Removed rpms ============ - Mesa-dri-nouveau-32bit - Mesa-libGL1-32bit - Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel-32bit - Mesa-libglapi-devel-32bit - Mesa-vulkan-overlay-32bit - NetworkManager-devel-32bit - alsa-devel-32bit - atk-devel-32bit - calibre - certbot-systemd-timer - dbus-1-devel-32bit - deepin-menu - deepin-music-libnetease-meta-search - deepin-screenshot - deepin-screenshot-lang - device-mapper-devel-32bit - dtksettings - enlightenment-x-dark-icon-theme - fontconfig-32bit - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit - ginac-doc-html - ginac-doc-pdf - ginac-doc-tutorial - glib2-tools-32bit - glucat-devel - glucat-doc - gnome-keyring-32bit - gstreamer-devel-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-base-devel-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-farstream-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-good-32bit - gtk2-engine-mist-32bit - gtk2-immodule-inuktitut-32bit - gtk2-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - gtk2-immodule-xim-32bit - gtk2-tools-32bit - gtk3-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - hdf5-openmpi3-devel-32bit - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_7-hpc-examples - grub2-arm64-efi - Mesa-dri-32bit - Mesa-gallium-32bit - Mesa-libGLESv2-devel-32bit - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit - alsa-plugins-samplerate-32bit - atkmm1_6-devel-32bit - audit-devel-32bit - bluez-devel-32bit - cairomm1_0-devel-32bit - fontconfig-devel-32bit - glib-networking-32bit - glib2-devel-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-base-32bit - gtk2-engine-industrial-32bit - gtk2-engine-redmond95-32bit - gtk2-engine-thinice-32bit - gtk2-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk2-immodule-tigrigna-32bit - gtk3-immodule-amharic-32bit - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk3-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk3-immodule-tigrigna-32bit - gvfs-32bit - hdf5-devel-32bit - hdf5-mvapich2-devel-32bit - intel-vaapi-driver-32bit - krb5-devel-32bit - libQt5Core5-32bit - libQt5DBus5-32bit - libQt5Gui5-32bit - libQt5Nfc5-32bit - libQt5OpenGL-devel-32bit - libQt5OpenGL5-32bit - libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static-32bit - libQt5PlatformSupport-devel-static-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport5-32bit - libQt5Script5-32bit - libQt5SerialPort5-32bit - libQt5Test5-32bit - libQt5TextToSpeech5-32bit - libQt5WebChannel5-32bit - libQt5Widgets5-32bit - libQt5Xml-devel-32bit - libQt5Xml5-32bit - libSDL2_gfx-devel-32bit - libSDL_gfx-devel-32bit - libSDL_mixer-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL_mixer-devel-32bit - libavahi-glib1-32bit - libavdevice58_13-32bit - libavresample4_0-32bit - libavutil56_70-32bit - libblkid-devel-32bit - libbluetooth3-32bit - libbpf0-32bit - libcaca0-32bit - libcanberra-gtk3-0-32bit - libchewing3-32bit - libcogl20-32bit - libcom_err-devel-32bit - libcom_err2-32bit - libcryptsetup12-hmac-32bit - libdav1d5-32bit - libdwarves1-32bit - libecpg6-32bit - libelf-devel-32bit - libenchant-2-2-32bit - libepoxy0-32bit - libevdev2-32bit - libexpat-devel-32bit - libext2fs-devel-32bit - libfabric-devel-32bit - libfluidsynth3-32bit - libfreebl3-hmac-32bit - libgck-devel-32bit - libgcr-devel-32bit - libgcrypt-devel-32bit - libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit - libgegl-0_4-0-32bit - libgexiv2-2-32bit - libgimp-2_0-0-32bit - libglvnd-devel-32bit - libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit - libgnt0-32bit - libgnutls30-32bit - libgoa-1_0-0-32bit - libgpg-error0-32bit - libgpgme11-32bit - libgstriff-1_0-0-32bit - libgsttag-1_0-0-32bit - libgtkhtml-editor-4_0-0-32bit - libgupnp-1_2-1-32bit - libgusb2-32bit - libharfbuzz-subset0-32bit - libharfbuzz0-32bit - libhdf5-103-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5-103-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-openmpi4-32bit - libhdf5_hl100-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi2-32bit - libhogweed4-32bit - libibumad3-32bit - libibus-1_0-5-32bit - libibverbs-32bit - libjpeg62-32bit - libjpeg62-devel-32bit - libldb2-32bit - liblirc_driver0-32bit - libmikmod3-32bit - libmlx4-1-32bit - libmount1-32bit - libnetcdf18-openmpi4-32bit - libnettle6-32bit - libosmcomp5-32bit - libpango-1_0-0-32bit - libpapi-32bit - libpcap-devel-32bit - libpcre2-32-0-32bit - libpcsclite1-32bit - libpcscspy0-32bit - libpgm-5_2-0-32bit - libpipewire-0_3-0-32bit - libpixman-1-0-32bit - libpostproc55_9-32bit - libproxy1-config-gnome3-32bit - libproxy1-config-kde-32bit - libqt5-qtimageformats-32bit - libqt5-qtscript-devel-32bit - libqt5-qttools-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtwebchannel-devel-32bit - librav1e0-32bit - libraw20-32bit - libseccomp2-32bit - libsepol1-32bit - libsigc-2_0-0-32bit - libssh4-32bit - libthai0-32bit - libtspi1-32bit - libtss2-mu0-32bit - libtss2-tctildr0-32bit - libturbojpeg0-32bit - libusb-1_0-0-32bit - libuuid1-32bit - libva-devel-32bit - libva-drm2-32bit - libva-wayland2-32bit - libva2-32bit - libvdpau_radeonsi-32bit - libvmaf1-32bit - libvulkan_intel-32bit - libwayland-client0-32bit - libwayland-cursor0-32bit - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit - libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0-32bit - libwmf-gnome-32bit - libxkbcommon-devel-32bit - libzen0-32bit - libzstd1-32bit - munge-devel-32bit - openmpi2-libs-32bit - opensc-32bit - opensm-devel-32bit - pam_apparmor-32bit - papi-devel-32bit - perl-core-DB_File-32bit - pipewire-alsa-32bit - samba-devel-32bit - unixODBC-32bit - wayland-devel-32bit - grub2-powerpc-ieee1275-debug - kernel-obs-build - qemu-microvm - leechcraft-bittorrent - libAlembic1_7 - libEspresso4 - libGLEW2_2-32bit - libIDL-2-0-32bit - libQt5Bluetooth5-32bit - libQt5Bootstrap-devel-static-32bit - libQt5Core-devel-32bit - libQt5Multimedia5-32bit - libQt5Network-devel-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport-devel-32bit - libQt5Sql-devel-32bit - libQt5Sql5-postgresql-32bit - libQt5Sql5-unixODBC-32bit - libQt5Svg5-32bit - libQt5WebSockets5-32bit - libQt5X11Extras5-32bit - libSDL2_mixer-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_mixer-devel-32bit - libSDL2_net-devel-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit - libSDL_Pango1-32bit - libSDL_image-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL_net-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL_sound-devel-32bit - libSDL_ttf-2_0-0-32bit - libSDLmm-0_1-8-32bit - libWPEBackend-fdo-1_0-1-32bit - libXfixes-devel-32bit - libXfixes3-32bit - libXvMC_nouveau-32bit - libadns1-32bit - libaom3-32bit - libatk-1_0-0-32bit - libatk-bridge-2_0-0-32bit - libatkmm-2_30-1 - libatspi0-32bit - libauparse0-32bit - libavahi-client3-32bit - libavcodec58_134-32bit - libbz2-1-32bit - libcairo-script-interpreter2-32bit - libcairo2-32bit - libcanberra-gtk2-module-32bit - libcanberra0-32bit - libclang-cpp13-32bit - libcloudproviders0-32bit - libcryptopp8_6_0-32bit - libcurl-devel-32bit - libdbusextended-qt5-devel - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit - libdmusic1 - libdns_sd-32bit - libdrm2-32bit - libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit - libdrm_nouveau2-32bit - libdrm_radeon1-32bit - libdtksettings-devel - libdtksettings1 - libdtksettingsview-devel - libdtksettingsview1 - libdvdread4-32bit - libext2fs2-32bit - libfdisk-devel-32bit - libfdk-aac2-32bit - libfontconfig1-32bit - libgamin-1-0-32bit - libgcrypt20-32bit - libgif7-32bit - libgimpui-2_0-0-32bit - libgiomm-2_62-1 - libgiomm-2_62-1-32bit - libgirepository-1_0-1-32bit - libglade-2_0-0-32bit - libglibmm-2_62-1 - libglibmm-2_62-1-32bit - libgmime-3_0-0-32bit - libgnome-keyring0-32bit - libgnutls-devel-32bit - libgoa-backend-1_0-1-32bit - libgsf-1-114-32bit - libgssdp-1_2-0-32bit - libgstaudio-1_0-0-32bit - libgstreamer-1_0-0-32bit - libgstsdp-1_0-0-32bit - libgthread-2_0-0-32bit - libgtk-3-0-32bit - libgtkglext-x11-1_0-0-32bit - libgweather-3-16-32bit - libharfbuzz-gobject0-32bit - libhdf5-103-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_cpp103-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi4-32bit - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_hl100-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5_hl_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran100-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_7-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libheif1-32bit - libhogweed4 - libhogweed6-32bit - libimobiledevice-1_0-6-32bit - libjasper4-32bit - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18-32bit - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0-32bit - libkms-devel-32bit - libkpmcore7 - libksysguard5-helper - libldap-2_4-2-32bit - liblirc0-32bit - libluajit-5_1-2-32bit - libmpris-qt5-devel - libmunge2-32bit - libnettle6 - libnotify-devel-32bit - libnuma1-32bit - libodbc2-32bit - libopensm9-32bit - libopenssl1_1-32bit - libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit - libp11-3-32bit - libpackagekit-glib2-devel-32bit - libpangomm-1_4-1-32bit - libpangomm-2_44-1 - libpcap1-32bit - libpcre2-16-0-32bit - libplacebo157 - libplist-2_0-3-32bit - libpsx2-32bit - libpulse0-32bit - libpython3_9-1_0-32bit - libqb100-32bit - libqt5-qtserialport-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtspeech-plugin-speechd-32bit - libqt5-qttools-32bit - libqt5-qtwebsockets-devel-32bit - libreadline7-32bit - librsvg-2-2-32bit - libsamba-policy0-python3-32bit - libsecret-1-0-32bit - libselinux1-32bit - libsemanage1-32bit - libsoftokn3-32bit - libsoftokn3-hmac-32bit - libsoup-3_0-0-32bit - libsoup-devel-32bit - libstartup-notification-1-0-32bit - libswscale5_9-32bit - libsystemd0-32bit - libtesseract3 - libtevent0-32bit - libusbmuxd-2_0-6-32bit - libvdpau_r600-32bit - libvpx7-32bit - libvulkan_radeon-32bit - libwacom2-32bit - libwayland-server0-32bit - libxcb-cursor0-32bit - libxkbcommon-x11-0-32bit - libxkbcommon-x11-devel-32bit - libxml++-2_6-2-32bit - libxslt1-32bit - libzhuyin13-32bit - libzstd-devel-32bit - llvm-LTO-devel - llvm13-LTO-devel - mozilla-nss-sysinit-32bit - nodejs10 - nodejs10-devel - nodejs10-docs - nodejs12 - nodejs12-devel - nodejs12-docs - nodejs8 - nodejs8-devel - nodejs8-docs - npm10 - npm12 - npm8 - nss-mdns-32bit - nss-myhostname-32bit - openmpi4-libs-32bit - pam_kwallet-32bit - pango-devel-32bit - perl-32bit - perl-base-32bit - pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2-32bit - plplay - python3-HyperKitty - python3-Lektor - python3-certbot - python3-certbot-apache - python3-certbot-dns-cloudflare - python3-certbot-dns-cloudxns - python3-certbot-dns-digitalocean - python3-certbot-dns-dnsimple - python3-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy - python3-certbot-dns-google - python3-certbot-dns-linode - python3-certbot-dns-luadns - python3-certbot-dns-nsone - python3-certbot-dns-rfc2136 - python3-certbot-dns-route53 - python3-certbot-nginx - python3-espressomd - python3-glucat - python3-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server - python3-matrix-synapse - python3-matrix-synapse-ldap3 - python3-moto - python3-raven - python3-raven-aiohttp - python3-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain - python3-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme - python3-sphinxcontrib-plantuml - python3-stdeb - python3-taskw - python3-tevent-32bit - python3-treq - python310-base-32bit - python39-base-32bit - qemu-sgabios - qemu-skiboot - readline-devel-32bit - samba-ad-dc-libs-32bit - samba-libs-32bit - unixODBC-devel-32bit - wine-devel-32bit - wine-nine-standalone-32bit - xen-libs-32bit Added rpms ========== - Mesa-dri-32bit - Mesa-gallium-32bit - Mesa-libGLESv2-devel-32bit - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit - alsa-plugins-samplerate-32bit - atkmm1_6-devel-32bit - audit-devel-32bit - bluez-devel-32bit - cairomm1_0-devel-32bit - deepin-account-faces - deepin-api - deepin-calculator - deepin-calculator-lang - deepin-compressor - deepin-compressor-lang - deepin-control-center - deepin-control-center-data - deepin-control-center-devel - deepin-control-center-lang - deepin-daemon - deepin-daemon-dbus - deepin-daemon-lang - deepin-daemon-lightdm - deepin-daemon-polkit - deepin-desktop - deepin-desktop-schemas - deepin-desktop-schemas-branding-openSUSE - deepin-desktop-schemas-branding-upstream - deepin-dock - deepin-dock-devel - deepin-dock-lang - deepin-dock-plugin-screen-recorder - deepin-draw - deepin-draw-lang - deepin-feature-enable - deepin-file-manager - deepin-file-manager-dbus - deepin-file-manager-devel - deepin-file-manager-lang - deepin-file-manager-polkit - deepin-gir-generator - deepin-gtk-theme - deepin-icon-theme - deepin-icon-theme-vintage - deepin-image-viewer - deepin-image-viewer-lang - deepin-kwin - deepin-launcher - deepin-launcher-branding-openSUSE - deepin-launcher-branding-upstream - deepin-launcher-devel - deepin-launcher-lang - deepin-manual - deepin-network-utils - deepin-network-utils-devel - deepin-network-utils-lang - deepin-override-tool - deepin-polkit-agent - deepin-polkit-agent-devel - deepin-polkit-agent-lang - deepin-pw-check - deepin-pw-check-devel - deepin-pw-check-lang - deepin-reader - deepin-reader-lang - deepin-screen-recorder - deepin-screen-recorder-lang - deepin-session-shell - deepin-session-shell-devel - deepin-session-shell-lang - deepin-session-ui - deepin-session-ui-lang - deepin-shortcut-viewer - deepin-sound-theme - deepin-start - deepin-start-lang - deepin-terminal-devel - deepin-voice-note - deepin-voice-note-lang - deepin-wallpapers - deepin-wallpapers-community - deepin-wayland-devel - deepin-x11-client - disomaster-devel - docparser-devel - firewalld-prometheus-config - fontconfig-devel-32bit - gcc11-PIE - gio-qt-devel - glib-networking-32bit - glib2-devel-32bit - golang-github-linuxdeepin-dde-api - golang-github-linuxdeepin-deepin-daemon - golang-github-linuxdeepin-deepin-desktop-schemas - golang-github-linuxdeepin-deepin-pw-check - golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-dbus-factory - golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-gir-generator - golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-lib - golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-x11-client - golang-github-linuxdeepin-startdde - grub2-arm64-efi - grub2-powerpc-ieee1275-debug - gstreamer-plugins-base-32bit - gtk2-engine-industrial-32bit - gtk2-engine-redmond95-32bit - gtk2-engine-thinice-32bit - gtk2-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk2-immodule-tigrigna-32bit - gtk3-immodule-amharic-32bit - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk3-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk3-immodule-tigrigna-32bit - gvfs-32bit - hdf5-devel-32bit - hdf5-mvapich2-devel-32bit - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_8-hpc-examples - htmlcxx - htmlcxx-devel - httpcomponents-asyncclient - httpcomponents-asyncclient-cache - httpcomponents-asyncclient-javadoc - httpcomponents-asyncclient-parent - Mesa-dri-nouveau-32bit - Mesa-libGL1-32bit - Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel-32bit - Mesa-libglapi-devel-32bit - Mesa-vulkan-overlay-32bit - NetworkManager-devel-32bit - alsa-devel-32bit - atk-devel-32bit - dbus-1-devel-32bit - device-mapper-devel-32bit - fontconfig-32bit - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit - glib2-tools-32bit - gnome-keyring-32bit - gstreamer-devel-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-base-devel-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-farstream-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-good-32bit - gtk2-engine-mist-32bit - gtk2-immodule-inuktitut-32bit - gtk2-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - gtk2-immodule-xim-32bit - gtk2-tools-32bit - gtk3-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - hdf5-openmpi3-devel-32bit - libGLEW2_2-32bit - libIDL-2-0-32bit - libQt5Bluetooth5-32bit - libQt5Bootstrap-devel-static-32bit - libQt5Core-devel-32bit - libQt5Multimedia5-32bit - libQt5Network-devel-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport-devel-32bit - libQt5Sql-devel-32bit - libQt5Sql5-postgresql-32bit - libQt5Sql5-unixODBC-32bit - libQt5Svg5-32bit - libQt5WebSockets5-32bit - libQt5X11Extras5-32bit - libSDL2_mixer-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_mixer-devel-32bit - libSDL2_net-devel-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit - libSDL_Pango1-32bit - libSDL_image-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL_net-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL_sound-devel-32bit - libSDL_ttf-2_0-0-32bit - libSDLmm-0_1-8-32bit - libWPEBackend-fdo-1_0-1-32bit - libXfixes-devel-32bit - libXfixes3-32bit - libXvMC_nouveau-32bit - libadns1-32bit - libaom3-32bit - libatk-1_0-0-32bit - libatk-bridge-2_0-0-32bit - libatspi0-32bit - libauparse0-32bit - libavahi-client3-32bit - libavcodec58_134-32bit - libbz2-1-32bit - libcairo-script-interpreter2-32bit - libcairo2-32bit - libcanberra-gtk2-module-32bit - libcanberra0-32bit - libclang-cpp13-32bit - libcloudproviders0-32bit - libcryptopp8_6_0-32bit - libcurl-devel-32bit - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit - libdns_sd-32bit - libdrm2-32bit - libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit - libdrm_nouveau2-32bit - libdrm_radeon1-32bit - libdvdread4-32bit - libext2fs2-32bit - libfdisk-devel-32bit - libfdk-aac2-32bit - libfontconfig1-32bit - libgamin-1-0-32bit - libgcrypt20-32bit - libgif7-32bit - libgimpui-2_0-0-32bit - libgiomm-2_68-1-32bit - libgirepository-1_0-1-32bit - libglade-2_0-0-32bit - libgmime-3_0-0-32bit - libgnome-keyring0-32bit - libgnutls-devel-32bit - libgoa-backend-1_0-1-32bit - libgsf-1-114-32bit - libgssdp-1_2-0-32bit - libgstaudio-1_0-0-32bit - libgstreamer-1_0-0-32bit - libgstsdp-1_0-0-32bit - libgthread-2_0-0-32bit - libgtk-3-0-32bit - libgtkglext-x11-1_0-0-32bit - libgweather-3-16-32bit - libharfbuzz-gobject0-32bit - libhdf5-103-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi4-32bit - libhdf5_hl100-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-mvapich2-32bit - libheif1-32bit - libhogweed6-32bit - libimobiledevice-1_0-6-32bit - libjasper4-32bit - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18-32bit - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0-32bit - libkms-devel-32bit - libldap-2_4-2-32bit - liblirc0-32bit - libluajit-5_1-2-32bit - libmunge2-32bit - libnotify-devel-32bit - libnuma1-32bit - libodbc2-32bit - libopensm9-32bit - libopenssl1_1-32bit - libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit - libp11-3-32bit - libpackagekit-glib2-devel-32bit - libpangomm-1_4-1-32bit - libpcap1-32bit - libpcre2-16-0-32bit - libplist-2_0-3-32bit - libpsx2-32bit - libpulse0-32bit - libpython3_9-1_0-32bit - libqb100-32bit - libqt5-qtserialport-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtspeech-plugin-speechd-32bit - libqt5-qttools-32bit - libqt5-qtwebsockets-devel-32bit - libreadline7-32bit - librsvg-2-2-32bit - libsamba-policy0-python3-32bit - libsecret-1-0-32bit - libselinux1-32bit - libsemanage1-32bit - libsoftokn3-32bit - libsoftokn3-hmac-32bit - libsoup-3_0-0-32bit - libsoup-devel-32bit - libstartup-notification-1-0-32bit - libswscale5_9-32bit - libsystemd0-32bit - libtevent0-32bit - libusbmuxd-2_0-6-32bit - libvdpau_r600-32bit - libvpx7-32bit - libvulkan_radeon-32bit - libwacom2-32bit - libwayland-server0-32bit - libxcb-cursor0-32bit - libxkbcommon-x11-0-32bit - libxkbcommon-x11-devel-32bit - libxml++-2_6-2-32bit - libxslt1-32bit - libzhuyin13-32bit - libzstd-devel-32bit - mozilla-nss-sysinit-32bit - nss-mdns-32bit - nss-myhostname-32bit - openmpi4-libs-32bit - pam_kwallet-32bit - pango-devel-32bit - perl-32bit - perl-base-32bit - pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2-32bit - python-base-32bit - python3-tevent-32bit - python310-base-32bit - python39-base-32bit - readline-devel-32bit - samba-ad-dc-libs-32bit - samba-libs-32bit - unixODBC-devel-32bit - wine-devel-32bit - wine-nine-standalone-32bit - xen-libs-32bit - qemu-sgabios - qemu-skiboot - intel-ipsec-mb-devel - intel-vaapi-driver-32bit - krb5-devel-32bit - libIPSec_MB1 - libQt5Core5-32bit - libQt5DBus5-32bit - libQt5Gui5-32bit - libQt5Nfc5-32bit - libQt5OpenGL-devel-32bit - libQt5OpenGL5-32bit - libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static-32bit - libQt5PlatformSupport-devel-static-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport5-32bit - libQt5Script5-32bit - libQt5SerialPort5-32bit - libQt5Test5-32bit - libQt5TextToSpeech5-32bit - libQt5WebChannel5-32bit - libQt5Widgets5-32bit - libQt5Xml-devel-32bit - libQt5Xml5-32bit - libSDL2_gfx-devel-32bit - libSDL_gfx-devel-32bit - libSDL_mixer-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL_mixer-devel-32bit - libatkmm-2_36-1 - libavahi-glib1-32bit - libavdevice58_13-32bit - libavresample4_0-32bit - libavutil56_70-32bit - libblkid-devel-32bit - libbluetooth3-32bit - libbpf0-32bit - libcaca0-32bit - libcanberra-gtk3-0-32bit - libchewing3-32bit - libcogl20-32bit - libcom_err-devel-32bit - libcom_err2-32bit - libcryptsetup12-hmac-32bit - libdav1d5-32bit - libdde-file-manager5 - libdde-network-utils1 - libdde-wayland-client0 - libdde-wayland-server0 - libdeepin-pdfium1 - libdeepin-turbo0 - libdeepin_pw_check1 - libdisomaster1 - libdocparser1 - libdwarves1-32bit - libecpg6-32bit - libelf-devel-32bit - libenchant-2-2-32bit - libepoxy0-32bit - libevdev2-32bit - libexpat-devel-32bit - libext2fs-devel-32bit - libfabric-devel-32bit - libfluidsynth3-32bit - libfreebl3-hmac-32bit - libgck-devel-32bit - libgcr-devel-32bit - libgcrypt-devel-32bit - libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit - libgegl-0_4-0-32bit - libgexiv2-2-32bit - libgimp-2_0-0-32bit - libgio-qt0 - libgiomm-2_68-1 - libglibmm-2_68-1 - libglibmm-2_68-1-32bit - libglvnd-devel-32bit - libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit - libgnt0-32bit - libgnutls30-32bit - libgoa-1_0-0-32bit - libgpg-error0-32bit - libgpgme11-32bit - libgstriff-1_0-0-32bit - libgsttag-1_0-0-32bit - libgtkhtml-editor-4_0-0-32bit - libgupnp-1_2-1-32bit - libgusb2-32bit - libharfbuzz-subset0-32bit - libharfbuzz0-32bit - libhdf5-103-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5-103-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_cpp103-openmpi4-32bit - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_hl100-32bit - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5_hl_cpp_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-mpich-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_8-gnu-openmpi4-hpc - libibumad3-32bit - libibus-1_0-5-32bit - libibverbs-32bit - libjpeg62-32bit - libjpeg62-devel-32bit - libkpmcore11 - libldb2-32bit - liblirc_driver0-32bit - libmikmod3-32bit - libmlx4-1-32bit - libmount1-32bit - libnetcdf18-openmpi4-32bit - libosmcomp5-32bit - libpango-1_0-0-32bit - libpangomm-2_48-1 - libpapi-32bit - libpcap-devel-32bit - libpcre2-32-0-32bit - libpcsclite1-32bit - libpcscspy0-32bit - libpgm-5_2-0-32bit - libpipewire-0_3-0-32bit - libpixman-1-0-32bit - libpostproc55_9-32bit - libproxy1-config-gnome3-32bit - libproxy1-config-kde-32bit - libpython2_7-1_0 - libpython2_7-1_0-32bit - libqt5-dxcbplugin - libqt5-qtimageformats-32bit - libqt5-qtscript-devel-32bit - libqt5-qttools-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtwebchannel-devel-32bit - librav1e0-32bit - libraw20-32bit - libseccomp2-32bit - libsepol1-32bit - libsigc-2_0-0-32bit - libssh4-32bit - libterminalwidget5-0 - libthai0-32bit - libtspi1-32bit - libtss2-mu0-32bit - libtss2-tctildr0-32bit - libturbojpeg0-32bit - libudisks2-qt5-0 - libusb-1_0-0-32bit - libuuid1-32bit - libva-devel-32bit - libva-drm2-32bit - libva-wayland2-32bit - libva2-32bit - libvdpau_radeonsi-32bit - libvmaf1-32bit - libvulkan_intel-32bit - libwayland-client0-32bit - libwayland-cursor0-32bit - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit - libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0-32bit - libwmf-gnome-32bit - libxkbcommon-devel-32bit - libzen0-32bit - libzstd1-32bit - lightdm-deepin-greeter - man-pages-uk - mirrorsorcerer - munge-devel-32bit - openmpi2-libs-32bit - openqa-mon - opensc-32bit - opensm-devel-32bit - pam_apparmor-32bit - papi-devel-32bit - patterns-deepin-deepin - patterns-deepin-deepin_admin - patterns-deepin-deepin_basis - patterns-deepin-deepin_internet - patterns-deepin-deepin_multimedia - patterns-deepin-deepin_office - patterns-deepin-deepin_office_opt - patterns-deepin-deepin_utilities - perl-core-DB_File-32bit - pipewire-alsa-32bit - postgresql12-llvmjit-devel - postgresql14-llvmjit-devel - power-profiles-daemon - power-profiles-daemon-doc - prometheus-postgres_exporter - python - python-32bit - python-OpenColorIO - python-OpenColorIO-devel - python-base - python-efl-doc - python-efl-examples - python-pyqt-rpm-macros - python-sip4-common - python-sip4-doc - python-sip6-doc - python3-poppler-qt5-devel - python3-proton-client - python3-protonvpn-nm-lib - python3-vncdotool - qemu-microvm - qt5integration - qtdbusextended-devel - qtmpris - qtmpris-devel - samba-devel-32bit - telegraf - udisks2-qt5-devel - unixODBC-32bit - wayland-devel-32bit - wire Package Source Changes ====================== 389-ds +- Resolve bsc#1199008 - An incorrectly backported fix would cause dscontainer not to start + due to a missing function definition +- Update to version 2.0.15~git17.498ec3e93: + * Issue 5273 - CLI - add arg completer for instance name + * Issue 2893 - CLI - dscreate - add options for setting up replication + * Issue 4866 - CLI - when enabling replication set changelog trimming by default + * Issue 5241 - UI - Add account locking missing functionality (#5251) + * Issue 5180 - snmp_collator tries to unlock NULL mutex (#5266) + * Issue 5098 - Fix cherry-pick error + * Fix cherry-pick error + * Issue 4904 - Fix various small issues + * Issue 5260 - BUG - OpenLDAP allows multiple names of memberof overlay (#5261) + * Issue 5252 - During DEL, vlv search can erroneously return NULL candidate (#5256) + * Issue 5210 - Python undefined names in lib389 + * Issue 4959 - BUG - Invalid /etc/hosts setup can cause isLocalHost (#4960) + * Issue 5249 - dscontainer: ImportError: cannot import name 'get_default_db_lib' from 'lib389.utils' + AusweisApp2 + + Version 1.22.5 + * Update of the release notes has been corrected. + * On Windows 10, the window size is no longer + changed after a language change. + * Minor bug fixes and optimizations. + * Under certain circumstances it was possible that + the SDK did not send an INSERT_CARD message. + * Update of OpenSSL to version 1.1.1n. + +- New upstream release + + Version 1.22.4 + * Fixed a random startup crash on Windows. + * The reminder to change the transport PIN is no longer + displayed for the PIN reset service or on-site readout. + * Fixed the "Report a bug" feature on Android 12. + * Fixed an issue where the iOS NFC dialog was displayed + longer than necessary. + * Under certain conditions it was possible that a workflow + could not be started because a previous workflow had not + been completed. + * Minor bug fixes and optimizations. + * If AusweisApp2 was started just as an SDK on Windows, the + path of the AutoStart entry in the registry was rewritten + nevertheless. This has been fixed. + * The libraries can now be built with MSVC 2022. + +- New upstream release ImageMagick + fix CVE-2022-1114 [bsc#1198700], heap-use-after-free in RelinquishDCMInfo of dcm.c + + ImageMagick-CVE-2022-1114.patch + fix CVE-2022-1115 [bsc#1198701], heap-buffer-overflow in PushShortPixel of quantum-private.h + + ImageMagick-CVE-2022-1115.patch + +- security update +- added patches Mesa +- _constraints: + * raised requirements to 9 GB disk space and added aarch64 + architecture (bsc#1199040) + Mesa-drivers +- _constraints: + * raised requirements to 9 GB disk space and added aarch64 + architecture (bsc#1199040) + amazon-ssm-agent +- Fix mangled ExlusiveArch field + +- Update to version 3.1.1260.0 + + Added missing check for invalid S3 path parameter + + Added support for domain join using a non-local username + + Fixed broken links in + + Fixed ECS Exec issue where agent was using environment variables for credentials + + Updated Ec2Detector test to query smbios directly for system information +- from version 3.1.1208.0 + + Updated ec2detector module to use Get-CmiInstance instead of wmic.exe + + Fixed file creation mode of ssm-agent-users sudoer file (bsc#1196556, CVE-2022-29527) +- from version 3.1.1188.0 + + Added new ec2detector module to determine if agent is on EC2 + + Added support for port forwarding to remote host + + Added quotes around inventory parameter ValueName on Windows + + Fix for domain join DNS IP assignments in shared directories + + Replaced namedpipe updater test with ec2detector test +- from version 3.1.1141.0 + + Add application inventory by file for Bottlerocket + + Fix infinite retry logic to send failed replies in MGSInteractor + + Remove usage of io/fs package +- from version 3.1.1080.0 + + (windows only) Remove symlink scan during update +- from version 3.1.1045.0 + + Fixed sourceHash validation for aws:application document plugin + + Added document parameter validation for values passed to target document of aws:runDocument plugin + + (windows only) Fix process leak when legacy cloudwatch plugin is enabled + + (windows only) Fail installation if C:\ProgramData\Amazon\SSM\ has symlinks +- from version 3.1.1004.0 + + Added platform detection for Bottlerocket OS + + Consolidated regional endpoint generation to common endpoint module +- from version 3.1.941.0 + + Added support for Rocky linux + + Fixed sharefile/shareprofile not being propagated to updateutil + + Fixed incorrect darwin platform detection post BigSur + + Fixed log flush issue in updater + + Updated .NET dependencies for domainjoin and cloudwatch (windows only) + + Updated go version to 1.17.6 +- from version 3.1.821.0 + + Implement new core module named MessageService to start processing commands from both MGS and MDS + * Merge functionalities from RunCommandService core module and Session core module. + * Receive run command documents through MGS if connected and fallback to MDS otherwise. + This functionality requires appropriate permissions for both endpoints and will be rolled + out gradually to end users. + * Provide filesystem based idempotency check to avoid duplicate run command document execution. + * Increase default run command pool buffer size from 1 to 5 to load additional documents + before-hand for processing. + + Fix nil pointer deference panic produced in named pipe test case during agent update + + Remove StopType concept in ssm-agent-worker and add different waits for reboot and shutdown stop +- from version 3.1.804.0 + + Add support for upstart when running get-diagnostic command using ssm-cli + + Fix systemctl service name to support older versions of systemctl + + Include changes to facilitate testing + + Update DNS server selection logic for seamless domain join on linux and darwin + + Update go version to go1.17.5 + + Update golang sys package dependency +- from version 3.1.715.0 + + Derive default directories from appconfig on Darwin + + Set x-bit on newly-created directories +- from version 3.1.634.0 + + Fix for ssm-setup-cli to be able to select service manager without the agent being installed +- from version 3.1.630.0 + + Added greengrass component recipe for the new SystemsManagerAgent component + + Added support for registering agent on a greengrass device + + Added support for downloading more than 1000 objects in downloadContent + + Fixed retry logic for onprem and s3 upload + + Fixed unit tests when running on Mac + + Update AWS SDK to v1.41.4 + + Update logic to retrieve platform details for Rocky Linux +- from version 3.1.501.0 + + Add diagnostics command to ssm-cli + + Fix caching for onprem credentials + + Additional configuration options for Seamless Domain Join + + Gracefully exit session if group of runas user is modified + + Skip retries for cert validation errors in S3 HEAD requests + + Fix DNS failures on CentOS 8.2 + + Update several dependencies +- from version 3.1.459.0 + + Fixed a bug with powershell command for Inventory +- from version 3.1.426.0 + + Fixed cpu spike issue manifesting on snap + + Fixed issue with version comparison in EC2Config update plugin + + Fixed panic when command output was being truncated + + Updated build to use go1.16.8 + + Removed Profile from inventory powershell commands on Windows +- from version 3.1.338.0 + + Fix to eliminate WaitGroup reuse panic triggered during agent reboot + + Fix to include applications without UninstallString in Inventory for Windows + + Fixed a bug where multi-plugin documents with large outputs would timeout RunCommand + + Fixed a bug where RunCommand could delay executions for up to 15 minutes +- from version + + Add serial port logging of AwsNitroEnclaves package version on windows during startup + + Allow usage of existing loggroup/logstream when the user does not have create permission + + Change service interrogate request log to debug + + Cleanup old surveyor channel files on startup + + Fix filehandle leak in windows leading to agent going offline + + Fix to schedule correct next run time during orchestration directories cleanup + + Fix to sequentially update correct runcount value in the document bookkeeping file + + Fix a bug with version parsing EC2Config updater + + Updated rpm packaging for fips compliance +- from version + + Added darwin arm64 to makefile + + Added logic to limit orchestration directory cleanup + + Added packaging for public SSM Agent container image + + Fixed cloudwatch endpoint for telemetry metrics requests + + Fixed handling of Windows filepaths and mutex locks + + Fixed agent worker handling of OS signals and termination channel requests + + Updated datachannel retry strategy to not retry for a specific error scenario + + Updated default gomaxproc value for Windows + + Update build to use go1.16.6 +- from version + + Added a workaround for windows random halts + + Fixed race condition during reboot document execution +- from version + + Updated to version 3.1 + + Updated build to build statically linked binaries for linux 64bit + * Minimum supported linux kernel version for linux 64bit is 3.2+ + + Fixed permissions for docker config file + + Fixed issue with ubuntu prerm and postinst scripts + + Fixed issue where processor stop was being called twice +- from version 3.0.1390.0 + + Added config option to delete orchestration folder + + Added snapcraft packaging config + + Added workaround for aws:runDocument status bug + + Added improved handling of file closure + + Added support for go mod and updated build to use go 1.16.4 + + Fixed bug parsing vpce s3 urls + + Refactored use of agent identity in agent cli + + Updated check if agent is running as windows service + + Updated handling of session cancellation to still send output to client side + + Updated interactive session exit code logic to match non-interactive mode + + Updated vendor dependencies +- Update directory path for GOPATH + +- Update to version 3.0.1295.0 + + Added configurable custom identity and identity consumption order + + Added cross-account domain join + + Added cleanup for older versions of updater artifacts + + Added a workaround for MacOS kernel bug that sometimes kept RunCommand from launching + + Added a workaround for log file contention on Windows + + Added synchronization to RunCommand service stop + + Changed hibernation log level + + MacOS executables are now signed + + Removed delay in non-interactive session type + ant +- Security fixes: + * [CVE-2021-36373, bsc#1188468] excessive memory allocation when + reading a specially crafted TAR archive + * [CVE-2021-36374, bsc#1188469] excessive memory allocation when + reading a specially crafted ZIP archive or a derived formats +- Add patches: + * ant-CVE-2021-36373-and-CVE-2021-36374.patch + ant-antlr +- Security fixes: + * [CVE-2021-36373, bsc#1188468] excessive memory allocation when + reading a specially crafted TAR archive + * [CVE-2021-36374, bsc#1188469] excessive memory allocation when + reading a specially crafted ZIP archive or a derived formats +- Add patches: + * ant-CVE-2021-36373-and-CVE-2021-36374.patch + ant-junit +- Security fixes: + * [CVE-2021-36373, bsc#1188468] excessive memory allocation when + reading a specially crafted TAR archive + * [CVE-2021-36374, bsc#1188469] excessive memory allocation when + reading a specially crafted ZIP archive or a derived formats +- Add patches: + * ant-CVE-2021-36373-and-CVE-2021-36374.patch + ant-junit5 +- Security fixes: + * [CVE-2021-36373, bsc#1188468] excessive memory allocation when + reading a specially crafted TAR archive + * [CVE-2021-36374, bsc#1188469] excessive memory allocation when + reading a specially crafted ZIP archive or a derived formats +- Add patches: + * ant-CVE-2021-36373-and-CVE-2021-36374.patch + apache2-mod_auth_mellon +- Fix CVE-2021-3639 Open Redirect vulnerability in logout URLs + (CVE-2021-3639, bsc#1188926) + * fix-CVE-2021-3639.patch + apparmor +- add php8-fpm-mr876.patch so that php8 php-fpm can read its config + (boo#1186267#c11) +- parser: add conflict with apparmor-utils < 3.0 to avoid aa-status + file conflict on upgrade (boo#1198958) +- utils: add missing dependency on apparmor-parser (boo#1198958#c4) + +- Enhance zgrep-profile-mr870.diff to also allow/support zstd + (boo#1198922). + +- update zgrep-profile-mr870.diff to allow executing 'expr' (boo#1198531) + +- Add samba-new-dcerpcd.patch, samba-4.16 has a new dcerpcd daemon + which now will spawn new additional services on demand. We need to + modify the existing smbd/winbind profiles and additionally add a + new set of profiles to cater for the new functionality; + (bnc#1198309); + +- Add samba_deny_net_admin.patch to add new rule to deny + noisy setsockopt calls from systemd; (bnc#1196850). + +- add profile for zgrep and xzgrep to prevent CVE-2022-1271 + (zgrep-profile-mr870.diff) + +- ensure precompiled cache files are newer than (text) profiles +- reload profiles in %posttrans instead of %post to ensure both + - profiles and -abstractons package are updated before the cache + in /var/cache/apparmor/ gets built (boo#1195463 #c20) + +- Add update-samba-bgqd.diff to add new rule to fix 'DENIED' open on + /proc/{pid}/fd for samba-bgqd (bnc#1196850). +- Add update-usr-sbin-smbd.diff to add new rule to allow reading of + openssl.cnf (bnc#1195463). + atkmm +- Update to version 2.36.1 + + Only build system related changes + +- Update to version 2.36.0: + + Object: Add get_object_locale(), get/set_accessible_id(), + property_accessible_table_caption_object() and + property_accessible_hypertext_nlinks(). + + Text: Add signal_text_insert() and signal_text_remove(). + + Value: Add signal_value_changed(). + + Hyperlink, Object: Remove deprecated properties + + Build: + - Use glibmm-2.68 instead of glibmm-2.60 + - Improve NMake support + - Use __declspec(dllexport) when building with Visual Studio + Drop gendef.exe + - Add Meson support + - doc/reference/: Update for Doxygen >= 1.8.16 + - Change the ABI to atkmm-2.36 +- Drop patches fixed upstream: + + atkmm-use-glibmm-262.patch + + atkmm-use-glibmm-264.patch + + atkmm-use-glibmm-266.patch +- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port. +- Bump base_ver and libname (and in baselibs.conf) following + upstream changes. +- Replace gcc-c++ with generic c++_compiler BuildRequires. +- Replace pkgconfig(glibmm-2.66) with pkgconfig(glibmm-2.68) + BuildRequires. +- Add doxygen, graphviz and xsltproc BuildRequires, needed now to + build documentation. +- Drop libtool and mm-common BuildRequires. + +- Add atkmm-use-glibmm-266.patch: Forward port to use new glibmm2. +- Replace pkgconfig(glibmm-2.64) BuildRequires with + pkgconfig(glibmm-2.66). + +- Add atkmm-use-glibmm-264.patch: Forward port to use new glibmm2. +- Replace pkgconfig(glibmm-2.62) BuildRequires with + pkgconfig(glibmm-2.64). + audit +- Modernize specfile constructs. + audit-secondary +- Drop buildrequire on C++ compiler. +- Modernize specfile constructs. + +- Fix buildrequire for openldap2-devel - audit doesn't require the + (outdated) C++ binding, but the C headers that happen to be pulled + in by buildrequiring the C++ devel package + +- Fix unhandled ECONNREFUSED with LDAP environments (bsc#1196645) + * add libaudit-fix-unhandled-ECONNREFUSED-from-getpwnam-25.patch +- Fix hang in audisp-remote with disk_low_action=suspend (bsc#1196517) + * add audisp-remote-fix-hang-with-disk_low_action-suspend-.patch + +- add audit-userspace-517-compat.patch + autofs +- autofs-5.1.6-fix-quoted-string-length-calc-in-expand.patch + Fix problem with quote handling + (bsc#1181715) + +- 0005-autofs-5.1.4-fix-incorrect-locking-in-sss-lookup.patch + Fix locking problem that causes deadlock when sss used. + (bsc#1196485) + +- 0004-autofs-5.1.3-add-port-parameter-to-rpc_ping.patch + Suppress portmap calls when port explicitly given + (bsc#1195697) + bcm20702a1-firmware +- Drop superfluous dependency on kernel-firmware (bsc#1198795) + binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + chafa +- bsc#1198965 (CVE-2022-1507): Fix NULL pointer deref in gif_internal_decode_frame + * Add chafa-CVE-2022-1507.patch + chromium +- Chromium 101.0.4951.64 (boo#1199409) + * CVE-2022-1633: Use after free in Sharesheet + * CVE-2022-1634: Use after free in Browser UI + * CVE-2022-1635: Use after free in Permission Prompts + * CVE-2022-1636: Use after free in Performance APIs + * CVE-2022-1637: Inappropriate implementation in Web Contents + * CVE-2022-1638: Heap buffer overflow in V8 Internationalization + * CVE-2022-1639: Use after free in ANGLE + * CVE-2022-1640: Use after free in Sharing + * CVE-2022-1641: Use after free in Web UI Diagnostics + +- Chromium 101.0.4951.54 (boo#1199118) +- Chromium 101.0.4951.41 (boo#1198917) + * CVE-2022-1477: Use after free in Vulkan + * CVE-2022-1478: Use after free in SwiftShader + * CVE-2022-1479: Use after free in ANGLE + * CVE-2022-1480: Use after free in Device API + * CVE-2022-1481: Use after free in Sharing + * CVE-2022-1482: Inappropriate implementation in WebGL + * CVE-2022-1483: Heap buffer overflow in WebGPU + * CVE-2022-1484: Heap buffer overflow in Web UI Settings + * CVE-2022-1485: Use after free in File System API + * CVE-2022-1486: Type Confusion in V8 + * CVE-2022-1487: Use after free in Ozone + * CVE-2022-1488: Inappropriate implementation in Extensions API + * CVE-2022-1489: Out of bounds memory access in UI Shelf + * CVE-2022-1490: Use after free in Browser Switcher + * CVE-2022-1491: Use after free in Bookmarks + * CVE-2022-1492: Insufficient data validation in Blink Editing + * CVE-2022-1493: Use after free in Dev Tools + * CVE-2022-1494: Insufficient data validation in Trusted Types + * CVE-2022-1495: Incorrect security UI in Downloads + * CVE-2022-1496: Use after free in File Manager + * CVE-2022-1497: Inappropriate implementation in Input + * CVE-2022-1498: Inappropriate implementation in HTML Parser + * CVE-2022-1499: Inappropriate implementation in WebAuthentication + * CVE-2022-1500: Insufficient data validation in Dev Tools + * CVE-2022-1501: Inappropriate implementation in iframe +- Added patches: + * chromium-101-libxml-unbundle.patch + * chromium-101-segmentation_platform-type.patch +- Removed patches: + * chromium-100-SCTHashdanceMetadata-move.patch + * chromium-100-GLImplementationParts-constexpr.patch + * chromium-100-macro-typo.patch + +- Fixes for go 1.18 + civetweb +- do not load libcrypto/libssl dynamically, just link against them (bsc#1199047) + clamav-database +- database refresh on 2022-05-02 (bsc#1084929) + +- database refresh on 2022-04-25 (bsc#1084929) + containerized-data-importer +- Increase storage requirements in _constraints (bsc#1198791) + cross-aarch64-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-aarch64-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-arm-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-arm-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-avr-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-epiphany-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-hppa-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-hppa-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-hppa64-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-i386-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-i386-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-ia64-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-m68k-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-m68k-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-mips-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-mips-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-nvptx-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-ppc-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-ppc64-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-ppc64-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-ppc64le-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-ppc64le-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-riscv64-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-riscv64-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-rx-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-s390-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-s390x-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-s390x-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-sparc-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-sparc-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-sparc64-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-sparc64-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + cross-spu-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-x86_64-binutils +- Add binutils-add-z16-name.diff so that the now official name + z16 for arch14 is recognized. [bsc#1198237] + cross-x86_64-gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + curl +- Securiy fix: [bsc#1199223, CVE-2022-27781] + * CERTINFO never-ending busy-loop + * Add curl-CVE-2022-27781.patch +- Securiy fix: [bsc#1199224, CVE-2022-27782] + * TLS and SSH connection too eager reuse + * Add curl-CVE-2022-27782.patch + +- Security fix: [bsc#1198608, CVE-2022-27774] + * Credential leak on redirect + * Add curl-CVE-2022-27774-2.patch + + openssl: don't leak the SRP credentials in redirects either + + this is a follow up patch after the initial patch. + +- Security fix: [bsc#1198766, CVE-2022-27776] + * Auth/cookie leak on redirect + * Add curl-CVE-2022-27776.patch +- Security fix: [bsc#1198723, CVE-2022-27775] + * Bad local IPv6 connection reuse + * Add curl-CVE-2022-27775.patch +- Security fix: [bsc#1198608, CVE-2022-27774] + * Credential leak on redirect + * Add curl-CVE-2022-27774.patch + * Disable test 1568, which is broken by upstream patch. + - Add curl-CVE-2022-27774-disabletest-1568.patch +- Security fix: [bsc#1198614, CVE-2022-22576] + * OAUTH2 bearer bypass in connection re-use + * Add curl-CVE-2022-22576.patch + daps +- Stable release DAPS 3.3.1: + * Bug fixes: + - Added `--not-validate-tables` parameter that disables extended + table validation to additional targets + +- Stable release DAPS 3.3.0: + * New features: + - DocBook table validation is now enabled by default as part of + validation and building (#532) + - Improved validation to always check XML validity, tables, + images, and IDs, rather than stopping after the first issue + occurs + - Set up Poppins font in FOP config delivered with DAPS + * Bug fixes: + - Fixed validation failures occurring because `--verbose` was set + - Fixed xml-wellformedness check to use a non-zero exit code + when entity definitions are missing (#539) + - Improved image check during validation to check within context + of entire set, not just current root ID (#627) + - Fixed output of missing/duplicated image list displayed during + build (#634) + - Fixed paths to entity files in `unpack-locdrop` + - Fixed output of `daps -v` when there is no XSL-FO formatter + installed (#622) + - Fixed `daps spellcheck --help` output + - Improved messages for `unpack-locdrop` and other subcommands + * Removed features: + - Removed unused `process-xrefs` and `checkconformance` + stylesheets (#612) + * Repository changes: + - Integrated Python tooling and tests for `xml-wellformed` and + `getentityname` + +- Stable release DAPS 3.2.0: + * New features: + - Added config file compatible with xmlformat 1.9 (for the + xmlformat version from + - Added DocBook table validation script (must be run manually + currently) + * Bug fixes: + - Properly enabled `--validate-ids` and `--validate-images` + validation options + - For consistency/compatibility, output PDFNAME deprecation + message to stderr + - In AsciiDoc postprocess stylesheet, fixed handling of + subtitles + - Removed remaining references to Ghostscript (#614) + * Removed features: + - Remove `html --jsp` target that was unused for years (#609) + - Removed the `online-docs` target and associated DocBook 5-to-4 + conversion stylesheets (#610) + - Removed code to query SVN properties that was unused for years + (#611) + +- Stable release DAPS 3.1.2: + * Bug fixes: + - Fixed issue where irrelevant XIncludes would cause validation + errors (#617) + * Documentation: + - Updated installation documentation + +- Stable release DAPS 3.1.1: + * Bug fixes: + - Removed error messages that appeared during command-line + completion + * Packaging changes: + - Updated Spec file from OBS repo + +- Stable release DAPS 3.1.0: + * New features: + - Allow converting AsciiDoc books with multiple parts into a + DocBook set (`--adocset`/`ADOC_SET="yes"`) + - Remove `dm:docmanager` during `unpack-lockdrop` when + `--remove-dm` is used + - Added support for DITAA diagrams as an image format (must be + added as an external file) (#540) + - Allow using `{daps-adoc-attribute}` from AsciiDoc sources to + add a list of all AsciiDoc attributes used by DAPS to the + output (#573) + - Added `daps validate` options `--validate-ids` (checks + whether IDs match a basic SEO-compatible set of characters) and + `--validate-images` (checks for missing and duplicated images) + - Renamed `daps checklink` to `daps linkcheck` for consistency + with `daps spellcheck` and `daps stylecheck` + - Renamed `PDFNAME` to `OUTPUTNAME` DC file option to clarify + its purpose + * Removed features: + - Removed support for the Xfig (`.fig`), PDF, and EPS image + formats + - Removed support for the `asciidoc` tool, DAPS now only supports + AsciiDoctor + - Removed support for `--xsltparam` which has been replaced by + `--stringparam` + - Removed `--css=none` option of `daps epub` + - Removed `` which has been replaced by + `daps-autobuild` + - Removed all support for Python 2 dependencies + * Bug fixes: + - When AsciiDoctor outputs a warning, DAPS will now fail, + avoiding XML issues that would crop up later (this only works + if AsciiDoctor >= 1.5.7 is used) + - Find unresolvable AsciiDoc attribute references (such as + `{reference}`) and error out rather than adding them to the + output + - When converting AsciiDoc, always unset the `imagesdir` + attribute, so DAPS can mandate its own `images` directory + - On successive DAPS runs, always convert AsciiDoc files to XML + again + - Improved default IDs generated by AsciiDoctor, to avoid leading + underscores in IDs (#520) + - Improved AsciiDoc `postprocess.xsl` clean-up stylesheet: + - Rewrite `@contentwidth` to `@width` + - Improved display of article titles + - Fixed validation of generated abstract elements + - Improved workarounds for `authorinitials`, `othername`, + `lineage` + - Output AsciiDoc `<<reference, title>>` construct as + `title (<xref linkend="reference"/>)` (same for links) + - Improved handling of slightly misused AsciiDoc block/ + example syntax that was previously converted to + GeekoDoc-incompatible `formalpara` elements + - Fixed updating of profiled files when an entity or the DC + file of the source has changed + - Only use AsciiDoctor's `--failure-level` if the version of + AsciiDoctor is new enough to support it + - Allowed use of AsciiDoc attributes defined on command line + and in DC file at the same time + - Made DAPS's default set of AsciiDoc attributes overridable + - Internally handle `--param` the same as `--stringparam` (#589) + - Made sure that both `index.html` and `[ROOTID].html` are + generated during HTML builds + - Reworked `` (#556) + - Restored compatibility with Novdoc profiling stylesheet + references + - Avoid stumbling over empty hrefs in XIncludes during validation + - Fixed issue where DC file parser would concatenate rather + than overwrite values + - Fixed issue where DC file parser would not correctly recognize + last line of a DC file if it did not end in a newline character + (#553) + - Fixed issue where default entities like `—` could not + be found + - Fixed `unpack-locdrop` runs that failed because file lists + contained spaces rather than line breaks + - Use `PROFOS` value during `locdrop` + - Fixed `daps html --nostatic` build failure resulting from + identical files error + - Fixed GNU Make 4.3 `+=` operator compatibility + - Added compatibility with Inkscape 1.0 command-line options + - Set initial memory for FOP + - Fixed path to Avalon Framework (bsc#1175214) + - Fixed LibreOffice Draw executable name for Debian (#564) + - Improved error message when MAIN file is missing (#494) + - Improved error message displayed when ROOTID does not exist in + the document (#546) + - Show FOP warnings when running with `-vv` or higher verbosity + - Suppressed error messages about missing `xml:base` during + `daps linkcheck` (#558) + - Improved message output of `daps-xmlwellformed` + - Improved Git updating flow in `daps-autobuild` + * Documentation: + - Added man pages for `daps-xmlformat` and `daps-check-deps` + (#491) + - Added documentation for generating a DocBook set from an + AsciiDoc book + - Fixed typos and other minor issues throughout the documentation + * Packaging changes: + - Cleaned up TAR archives generated by GitHub (#489) + - Do not make libexec XSL files executable (#492) + +- Add daps-gnu-make-4.3.patch: Fix compatibility with GNU Make 4.3. + deepin-calendar +- Add patch to fix build on aarch64: + * fix-stub.h.patch + +- Update version to 5.8.16 + * Update manual documents + * Fix bugs +- Add fix-hardcode-path.patch + +- Update version to 5.8.12 + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + +- Stop owning directories provided by filesystem and other packages + (every dir should only have one owner) (boo#1184786) + +- Update version to + * Add help documents + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to + * The new ui design. + deepin-editor +- Update version to 5.10.18 + * Fix memory leak for asan + +- Update version to 5.10.16 + * Add manual documents + * Drop libenca0 + * Add libchardet1 + * Add ut code + * Fix bug +- Drop Use-librares-system-default.patch +- Add Fix-return-type.patch, fix a return type error + +- Update version to + * Add many new feature + * Update ui design +- Drop deepin-editor-qt-5_15.patch, fixed by upstream +- Add Use-librares-system-default.patch, use enca and uchardet in + system default + +- Add deepin-editor-Qt-5_15.patch + * Support Qt 5.15 + +- Update version to 1.2.9 + * Should call showNormal() to raise window + * Fix do not overwrite the cursorFlashTime of QGuiApplication + * Fix crash if DDE file select dialog is not available to use + * No longer designate clang++ as compiler + * Set default open dir as QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation + * Activate window when opening files + * Display word count from status bar + * Fix reduce minimum window size + deepin-gettext-tools +- Drop unneeded BuildRequires on python. + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + deepin-movie +- Stop owning directories provided by filesystem and other packages + (every dir should only have one owner) (boo#1184786) + +- Update version to 5.7.11 + * Fix bugs + * Add help documents + * Use mpris-qt5 and dbusextended-qt5 +- Drop deepin-movie-add-qthelper.patch and libavformat-version-check.patch + merged by upstream. + +- Add fix-build-on-ARM.patch + +- Update version to + * Opimize ui +- Drop deepin-movie-reborn-add-pkgconfig-check.patch, fixed by upsteam +- Add libavformat-version-check.patch, fixed build on new ffmpeg +- Add Fix-library-link.patch, fix library link error and add this + includedir for ffmpeg + +- Drop deepin-movie-Qt-5_15.patch + +- Update version to + * Fix bug on aarch64 + * Fix bug(24212) + +- Add deepin-movie-Qt-5_15.patch + * Support Qt 5.15 + +- Update version to + * Use new dtk apis + deepin-music-player +- Update version to 6.2.1 + * Support wayland + * Update translations + * Update manual document + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 6.1.7 + * Update translations + * Fix bugs +- Drop fix-return-type.patch, merged by upstream + +- Stop owning directories provided by filesystem and other packages + (every dir should only have one owner) (boo#1184786) + +- Update version to 6.1.2 + * Add help documents + * Fix bug + * Use mpris-qt5 +- Add Patches: fix-return-type.patch and recompile-with-fPIC.patch +- Drop deepin-music-Qt-5_15.patch, merged by upstream. + +- Update version to + * no longer output libraries + * feature update + * Switch backend to VLC + * Use new dtk apis + * Fix many bugs +- Fix library link, add Fix-library-link.patch + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Support Qt 5.15, add deepin-music-Qt-5_15.patch + deepin-qt-dbus-factory +- Update version to 5.5.5 + * Change some apis + +- Update version to 5.4.20 + * Add org.freedeskop.DBus.xml + * Add gravity sensor + +- Update version to 5.4.17 + * Add org.freedeskop.DBus.xml config + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.4.10 + * Update com.deepin.daemon.Timedate profile + * Add Authenticate interface + * Add an interface for sound system + +- Update version to 5.4.5 + * Add TimeUpdate API for com.deepin.daemon.Timedate + * Add show and hide for OSD + +- Remove the unneeded QtWebKit dependency. + +- Update version to 5.4.4 + * Add some new apis + +- Update versio to 5.3.35 + * Add some apis for deepin-control-center + +- Update version to + * Add many new apis + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to + * Update apis + * Fix bugs + * Add some features. +- Drop migrate-to-python3.patch, fixed by upstream + deepin-system-monitor +- change license tag to GPL-3.0-or-later. + +- Update version to 5.8.21 + * Optimize application + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + +- Update version to 5.8.20 + * Fix bugs + * Drop pannel icon + +- Update verion to 5.8.15 + * Optimize for table device + * optimize ui + * Drop view path feature + * Fix bugs + * Update translations + * Update manual documents + * Add the panel icon +- Add fix-return-type-errors.patch. + +- Update version to 5.8.2 + * Optimize ui + * Fix bugs + +- Update to version + * Update translations. + * Fix: Download size in system monitor process list is greater + than the total received data. + * Fix: When connecting to wireless network, the network data + cannot be monitored in the process list. +- Use find_lang macro + +- Update version to + * Update translations + * Fix bugs + * Support gcc 10+ + * Add user guide documents +- Enable policykit feature, fix boo#1181886 + +- Update version to + * Use new dtk apis + * The new ui design +- Drop deepin-system-monitor-Qt-5_15.patch, fixed by upstream +- Drop Fix-redefinition-error.patch, merged by upstream +- Don't install polkit profiles, install deepin-system-monitor-root.desktop + instead. Workaround boo#1181886 + +- Add deepin-system-monitor-Qt-5_15.patch + * Support Qt 5.15 + deepin-terminal -- Set version +- Update version to 5.4.24 + * Fix bugs -- Update version to - * Fix issues on VTE 0.60+ - * Fix blur offset in new KWin - * Fix: crash if is missing - * feat: use GTK menu if deepin-menu is not available to use - * feat: add support for `allow_hyperlink` which can be enabled from config - * feat: basic wayland support - * feat: support file for deepin/DDE variant distributions -- Drop deepin-terminal-system-vte.patch, fixed by upsteam +- Update version to 5.4.16 + * Remove some wayland code + * Remove .transifexrc + * Optimize ut + * Update manual documents + * Update translations + * Fix bugs + +- Update