Information for Western Digital Chipset Users : Additional WD90C24 information
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5. Additional WD90C24 information

Standard disclaimers apply. Use this driver at your own risk. If you need additional information on using XFree86 with the WD90C24 family however, you might try Darin Ernst's home page. Darin maintains a mini-HOWTO on ``X and the WD90C24''. He was the first tester of the WD90C24 code and provided many good ideas and encouragement. You can reach Darin at or I only provided the WD90C24 specific code. You can reach me (Brad Bosch) at

$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/WstDig.sgml,v 3.6 1997/01/24 09:32:38 dawes Exp $

$XConsortium: WstDig.sgml /main/5 1996/02/21 17:46:29 kaleb $

Information for Western Digital Chipset Users : Additional WD90C24 information
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