Instructions for Building XFree86 on an Intel Pentium Aviion machine with DG/ux R4.20MU04 : Configuration for the build:
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3. Configuration for the build:

Almost all you need is in "" located in xc/config/cf. Edit the file and site.def and change what ever you need. Remember overwrites site.def. The default ProjectRoot for XFree86-3.3.5 is now /usr/X11R6 (located in site.def). If you want to change this to whatever you like (I prefer /usr/X11R6.3 and a link in /usr X11R6->X11R6.3) edit and locate the entry:

  #if 0
  #define ProjectRoot /usr/X11R6.3
Eliminate the #if 0 , #endif. Then change this to whatever you prefer. (I prefer the above for the precompiled binaries)

The DG/ux malloc is crap and keeps bringing problems with some X software so I dont use it. Instead there is a port of GNU malloc in /usr/local (it came with the BuildXtools file). Dont try to build with the /lib/libmalloc.a of DG/ux and then send me e-mails that some programs they dont work properly. In my build I use tcl8.0 and tk8.0 since the xconfig of R4.20MU03 is reporting incorrect values for the monitors and XF86Setup need to be build in order to manage to adjust the display. If you dont have this (or dont want this) comment out the lines about tcl,tk, (in

  /*******TCL TK DEFINITIONS ***********/
   #define HasTk  YES-->NO
   #define HasTcl YES-->NO
Also 'GNU make' is required for the correct X11R6.3 build. (it is in Buildxtools file). If you decide yes to tcl,tk obtain the files
                     tk8.0.3.tar.gz    (from some ftp)
(or newer versions) and compile them before the building of X11R6.3 (Build first tcl8.0.3 then tk8.0.3).

Instructions for Building XFree86 on an Intel Pentium Aviion machine with DG/ux R4.20MU04 : Configuration for the build:
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