version to 5.4.10 + * Opimize test + * Limit the window's width as the screen's width + * Update translations + * Fix bugs + +- Stop owning directories provided by filesystem and other packages + (every dir should only have one owner) (boo#1184786) + +- Update dtk api to 5.5.0 + +- Update version to + * Fix bugs +- Add recompile-with-fPIC.patch. Fix link failed on 64bit + +- Update version to 5.2.26, redesign the deepin-terminal by Qt +- drop deepin-terminal-xcb.vapi-missing-return-statement-at-end-of-subroutine-body.patch deepin-turbo +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_deepin-turbo-booster-desktop.service.patch + * harden_deepin-turbo-booster-dtkwidget.service.patch + +- Update version to 0.0.5 + * fix: missing override produces compiler warnings + * chore: remove the Qt env of platform plugin + * fix: make deepin-turbo a proper shared library + * feat: add desktop type for booster + * chore: add preload Qt library for 'desktop' booster + * feat: add the 'DesktopApp' binfmt conf file + * Support analyze booster type from desktop profile +- Drop fix-return-type-Werror.patch, merged by upstream + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Use %{_userunitdir} instead of abusing %{_libexecdir}…. + desktop-translations +- Update to version 84.87.20220427.80cb897f: + * Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) + * Translated using Weblate (Polish) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + +- Update to version 84.87.20220316.9301f89b: + * Update strings from Leap 15.4. + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Hindi) + * Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Kabyle) + * Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) + docker-distribution +- Update to version 2.8.0: + * Update README so the release pipeline works properly. + * Make this releaes a beta release first. + * [2.8] Release artifacts + * release workflow + * Apply suggestions from code review + * Prepare for v2.8.0 release + * [release/2.7] vendor: v1.0.2 + * manifest: validate document type before unmarshal + * [release/2.7] vendor: v3.2.1 +- Drop merged patchs + * 0001-Fix-s3-driver-for-supporting-ceph-radosgw.patch + * 0002-Relax-filesystem-driver-folder-permissions-to-0777-cont.patch + * 0003-Support-external-redis-sentinel-cluster.patch + * 0004-Make-ipfilteredby-not-required.patch + dpdk +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2021-3839 [bsc#1198963], dpdk: OOB write irelated to vhost communication n vhost_user_set_inflight_fd() + + dpdk-CVE-2021-3839.patch + fix CVE-2022-0669 [bsc#1198964], dpdk: DoS by exhausting available fd in vhost-user slave process + + dpdk-CVE-2022-0669.patch + dpdk:thunderx +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2021-3839 [bsc#1198963], dpdk: OOB write irelated to vhost communication n vhost_user_set_inflight_fd() + + dpdk-CVE-2021-3839.patch + fix CVE-2022-0669 [bsc#1198964], dpdk: DoS by exhausting available fd in vhost-user slave process + + dpdk-CVE-2022-0669.patch + dracut +- Update to version 055+suse.252.g4988b0bf: + * fix(resume): do not add this module if there is no suitable swap (bsc#1198095) + * feat(resume): improve sanity check by verifying volatile swap (bsc#1198095) + * feat(resume): sanity check (bsc#1197192) + dtb-aarch64 +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + dtkcommon +- Update version to 5.5.20 + * Add DtkInstallDConfigConfig + dtkcore +- Update version to 5.5.23 + * Fix bugs + * dtkVersionString return empty string + * update DTK_VERSION + * recode DConf Class +- Drop fix-return-type.patch, fixed by upstream + dtkgui +- Update version to 5.5.23 + * Add dde-kwin-debug + * Fix bugs + dtkwidget +- Update version to 5.5.37 + * Add some plugin icons + * Add DSearchEdit widget in plugin + * Fix bugs +- Drop fix-deepin-reader.patch, merged by upstream +- Drop fix-return-type.patch, fixed by upstream + dvd+rw-tools +- Add fix-build-with-recent-glibc.patch. +- Refresh dvd+rw-tools-buffer.patch +- Refresh growisofs-dvd-dl-undersized.patch +- Run spec-cleaner + -- fix build with gcc-4.3 - enlightenment +- Recommend acpid for bindings (Should now remove popup) [boo#1196609] +- system.conf allow all users, this is required because we no + longer automatically add people to the users group. [boo#1196609] + +- boo#1197326,1196609 - Don't Enable modules that don't exist in profile + migration. + * fix-upstream-dont-migrate-sysinfoluncher.patch +- Recommend acpid for bindings + enlightenment-theme-openSUSE +- 20220430.1.26 - Major change to theme based off new Dimensions theme. + gcc11 +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + gcc11-testresults +- Add a list of Obsoletes to libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 so updates from + packages provided by older GCC work. Add a requires from that + package to the corresponding libstc++6 package to keep those + at the same version. [bsc#1196107] +- Add gcc11-D-dependence-fix.patch to fix memory corruption when + creating dependences with the D language frontend. +- Sync to avoid trying to build cross-aarch64-gcc1-bootstrap + on aarch64 which is unresolvable. + +- Add gcc11-PIE, similar to gcc-PIE but affecting gcc11 [bsc#1195628] + +- Put libstdc++6-pp Requires on the shared library and drop + to Recommends. + gcompris-qt +- Update to bugfix release 2.4 + + Recompress image to webp (30% smaller) + + Fixes for qt 5.15 + +- Update to bugfix release 2.3 + + Fix broken 3 activities in 2.2 ("Alphabet sequence", + "Even and odd numbers" and "Numbers in order") + + 2.2 changelog: + - Russian translation back to 100%. + - Better ordering of the letters in the virtual keyboard + (follows the locale set in GCompris). + + Activities: + - New images for Tangram, Renewable energy and Watercycle activities. + - Lot of little issues fixed in Renewable energy and Watercycle activities. + - Fix a crash on some Android when starting Balancebox activity. + - Many other little fixes and improvements. + - New voices added for Norwegian Nynorsk (all except introduction ones). + gcompris-qt-voices +- Update to version 2.4~20220419 for gcompris-qt 2.4 + +- Update to version 2.3~20220313 for gcompris-qt 2.3 + giflib -- Enable Position Independent Code and inherit CFLAGS from the build system. - * Added giflib-PIE.patch (bsc#1184123). +- prep section should just extract and patch, + further modifications have to be done in the build section + +- Added patch: + * PIE.patch + + build path independent objects and inherit CFLAGS from the + build system (bsc#1184123) + +- Update to version 5.2.1 + * In gifbuild.c, avoid a core dump on no color map. + * Restore inadvertently removed library version numbers in Makefile. +- Changes in version 5.2.0 + * The undocumented and deprecated GifQuantizeBuffer() entry point + has been moved to the util library to reduce libgif size and attack + surface. Applications needing this function are couraged to link the + util library or make their own copy. + * The following obsolete utility programs are no longer installed: + gifecho, giffilter, gifinto, gifsponge. These were either installed in + error or have been obsolesced by modern image-transformmation tools + like ImageMagick convert. They may be removed entirely in a future + release. + * Address SourceForge issue #136: Stack-buffer-overflow in gifcolor.c:84 + * Address SF bug #134: Giflib fails to slurp significant number of gifs + * Apply SPDX convention for license tagging. +- Changes in version 5.1.9 + * The documentation directory now includes an HTMlified version of the + GIF89 standard, and a more detailed description of how LZW compression + is applied to GIFs. + * Address SF bug #129: The latest version of giflib cannot be build on windows. + * Address SF bug #126: Cannot compile giflib using c89 +- Changes in version 5.1.8 + * Address SF bug #119: MemorySanitizer: FPE on unknown address (CVE-2019-15133 bsc#1146299) + * Address SF bug #125: 5.1.7: xmlto is still required for tarball + * Address SF bug #124: 5.1.7: ar invocation is not crosscompile compatible + * Address SF bug #122: 5.1.7 installs manpages to wrong directory + * Address SF bug #121: make: getversion: Command not found + * Address SF bug #120: 5.1.7 does not build a proper library - no +- Changes in version 5.1.7 + * Correct a minor packaging error (superfluous symlinks) in the 5.1.6 tarballs. +- Changes in version 5.1.6 + * Fix library installation in the Makefile. +- Changes in version 5.1.5 + * Fix SF bug #114: Null dereferences in main() of gifclrmp + * Fix SF bug #113: Heap Buffer Overflow-2 in function DGifDecompressLine() + in cgif.c. This had been assigned (CVE-2018-11490 bsc#1094832). + * Fix SF bug #111: segmentation fault in PrintCodeBlock + * Fix SF bug #109: Segmentation fault of giftool reading a crafted file + * Fix SF bug #107: Floating point exception in giftext utility + * Fix SF bug #105: heap buffer overflow in DumpScreen2RGB in gif2rgb.c:317 + * Fix SF bug #104: Ineffective bounds check in DGifSlurp + * Fix SF bug #103: GIFLIB 5.1.4: DGifSlurp fails on empty comment + * Fix SF bug #87: Heap buffer overflow in 5.1.2 (gif2rgb). (CVE-2016-3977 bsc#974847) + * The horrible old autoconf build system has been removed with extreme prejudice. + You now build this simply by running "make" from the top-level directory. +- Run spec-cleaner +- Drop patches fixed upstream: + * giflib-visibility.patch + * giflib-automake-1_13.patch + * giflib-CVE-2016-3977.patch + * fix-autoconf11.patch +- Change build system to Make only (upstream not using autoconf) + +- Remove unused build requires on X libraries +- Use %license -- Update to new upstream release 5.1.0 - * Minor API change to assist library wrappers in dynamic languages, - removal of the the gif2raw utility, and various minor fix patches - for unusual edge cases. - * API changes to functions: - GifErrorString returns const char *; - EGifGetGifVersion returns const char *; - EGifCloseFile takes another int *errorcode; - DGifCloseFile takes another int *errorcode; - -- Update to new upstream release 5.0.5 (bugfix release) - * This release sets the error return properly when a screen - descriptor read fails, and fixes minor API documentation bugs. - gimp-help +- Update _constraints: this requires more than 4gb of disk space + (bsc#1197717). + -- Update to version 2.8.0: - + Bugfixes: bgo#642729, bgo#634992, bgo#634995, bgo#636149 - + Updated translations. - git +- git 2.35.3: + * usability fix-up for CVE-2022-24765 bsc#1198234: + '*' can be used as the value for the `` variable + to signal that the user considers that any directory is safe. + * The code that was meant to parse the new `` + configuration variable was not checking what configuration + variable was being fed to it + +- Require bash in git-daemon because the service file uses it +- Reword git-daemon.service description to get a useful sentence + in journalctl -b + +- git 2.35.2 (CVE-2022-24765, bsc#1198234): + * CVE-2022-24765: git may execute commands defined by other users + from unexpected worktrees + +- fix deps for SLES 12 + +- "Downgrade" git-gui and gitk Recommends to Suggests. + +- update to 2.35.1: + * fix "rebase" and "stash" in a secondary worktree + +- update to 2.35.0: + * "_" is now treated as any other URL-valid characters in an URL when + matching the per-URL configuration variable names. + * The color palette used by "git grep" has been updated to match that + of GNU grep. + * "git status --porcelain=v2" now show the number of stash entries + with --show-stash like the normal output does. + * "git stash" learned the "--staged" option to stash away what has + been added to the index (and nothing else). + * "git var GIT_DEFAULT_BRANCH" is a way to see what name is used for + the newly created branch if "git init" is run. + * Various operating modes of "git reset" have been made to work + better with the sparse index. + * "git submodule deinit" for a submodule whose .git metadata + directory is embedded in its working tree refused to work, until + the submodule gets converted to use the "absorbed" form where the + metadata directory is stored in superproject, and a gitfile at the + top-level of the working tree of the submodule points at it. The + command is taught to convert such submodules to the absorbed form + as needed. + * The completion script (in contrib/) learns that the "--date" + option of commands from the "git log" family takes "human" and + "auto" as valid values. + * "Zealous diff3" style of merge conflict presentation has been added. + * The "git log --format=%(describe)" placeholder has been extended to + allow passing selected command-line options to the underlying "git + describe" command. + * "default" and "reset" have been added to our color palette. + * The cryptographic signing using ssh keys can specify literal keys + for keytypes whose name do not begin with the "ssh-" prefix by + using the "key::" prefix mechanism (e.g. "key::ecdsa-sha2-nistp256"). + * "git fetch" without the "--update-head-ok" option ought to protect + a checked out branch from getting updated, to prevent the working + tree that checks it out to go out of sync. The code was written + before the use of "git worktree" got widespread, and only checked + the branch that was checked out in the current worktree, which has + been updated. + * "git name-rev" has been tweaked to give output that is shorter and + easier to understand. + * "git apply" has been taught to ignore a message without a patch + with the "--allow-empty" option. It also learned to honor the + "--quiet" option given from the command line. + * The "init" and "set" subcommands in "git sparse-checkout" have been + unified for a better user experience and performance. + * Many git commands that deal with working tree files try to remove a + directory that becomes empty (i.e. "git switch" from a branch that + has the directory to another branch that does not would attempt + remove all files in the directory and the directory itself). This + drops users into an unfamiliar situation if the command was run in + a subdirectory that becomes subject to removal due to the command. + The commands have been taught to keep an empty directory if it is + the directory they were started in to avoid surprising users. + * "git am" learns "--empty=(stop|drop|keep)" option to tweak what is + done to a piece of e-mail without a patch in it. + * The default merge message prepared by "git merge" records the name + of the current branch; the name can be overridden with a new option + to allow users to pretend a merge is made on a different branch. + * The way "git p4" shows file sizes in its output has been updated to + use human-readable units. + * "git -c branch.autosetupmerge=inherit branch new old" makes "new" + to have the same upstream as the "old" branch, instead of marking + "old" itself as its upstream. + +- Remove unneeded SHELL in git-daemon.conf +- git 2.33.1: + * fix "git pull" and "git rebase -r" various corner cases and bugs + * "git commit --fixup" now works with "--edit" again. + * Fix "git send-email" unwanted threading + * Fix output from "git