
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glBlendEquation is executed between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd.