CSFP v.2 - Thanks for downloading a pass generator How to use: 1) First of all, compile: gcc -o crazy.exe csfp2.c 2) It uses sha512sum in the background, so if you don't have it, sorry (this small annoyance should be fixed in the future). CSFP can take 2 params: filename and desired password length. If the length is missing, it'll be defaulted to 128. >> >> What's new? >> Maximum password length is now 2048, yes, two thousand forty eight >> characters -- so yeah watch out. >> It can also take data from stdin, check out the examples. 3) Examples: echo "Make me a password" | ./crazy.exe echo "Make me a password" | ./crazy.exe 10 ./crazy.exe ABIGISOOFSOMETHING.ISO ./crazy.exe asmallfile.txt 2048 4) To enhance your security: Please look into the source and feel free to modify the contents of the symbol_pool array. Then nobody will be able to regenerate YOUR passwords unless they have YOUR version of the program. 5) Have fun, give credit if you rip out any piece o' code, etc. If you have problems or questions, reach me at rfahy@ymail.com Just don't mess around with the desired pass lengths please, - limit is 2048 and I think that's high enough unless the NSA is who's cracking your passwords. PS. Disclaimer is: I wrote this all by myself and stole *nothing*. This will change when/if integrating SHA512 to make my prog sha512sum-independent.