fast-export" anonymization feature + showing an annotated tag incorrectly. + * Fixes for various command output + * fix "git difftool --dir-diff" mishandling symbolic links + * Redact sensitive data in the HTTP trace for HTTP/2 requests + * further bug fixes for various git operations + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * git-daemon.service + +- Remove deprecated "syslog" option from git-daemon.service (bsc#1185147) + + + + + + -- Drop checkout-dont-follow-symlinks.patch + + + + + + + + -- Remove deprecated "syslog" option from git-daemon.service (bsc#1185147) - -- On case-insensitive filesystems, with support for symbolic links, - if Git is configured globally to apply delay-capable clean/smudge - filters (such as Git LFS), Git could be fooled into running - remote code during a clone. (bsc#1183026, CVE-2021-21300) - * checkout-dont-follow-symlinks.patch - glibmm2 +- Update to version 2.68.2: + + Glib: Replace all g_quark_from_static_string() by + g_quark_from_string() + + Gio: + - FileEnumerator: Remove refreturn to avoid memory leak + - ListModel::get_object(): Make it work for interface classes + - AppInfo::get_all(): Avoid a crash on Windows + + Build: MSVC build: Remove extraneous GLIBMM_API in + Glib::ustring + +- Add m4 BuildRequires: the generated gmmproc actually stores the + path to m4, as detected during build. Subsequent builds of other + * mm modules from git need a working setup for this. + +- Update to version 2.68.1 + + Add dependencies to Doxygen tag files in subprojects + + Doxygen in a main project shall not be called before tag files + have been created or updated in subprojects. + + Fix build as subproject without building documentation + + If mm-common-get is not found in maintainer-mode + with 'required: false', try with 'required: true'. + Don't try to use tag_file, if documentation is not built. + + docs/reference/ Don't use variables from modules + that don't define doxytagfile. These are subprojects that don't + build their documentation. + + Don't mark the Glib::Source class with GLIBMM_API + Instead, mark the individual members with GLIBMM_API so that we + avoid having the code tied to a particular STL and compiler + version. + + Update the classes that derive from Glib::Source accordingly as + well + + error.h Avoid exporting class deriving frm std::exception + This will avoid having the ABI tied to a particular STL and + compiler version, and so will eliminate C4275 compiler warnings + when building the code. Also update gerror.m4 so that it will + generate code deriving from Glib::Error with the export macro + markings with the member functions, so that things continue to + build properly. + + fileattributeinfo.hg: Avoid exporting classes with std::string + members + + variantdbusstring.h: Don't mark classes with GLIBMM_API + + ustring.h: Avoid exporting classes with std::string members + + Glib::PatternSpec: Ignore deprecation of g_pattern_match() + + tests/glibmm_ustring_compare: Fix so it works for C++20 + + Meson build: Make quiet installations possible + + Meson build: No implicit_include_directories + + Variant: Fix so it works with C++20. C++20 changed some aspects + of templates that broke variant.h on some compilers (GCC 11). + + Meson build: No implicit_include_directories. It shall not be + possible to find a glibmm header file with #include <xxx.h> + instead of #include <glibmm/xxx.h>. Not fully fixed until + has been fixed. + + Add tools/defs_gen/ A Python script that can + replace the Perl script tools/ + + Meson build: Make it possible to use glibmm as a subproject + glib and sigc++ can be subprojects of glibmm. + + Meson build: examples and tests: Add dependency('threads') + Multithreaded examples and tests depend on 'threads'. + I noticed this when I started experimenting with subprojects. + Strange that it was not reported as a missing dependency long + ago. + + g[io|lib]mmconfig.h.*: Don't dllimport on MinGW. This will fix + warnings when building items using glibmm and giomm with + MinGW/GCC. + + tools/gen_scripts: Ignore gio/gwin32api-*.h. Ignore some new + glib header files when generating gio/src/gio_enums.defs and + gio/src/gio_methods.defs. + + docs/reference/ Remove obsolete entries + + Meson build: Use relative paths to untracked/. The paths to the + source code in untracked/ shall be relative to the + file, when library files are built from a tarball. With + absolute paths Meson may generate too long file names. + +- Update to version 2.68.0: + + Glib: + - PropertyProxyConnectionNode::connect_changed(): Fix using + without property name + - Remove BalancedTree + + Gio: + - ListStore: Accept interfaces + - MenuModel: Make MenuAttribute and MenuLink enum class + - Add TlsClientConnectionImpl and TlsServerConnectionImpl + - SocketClient::signal_event(): Fix wrapping of 'connection' + parameter + + gmmproc: + - Add optional decl_prefix parameter to + _WRAP_GERROR and _WRAP_ENUM. Used for adding GLIBMM_API or + similar for MS Visual C++ + - Allow decorating comparison operators (for Visual Studio + builds) + - _CLASS_BOXEDTYPE, _CLASS_OPAQUE_COPYABLE: Fix move assignment + - Decorate private generated classes with __declspec when + building with Visual Studio + - + Use g_type_ensure(SomeClass::get_type()) to ensure that + get_type() is called + + Build: + - Use __declspec(dllexport) consistently when building glibmm + with Visual Studio + - Meson build: Set default value of the 'warnings' option to + 'min' + - Improve NMake support + - Improve Visual Studio support + - docs/reference/: Update for Doxygen >= 1.8.16 + - Meson build: Fix versioning on macOS + - Meson build: Fix detection of macOS + - Change the ABI to glibmm-2.68 + + Documentation: Meson build: Add missing Glib::Value and Variant + documentation +- Bump so_ver, base_ver and in baselibs following upstream changes. +- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port to + meson build system. +- No longer package documentation, not built by default on meson. + +- Update to version 2.65.3: + + Tests: glibmm_buildfilename: Add some tests. + + Build: Meson build: Install generate_extra_defs.h. + +- Update to version 2.65.2: + + Glib: Add missing #includes. + +- Update to version 2.65.1: + + Glib: + - Add get_user_runtime_dir(). + - Add get_host_name(). + - MainContext: Add push/pop/get_thread_default(). + - Add StdStringView and UStringView. Use them in + build_filename() and other functions + - Regex::match(): Avoid using string after deletion. + - Add Glib::canonicalize_filename(). + - Binding: get_source() and get_target() return ObjectBase*. + - ustring: Fix insert(iterator, In, In). + - Value: Adding static_assert() for template parameter. + - Error: Derive from std::exception, remove Glib::Exception. + - Binding: Keep a binding alive even without a RefPtr. + + Gio: + - DBus::Connection: Make the wrap() function thread-safe. + - SettingsSchemaSource: Add list_schemas(). Add a create(), + wrapping new_from_directory(). + - DBus::Message::get_unix_fd_list(): Add refreturn. + + Tests: + - Add glibmm_ustring_compare test. + - Add glibmm_regex test. + - Add glibmm_binding test. + + gmmproc: Add optional decl_prefix parameter to + _CLASS_BOXEDTYPE, _CLASS_BOXEDTYPE_STATIC, _CLASS_GOBJECT, + _CLASS_INTERFACE, _CLASS_OPAQUE_COPYABLE, + _CLASS_OPAQUE_REFCOUNTED, _WRAP_GERROR. Used for adding + GLIBMM_API or similar for MS Visual C++. + + Build: + - Require glib-2.0 >= 2.6. + - Change the ABI to glibmm-2.66. + - Add Meson support. + - Drop gendef from Windows builds. + + Documentation: + - Correct spelling of spawn_async_with_pipes(). + - Glib::Binding: Several doc improvements. + - Glib::Binding: Explain why SlotTransform takes GValue*. + - Gio::AsyncResult: Improve the class description. +- Bump so_ver, base_ver and baselibs following upstream changes. + +- Update to version 2.63.1: + + Glib: + - ustring: Fix memory leak in make_valid(). + - Add ustring::sprintf(), wrapping g_strdup_printf(). + - Fix callback races in glibmm when GSource is destructed. + - Checksum, Datetime, TimeZone: Declare as _CLASS_BOXEDTYPE. + - Property: Add const get_proxy() returning ReadOnly + Getting Proxy from ReadOnly is const. + - Property: Update for compatibility with Gtk::Builder. + - Fix memory leak in Variant<std::tuple<>>::create(). + - Remove TimeVal. + + Gio: + - Add Application::add_option_group(). + - DBus::Object: Fix refcounts in some vfuncs. + - Gio::DBus: Add ObjectProxy, ObjectSkeleton, ObjectManager, + ObjectManagerClient, ObjectManagerServer. + - Drive, MountOperation, ThemedIcon, TlsDatabase, + VolumeMonitor: Fix ownership of some lists and arrays + (Fixes memory leaks and dangling pointers). + - Add SocketControlMessage::add_deserialize_func(). + + gmmproc: Update for new glib deprecation macros. + + Build: + - Remove unused configuration constants. + - Require glib-2.0 >= 2.61.2. + - Change the ABI to glibmm-2.64. + + Documentation: + - Glib::init(), Gio::init(): Improve the documentation. + - Glib::ustring can't always replace std::string. + glm +- Add back dropped reference for bsc#1135667 + +- Update to version + Features: + * Added GLM_EXT_vector_intX* and GLM_EXT_vector_uintX* + extensions + * Added GLM_EXT_matrix_intX* and GLM_EXT_matrix_uintX* + extensions + Improvements: + * Added clamp, repeat, mirrorClamp and mirrorRepeat function + to GLM_EXT_scalar_commond and GLM_EXT_vector_commond + extensions with tests + Fixes: + * Fixed unnecessary warnings from matrix_projection.inl + * Fixed quaternion slerp overload which interpolates with + extra spins + * Fixed for glm::length using arch64 + * Fixed singularity check for quatLookAt + version + Improvements: + * Improved Neon support with more functions optimized + * Added CMake GLM interface + * Added fma implementation based on std::fma + * Added missing quat constexpr + * Added GLM_FORCE_QUAT_DATA_WXYZ to store quat data as w,x,y,z + instead of x,y,z,w + Fixes: + * Fixed equal ULP variation when using negative sign + * Fixed for intersection ray/plane and added related tests + * Fixed ARM 64bit detection + * Fixed GLM_EXT_matrix_clip_space warnings + * Fixed Wimplicit-int-float-conversion warnings with clang 10+ + * Fixed EXT_matrix_clip_space perspectiveFov + version + Features: + * Added Neon support to glm + * Added SYCL support + * Added EXT_scalar_integer extension with power of two and + multiple scalar functions + * Added EXT_vector_integer extension with power of two and + multiple vector functions + Improvements: + * Added missing genType check for bitCount and bitfieldReverse + Fixes: + * Fixed for g++6 where -std=c++1z sets __cplusplus to 201500 + instead of 201402 + * Fixed hash hashes qua instead of tquat + * Fixed .natvis as structs renamed + * Fixed ldexp and frexp declaration + * Fixed missing const to quaternion conversion operators + * Fixed EXT_scalar_ulp and EXT_vector_ulp API coding style + * Fixed quaternion componant order: w, {x, y, z} + * Fixed GLM_HAS_CXX11_STL broken on Clang with Linux + * Fixed Clang or GCC build due to wrong GLM_HAS_IF_CONSTEXPR + definition + * Fixed CUDA 9 build +- Drop glm-cmake-config.patch (no longer applies) +- Add glm- (courtesy of Fedora), + glm- and + glm- + +- Ensure glmConfig.cmake gets installed: + * glm-cmake-config.patch + +- Update to version + See for the + full changelog + * Fixed build errors when defining GLM_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL #884 + [#883] + * Fixed 'if constexpr' warning #887 + * Fixed missing declarations for frexp and ldexp #886 + changelog can also be found at + /usr/share/doc/packages/%{name}-doc/ + +- Fix typo in patch glm-cmake-config.patch +- Correct License + +- Reenable disabled tests (fixed by upstream) + * core_func_exponential + * gtc_packing + * gtc_integer + * gtx_common + +- Upstream does not package a dedicated LICENSE file. + Make a note the license terms are included in +- Use %fdupes macro also for docs/api/ + +- Update to version + See for the changelog +- Update patch: + * glm-cmake-config.patch +- Run spec-cleaner + -- aliasing.patch: fix strict aliasing issues - -- Version bump to -- Add a patch to disable gtc_packing test that fails on some i586 - systems: - * glm- -- Add %fdupes to reduce size - -- Version bump to - * Various bug fixes - * MIT only license -- Remove no longer needed patch: - * glm-nonx86.patch -- Use cmake macros to build - -- convert sources to UNIX format using dos2unix -- fix build on non x86 architectures (glm-nonx86.patch) - -- license update: MIT and GPL-2.0+ - glm- is GPL licensed - -- Update to version - * Promoted GTC_espilon extension - * Promoted GTC_ulp extension - * Removed GLM website from the source repository - * Added GLM_FORCE_RADIANS so that all functions takes radians for arguments - -- Add missing BuildRoot directive (resolve SLE build failure) - golang-github-prometheus-prometheus +- Build firewalld-prometheus-config only for SUSE Linux Enterprise + 15, 15.1 and 15.2, and require firewalld for it +- firewalld-prometheus-config needs to be a Recommends, not a + Requires, as prometheus does not require it to run + +- Create firewalld-prometheus-config subpackage (bsc#1197042, + jsc#SLE-24374, jsc#SLE-24375) + +- Update vendor tarball with prometheus/client_golang 1.12.1 + (bsc#1196338) + * Added 0003-Bump-client_golang-to-1.12.1.patch + google-guest-agent +- Update to version 20220204.00 (bsc#1195437, bsc#1195438) + * remove han from owners (#154) + * Remove extra slash from metadata URL. (#151) +- from version 20220104.00 + * List IPv6 routes (#150) +- from version 20211228.00 + * add add or remove route integration test, utils (#147) +- from version 20211214.00 + * add malformed ssh key unit test (#142) + google-guest-oslogin +- Update to version 20220205.00 (bsc#1195437, bsc#1195438) + * Fix build for EL9. (#82) +- from version 20211213.00 + * Reauth error (#81) +- Rename Source0 field to Source +- Update URL in Source field to point to upstream tarball + google-osconfig-agent +- Update to version 20220209.00 (bsc#1195437, bsc#1195438) + * Update licences, remove deprecated centos-8 tests (#414) + +- Update to version 20220204.00 + * Add DisableLocalLogging option (#413) +- from version 20220107.00 + * OS assignment example: Copy file from bucket + gpxsee +- Update to version 10.7 + * Multiple IMG maps loading/rendering fixes. + +- Update to version 10.6 + * Improved marine charts rendering. + +- Update to version 10.5 + * Improved handling of MBTiles maps with nonconsecutive zoom + levels. + * Fixed broken loading of some IMG maps. + * Added a basic IMG nautical charts style. + grafana +- Update to version 8.3.5 (jsc#SLE-23439, jsc#SLE-23422) + + Security: + * Fixes XSS vulnerability in handling data sources + (bsc#1195726, CVE-2022-21702) + * Fixes cross-origin request forgery vulnerability + (bsc#1195727, CVE-2022-21703) + * Fixes Insecure Direct Object Reference vulnerability in Teams + API (bsc#1195728, CVE-2022-21713) + +- Update to Go 1.17. +- Add build-time dependency on `wire`. +- Update license to GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. +- Update to version 8.3.4 + + Security: + * GetUserInfo: return an error if no user was found + (bsc#1194873, CVE-2022-21673) + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Allow configuration of non-ready alertmanagers. + * Alerting: Allow customization of Google chat message. + * AppPlugins: Support app plugins with only default nav. + * InfluxDB: query editor: skip fields in metadata queries. + * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Cancel in-flight SQL query if user + cancels query in grafana. + * Prometheus: Forward oauth tokens after prometheus datasource + migration. + + Bug fixes: + * Azure Monitor: Bug fix for variable interpolations in metrics + dropdowns. + * Azure Monitor: Improved error messages for variable queries. + * CloudMonitoring: Fixes broken variable queries that use group + bys. + * Configuration: You can now see your expired API keys if you + have no active ones. + * Elasticsearch: Fix handling multiple datalinks for a single + field. + * Export: Fix error being thrown when exporting dashboards + using query variables that reference the default datasource. + * ImportDashboard: Fixes issue with importing dashboard and + name ending up in uid. + * Login: Page no longer overflows on mobile. + * Plugins: Set backend metadata property for core plugins. + * Prometheus: Fill missing steps with null values. + * Prometheus: Fix interpolation of $__rate_interval variable. + * Prometheus: Interpolate variables with curly brackets syntax. + * Prometheus: Respect the http-method data source setting. + * Table: Fixes issue with field config applied to wrong fields + when hiding columns. + * Toolkit: Fix bug with rootUrls not being properly parsed when + signing a private plugin. + * Variables: Fix so data source variables are added to adhoc + configuration. