Freedom Desktop Lite !
What is Freedom Desktop Lite ?
Freedom Desktop Lite is a public version of Freedom Desktop available
personal use only. Before downloading Freedom Desktop Lite, please review
copyright information.
What is Freedom Desktop ?
Freedom Desktop for Motif is an easy-to-use yet powerful desktop
manager/GUI integrated to the Unix environment. Freedom is very
similar in look and feel to the popular Microsoft windows and Apple
interfaces. It also combines ease of use and advanced features to help
users interact with Unix quickly and efficiently. Freedom Desktop
releases users from the complexities of Unix giving them
Desktop applications
Contributing to the Freedom Desktop
Lite environment
Downloading Freedom Desktop Lite
Freedom Desktop Lite is available from fsw.com. Before downloading the
review the copyright information.
In order to download the software from fsw.com (, follow
the procedure:
ftp fsw.com
cd pub/fdlite
get freedomlite.tar.Z
Installation procedure
For installation instructions please check the README file(s) contained
in the software distribution.
Please email comments and suggestions to support@freedom.lm.com