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * Toolkit: Revert build config so tslib is bundled with plugins + to prevent plugins from crashing. +- Update to version 8.3.3: + + Features and enhancements: + * BarChart: Use new data error view component to show actions + in panel edit. + * CloudMonitor: Iterate over pageToken for resources. + * Macaron: Prevent WriteHeader invalid HTTP status code panic. + + Bug fixes: + * AnnoListPanel: Fix interpolation of variables in tags. + * CloudWatch: Allow queries to have no dimensions specified. + * CloudWatch: Fix broken queries for users migrating from + 8.2.4/8.2.5 to 8.3.0. + * CloudWatch: Make sure MatchExact flag gets the right value. + * Dashboards: Fix so that empty folders can be deleted from the + manage dashboards/folders page. + * InfluxDB: Improve handling of metadata query errors in + InfluxQL. + * Loki: Fix adding of ad hoc filters for queries with parser + and line_format expressions. + * Prometheus: Fix running of exemplar queries for non-histogram + metrics. + * Prometheus: Interpolate template variables in interval. + * StateTimeline: Fix toolitp not showing when for frames with + multiple fields. + * TraceView: Fix virtualized scrolling when trace view is + opened in right pane in Explore. + * Variables: Fix repeating panels for on time range changed + variables. + * Variables: Fix so queryparam option works for scoped + variables. +- Update to version 8.3.2 + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43813 and CVE-2021-43815. +- Update to version 8.3.1 + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. +- Update to version 8.3.0 + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Prevent folders from being deleted when they + contain alerts. + * Alerting: Show full preview value in tooltip. + * BarGauge: Limit title width when name is really long. + * CloudMonitoring: Avoid to escape regexps in filters. + * CloudWatch: Add support for AWS Metric Insights. + * TooltipPlugin: Remove other panels' shared tooltip in edit + panel. + * Visualizations: Limit y label width to 40% of visualization + width. + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Clear alerting rule evaluation errors after + intermittent failures. + * Alerting: Fix refresh on legacy Alert List panel. + * Dashboard: Fix queries for panels with non-integer widths. + * Explore: Fix url update inconsistency. + * Prometheus: Fix range variables interpolation for time ranges + smaller than 1 second. + * ValueMappings: Fixes issue with regex value mapping that only + sets color. +- Update to version 8.3.0-beta2 + + Breaking changes: + * Grafana 8 Alerting enabled by default for installations that + do not use legacy alerting. + * Keep Last State for "If execution error or timeout" when + upgrading to Grafana 8 alerting. + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Create DatasourceError alert if evaluation returns + error. + * Alerting: Make Unified Alerting enabled by default for those + who do not use legacy alerting. + * Alerting: Support mute timings configuration through the api + for the embedded alert manager. + * CloudWatch: Add missing AWS/Events metrics. + * Docs: Add easier to find deprecation notices to certain data + sources and to the changelog. + * Plugins Catalog: Enable install controls based on the + pluginAdminEnabled flag. + * Table: Add space between values for the DefaultCell and + JSONViewCell. + * Tracing: Make query editors available in dashboard for Tempo + and Zipkin. + + Bug fixes: + * AccessControl: Renamed orgs roles, removed fixed:orgs:reader + introduced in beta1. + * Azure Monitor: Add trap focus for modals in grafana/ui and + other small a11y fixes for Azure Monitor. + * CodeEditor: Prevent suggestions from being clipped. + * Dashboard: Fix cache timeout persistence. + * Datasource: Fix stable sort order of query responses. + * Explore: Fix error in query history when removing last item. + * Logs: Fix requesting of older logs when flipped order. + * Prometheus: Fix running of health check query based on access + mode. + * TextPanel: Fix suggestions for existing panels. + * Tracing: Fix incorrect indentations due to reoccurring + spanIDs. + * Tracing: Show start time of trace with milliseconds + precision. + * Variables: Make renamed or missing variable section + expandable. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * Select: Select menus now properly scroll during keyboard + navigation. +- Update to version 8.3.0-beta1 + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Add UI for contact point testing with custom + annotations and labels. + * Alerting: Make alert state indicator in panel header work + with Grafana 8 alerts. + * Alerting: Option for Discord notifier to use webhook name. + * Annotations: Deprecate AnnotationsSrv. + * Auth: Omit all base64 paddings in JWT tokens for the JWT + auth. + * Azure Monitor: Clean up fields when editing Metrics. + * AzureMonitor: Add new starter dashboards. + * AzureMonitor: Add starter dashboard for app monitoring with + Application Insights. + * Barchart/Time series: Allow x axis label. + * CLI: Improve error handling for installing plugins. + * CloudMonitoring: Migrate to use backend plugin SDK contracts. + * CloudWatch Logs: Add retry strategy for hitting max + concurrent queries. + * CloudWatch: Add AWS RoboMaker metrics and dimension. + * CloudWatch: Add AWS Transfer metrics and dimension. + * Dashboard: replace datasource name with a reference object. + * Dashboards: Show logs on time series when hovering. + * Elasticsearch: Add support for Elasticsearch 8.0 (Beta). + * Elasticsearch: Add time zone setting to Date Histogram + aggregation. + * Elasticsearch: Enable full range log volume histogram. + * Elasticsearch: Full range logs volume. + * Explore: Allow changing the graph type. + * Explore: Show ANSI colors when highlighting matched words in + the logs panel. + * Graph(old) panel: Listen to events from Time series panel. + * Import: Load gcom dashboards from URL. + * LibraryPanels: Improves export and import of library panels + between orgs. + * OAuth: Support PKCE. + * Panel edit: Overrides now highlight correctly when searching. + * PanelEdit: Display drag indicators on draggable sections. + * Plugins: Refactor Plugin Management. + * Prometheus: Add custom query parameters when creating + PromLink url. + * Prometheus: Remove limits on metrics, labels, and values in + Metrics Browser. + * StateTimeline: Share cursor with rest of the panels. + * Tempo: Add error details when json upload fails. + * Tempo: Add filtering for service graph query. + * Tempo: Add links to nodes in Service Graph pointing to + Prometheus metrics. + * Time series/Bar chart panel: Add ability to sort series via + legend. + * TimeSeries: Allow multiple axes for the same unit. + * TraceView: Allow span links defined on dataFrame. + * Transformations: Support a rows mode in labels to fields. + * ValueMappings: Don't apply field config defaults to time + fields. + * Variables: Only update panels that are impacted by variable + change. + + Bug fixes: + * API: Fix dashboard quota limit for imports. + * Alerting: Fix rule editor issues with Azure Monitor data + source. + * Azure monitor: Make sure alert rule editor is not enabled + when template variables are being used. + * CloudMonitoring: Fix annotation queries. + * CodeEditor: Trigger the latest getSuggestions() passed to + CodeEditor. + * Dashboard: Remove the current panel from the list of options + in the Dashboard datasource. + * Encryption: Fix decrypting secrets in alerting migration. + * InfluxDB: Fix corner case where index is too large in ALIAS + field. + * NavBar: Order App plugins alphabetically. + * NodeGraph: Fix zooming sensitivity on touchpads. + * Plugins: Add OAuth pass-through logic to api/ds/query + endpoint. + * Snapshots: Fix panel inspector for snapshot data. + * Tempo: Fix basic auth password reset on adding tag. + * ValueMapping: Fixes issue with regex mappings. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * grafana/ui: Enable slider marks display. +- Update to version 8.2.7 + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. +- Update to version 8.2.6 + + Features and enhancements: + * Security: Upgrade Docker base image to Alpine 3.14.3. + * Security: Upgrade Go to 1.17.2. + + Bug fixes: + * TimeSeries: Fix fillBelowTo wrongly affecting fills of + unrelated series. +- Update to version 8.2.5 + + Breaking changes: + * Fix No Data behaviour in Legacy Alerting. + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Fix a bug where the metric in the evaluation string + was not correctly populated. + * Alerting: Fix no data behaviour in Legacy Alerting for alert + rules using the AND operator. + * CloudMonitoring: Ignore min and max aggregation in MQL + queries. + * Dashboards: 'Copy' is no longer added to new dashboard + titles. + * DataProxy: Fix overriding response body when response is a + WebSocket upgrade. + * Elasticsearch: Use field configured in query editor as field + for date_histogram aggregations. + * Explore: Fix running queries without a datasource property + set. + * InfluxDB: Fix numeric aliases in queries. + * Plugins: Ensure consistent plugin settings list response. + * Tempo: Fix validation of float durations. + * Tracing: Correct tags for each span are shown. +- Update to version 8.2.4 + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-41244. +- Update to version 8.2.3 + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-41174. +- Update to version 8.2.2 + + Features and enhancements: + * Annotations: We have improved tag search performance. + * Application: You can now configure an error-template title. + * AzureMonitor: We removed a restriction from the resource + filter query. + * Packaging: We removed the ProcSubset option in systemd. This + option prevented Grafana from starting in LXC environments. + * Prometheus: We removed the autocomplete limit for metrics. + * Table: We improved the styling of the type icons to make them + more distinct from column / field name. + * ValueMappings: You can now use value mapping in stat, gauge, + bar gauge, and pie chart visualizations. + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Fix panic when Slack's API sends unexpected + response. + * Alerting: The Create Alert button now appears on the + dashboard panel when you are working with a default + datasource. + * Explore: We fixed the problem where the Explore log panel + disappears when an Elasticsearch logs query returns no + results. + * Graph: You can now see annotation descriptions on hover. + * Logs: The system now uses the JSON parser only if the line is + parsed to an object. + * Prometheus: We fixed the issue where the system did not reuse + TCP connections when querying from Grafana alerting. + * Prometheus: We fixed the problem that resulted in an error + when a user created a query with a $__interval min step. + * RowsToFields: We fixed the issue where the system was not + properly interpreting number values. + * Scale: We fixed how the system handles NaN percent when data + min = data max. + * Table panel: You can now create a filter that includes + special characters. +- Update to version 8.2.1 + + Bug fixes: + * Dashboard: Fix rendering of repeating panels. + * Datasources: Fix deletion of data source if plugin is not + found. + * Packaging: Remove systemcallfilters sections from systemd + unit files. + * Prometheus: Add Headers to HTTP client options. +- Update to version 8.2.0 + + Features and enhancements: + * AWS: Updated AWS authentication documentation. + * Alerting: Added support Alertmanager data source for upstream + Prometheus AM implementation. + * Alerting: Allows more characters in label names so + notifications are sent. + * Alerting: Get alert rules for a dashboard or a panel using + /api/v1/rules endpoints. + * Annotations: Improved rendering performance of event markers. + * CloudWatch Logs: Skip caching for log queries. + * Explore: Added an opt-in configuration for Node Graph in + Jaeger, Zipkin, and Tempo. + * Packaging: Add stricter systemd unit options. + * Prometheus: Metrics browser can now handle label values with + special characters. + + Bug fixes: + * CodeEditor: Ensure that we trigger the latest onSave callback + provided to the component. + * DashboardList/AlertList: Fix for missing All folder value. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * Plugins: Create a mock icon component to prevent console + errors. +- Update to version 8.2.0-beta2 + + Features and enhancements: + * AccessControl: Document new permissions restricting data + source access. + * TimePicker: Add fiscal years and search to time picker. + * Alerting: Added support for Unified Alerting with Grafana HA. + * Alerting: Added support for tune rule evaluation using + configuration options. + * Alerting: Cleanups alertmanager namespace from key-value + store when disabling Grafana 8 alerts. + * Alerting: Remove ngalert feature toggle and introduce two new + settings for enabling Grafana 8 alerts and disabling them for + specific organisations. + * CloudWatch: Introduced new math expression where it is + necessary to specify the period field. + * InfluxDB: Added support for $__interval and $__interval_ms in + Flux queries for alerting. + * InfluxDB: Flux queries can use more precise start and end + timestamps with nanosecond-precision. + * Plugins Catalog: Make the catalog the default way to interact + with plugins. + * Prometheus: Removed autocomplete limit for metrics. + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Fixed an issue where the edit page crashes if you + tried to preview an alert without a condition set. + * Alerting: Fixed rules migration to keep existing Grafana 8 + alert rules. + * Alerting: Fixed the silence file content generated during + migration. + * Analytics: Fixed an issue related to interaction event + propagation in Azure Application Insights. + * BarGauge: Fixed an issue where the cell color was lit even + though there was no data. + * BarGauge: Improved handling of streaming data. + * CloudMonitoring: Fixed INT64 label unmarshal error. + * ConfirmModal: Fixes confirm button focus on modal open. + * Dashboard: Add option to generate short URL for variables + with values containing spaces. + * Explore: No longer hides errors containing refId property. + * Fixed an issue that produced State timeline panel tooltip + error when data was not in sync. + * InfluxDB: InfluxQL query editor is set to always use + resultFormat. + * Loki: Fixed creating context query for logs with parsed + labels. + * PageToolbar: Fixed alignment of titles. + * Plugins Catalog: Update to the list of available panels after + an install, update or uninstall. + * TimeSeries: Fixed an issue where the shared cursor was not + showing when hovering over in old Graph panel. + * Variables: Fixed issues related to change of focus or refresh + pages when pressing enter in a text box variable input. + * Variables: Panel no longer crash when using the adhoc + variable in data links. +- Update to version 8.2.0-beta1 + + Features and enhancements: + * AccessControl: Introduce new permissions to restrict access + for reloading provisioning configuration. + * Alerting: Add UI to edit Cortex/Loki namespace, group names, + and group evaluation interval. + * Alerting: Add a Test button to test contact point. + * Alerting: Allow creating/editing recording rules for Loki and + Cortex. + * Alerting: Metrics should have the label org instead of user. + * Alerting: Sort notification channels by name to make them + easier to locate. + * Alerting: Support org level isolation of notification + configuration. + * AzureMonitor: Add data links to deep link to Azure Portal + Azure Resource Graph. + * AzureMonitor: Add support for annotations from Azure Monitor + Metrics and Azure Resource Graph services. + * AzureMonitor: Show error message when subscriptions request + fails in ConfigEditor. + * Chore: Update to Golang 1.16.7. + * CloudWatch Logs: Add link to X-Ray data source for trace IDs + in logs. + * CloudWatch Logs: Disable query path using websockets (Live) + feature. + * CloudWatch/Logs: Don't group dataframes for non time series + queries. + * Cloudwatch: Migrate queries that use multiple stats to one + query per stat. + * Dashboard: Keep live timeseries moving left (v2). + * Datasources: Introduce response_limit for datasource + responses. + * Explore: Add filter by trace or span ID to trace to logs + feature. + * Explore: Download traces as JSON in Explore Inspector. + * Explore: Reuse Dashboard's QueryRows component. + * Explore: Support custom display label for derived fields + buttons for Loki datasource. + * Grafana UI: Update monaco-related dependencies. + * Graphite: Deprecate browser access mode. + * InfluxDB: Improve handling of intervals in alerting. + * InfluxDB: InfluxQL query editor: Handle unusual characters in + tag values better. + * Jaeger: Add ability to upload JSON file for trace data. + * LibraryElements: Enable specifying UID for new and existing + library elements. + * LibraryPanels: Remove library panel icon from the panel + header so you can no longer tell that a panel is a library + panel from the dashboard view. + * Logs panel: Scroll to the bottom on page refresh when sorting + in ascending order. + * Loki: Add fuzzy search to label browser. + * Navigation: Implement active state for items in the Sidemenu. + * Packaging: Add stricter systemd unit options. + * Packaging: Update PID file location from /var/run to /run. + * Plugins: Add Hide OAuth Forward config option. + * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Add setting to limit the maximum number + of rows processed. + * Prometheus: Add browser access mode deprecation warning. + * Prometheus: Add interpolation for built-in-time variables to + backend. + * Tempo: Add ability to upload trace data in JSON format. + * TimeSeries/XYChart: Allow grid lines visibility control in + XYChart and TimeSeries panels. + * Transformations: Convert field types to time string number or + boolean. + * Value mappings: Add regular-expression based value mapping. + * Zipkin: Add ability to upload trace JSON. + + Bug fixes: + * Admin: Prevent user from deleting user's current/active + organization. + * LibraryPanels: Fix library panel getting saved in the + dashboard's folder. + * OAuth: Make generic teams URL and JMES path configurable. + * QueryEditor: Fix broken copy-paste for mouse middle-click + * Thresholds: Fix undefined color in "Add threshold". + * Timeseries: Add wide-to-long, and fix multi-frame output. + * TooltipPlugin: Fix behavior of Shared Crosshair when Tooltip + is set to All. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * Grafana UI: Fix TS error property css is missing in type. +- Update to version 8.1.8 + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. +- Update to version 8.1.7 + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Fix alerts with evaluation interval more than 30 + seconds resolving before notification. + * Elasticsearch/Prometheus: Fix usage of proper SigV4 service + namespace. +- Update to version 8.1.6 + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-39226. +- Update to version 8.1.5 + + Bug fixes: + * BarChart: Fixes panel error that happens on second refresh. +- Update to version 8.1.4 + + Features and enhancements + * Explore: Ensure logs volume bar colors match legend colors. + * LDAP: Search all DNs for users. + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Fix notification channel migration. + * Annotations: Fix blank panels for queries with unknown data + sources. + * BarChart: Fix stale values and x axis labels. + * Graph: Make old graph panel thresholds work even if ngalert + is enabled. + * InfluxDB: Fix regex to identify / as separator. + * LibraryPanels: Fix update issues related to library panels in + rows. + * Variables: Fix variables not updating inside a Panel when the + preceding Row uses "Repeat For". +- Update to version 8.1.3 + + Bug fixes + * Alerting: Fix alert flapping in the internal alertmanager. + * Alerting: Fix request handler failed to convert dataframe + "results" to plugins.DataTimeSeriesSlice: input frame is not + recognized as a time series. + * Dashboard: Fix UIDs are not preserved when importing/creating + dashboards thru importing .json file. + * Dashboard: Forces panel re-render when exiting panel edit. + * Dashboard: Prevent folder from changing when navigating to + general settings. + * Docker: Force use of libcrypto1.1 and libssl1.1 versions to + fix CVE-2021-3711. + * Elasticsearch: Fix metric names for alert queries. + * Elasticsearch: Limit Histogram field parameter to numeric + values. + * Elasticsearch: Prevent pipeline aggregations to show up in + terms order by options. + * LibraryPanels: Prevent duplicate repeated panels from being + created. + * Loki: Fix ad-hoc filter in dashboard when used with parser. + * Plugins: Track signed files + add warn log for plugin assets + which are not signed. + * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix region annotations not displayed + correctly. + * Prometheus: Fix validate selector in metrics browser. + * Security: Fix stylesheet injection vulnerability. + * Security: Fix short URL vulnerability. +- Update to version 8.1.2 + + Features and enhancements: + * AzureMonitor: Add support for PostgreSQL and MySQL Flexible + Servers. + * Datasource: Change HTTP status code for failed datasource + health check to 400. + * Explore: Add span duration to left panel in trace viewer. + * Plugins: Use file extension allowlist when serving plugin + assets instead of checking for UNIX executable. + * Profiling: Add support for binding pprof server to custom + network interfaces. + * Search: Make search icon keyboard navigable. + * Template variables: Keyboard navigation improvements. + * Tooltip: Display ms within minute time range. + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Fix saving LINE contact point. + * Annotations: Fix alerting annotation coloring. + * Annotations: Alert annotations are now visible in the correct + Panel. + * Auth: Hide SigV4 config UI and disable middleware when its + config flag is disabled. + * Dashboard: Prevent incorrect panel layout by comparing window + width against theme breakpoints. + * Elasticsearch: Fix metric names for alert queries. + * Explore: Fix showing of full log context. + * PanelEdit: Fix 'Actual' size by passing the correct panel + size to Dashboard. + * Plugins: Fix TLS datasource settings. + * Variables: Fix issue with empty drop downs on navigation. + * Variables: Fix URL util converting false into true. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * Toolkit: Fix matchMedia not found error. +- Update to version 8.1.1 + + Bug fixes: + * CloudWatch Logs: Fix crash when no region is selected. +- Update to version 8.1.0 + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Deduplicate receivers during migration. + * ColorPicker: Display colors as RGBA. + * Select: Make portalling the menu opt-in, but opt-in + everywhere. + * TimeRangePicker: Improve accessibility. + + Bug fixes: + * Annotations: Correct annotations that are displayed upon page + refresh. + * Annotations: Fix Enabled button that disappeared from Grafana + v8.0.6. + * Annotations: Fix data source template variable that was not + available for annotations. + * AzureMonitor: Fix annotations query editor that does not + load. + * Geomap: Fix scale calculations. + * GraphNG: Fix y-axis autosizing. + * Live: Display stream rate and fix duplicate channels in list + response. + * Loki: Update labels in log browser when time range changes in + dashboard. + * NGAlert: Send resolve signal to alertmanager on alerting -> + Normal. + * PasswordField: Prevent a password from being displayed when + you click the Enter button. + * Renderer: Remove debug.log file when Grafana is stopped. + * Security: Update dependencies to fix CVE-2021-36222. +- Update to version 8.1.0-beta3 + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Support label matcher syntax in alert rule list + filter. + * IconButton: Put tooltip text as aria-label. + * Live: Experimental HA with Redis. + * UI: FileDropzone component. + * CloudWatch: Add AWS LookoutMetrics. + + Bug fixes: + * Docker: Fix builds by delaying go mod verify until all + required files are copied over. + * Exemplars: Fix disable exemplars only on the query that + failed. + * SQL: Fix SQL dataframe resampling (fill mode + time + intervals). +- Update to version 8.1.0-beta2 + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Expand the value string in alert annotations and + labels. + * Auth: Add Azure HTTP authentication middleware. + * Auth: Auth: Pass user role when using the authentication + proxy. + * Gazetteer: Update countries.json file to allow for linking to + 3-letter country codes. + + Bug fixes: + * Config: Fix Docker builds by correcting formatting in + sample.ini. + * Explore: Fix encoding of internal URLs. +- Update to version 8.1.0-beta1 + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Add Alertmanager notifications tab. + * Alerting: Add button to deactivate current Alertmanager + configuration. + * Alerting: Add toggle in Loki/Prometheus data source + configuration to opt out of alerting UI. + * Alerting: Allow any "evaluate for" value >=0 in the alert + rule form. + * Alerting: Load default configuration from status endpoint, if + Cortex Alertmanager returns empty user configuration. + * Alerting: view to display alert rule and its underlying data. + * Annotation panel: Release the annotation panel. + * Annotations: Add typeahead support for tags in built-in + annotations. + * AzureMonitor: Add curated dashboards for Azure services. + * AzureMonitor: Add support for deep links to Microsoft Azure + portal for Metrics. + * AzureMonitor: Remove support for different credentials for + Azure Monitor Logs. + * AzureMonitor: Support querying any Resource for Logs queries. + * Elasticsearch: Add frozen indices search support. + * Elasticsearch: Name fields after template variables values + instead of their name. + * Elasticsearch: add rate aggregation. + * Email: Allow configuration of content types for email + notifications. + * Explore: Add more meta information when line limit is hit. + * Explore: UI improvements to trace view. + * FieldOverrides: Added support to change display name in an + override field and have it be matched by a later rule. + * HTTP Client: Introduce dataproxy_max_idle_connections config + variable. + * InfluxDB: InfluxQL: adds tags to timeseries data. + * InfluxDB: InfluxQL: make measurement search case insensitive. + Legacy Alerting: Replace simplejson with a struct in webhook + notification channel. + * Legend: Updates display name for Last (not null) to just + Last*. + * Logs panel: Add option to show common labels. + * Loki: Add $__range variable. + * Loki: Add support for "label_values(log stream selector, + label)" in templating. + * Loki: Add support for ad-hoc filtering in dashboard. + * MySQL Datasource: Add timezone parameter. + * NodeGraph: Show gradient fields in legend. + * PanelOptions: Don't mutate panel options/field config object + when updating. + * PieChart: Make pie gradient more subtle to match other + charts. + * Prometheus: Update PromQL typeahead and highlighting. + * Prometheus: interpolate variable for step field. + * Provisioning: Improve validation by validating across all + dashboard providers. + * SQL Datasources: Allow multiple string/labels columns with + time series. + * Select: Portal select menu to document.body. + * Team Sync: Add group mapping to support team sync in the + Generic OAuth provider. + * Tooltip: Make active series more noticeable. + * Tracing: Add support to configure trace to logs start and end + time. + * Transformations: Skip merge when there is only a single data + frame. + * ValueMapping: Added support for mapping text to color, + boolean values, NaN and Null. Improved UI for value mapping. + * Visualizations: Dynamically set any config (min, max, unit, + color, thresholds) from query results. + * live: Add support to handle origin without a value for the + port when matching with root_url. + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Handle marshaling Inf values. + * AzureMonitor: Fix macro resolution for template variables. + * AzureMonitor: Fix queries with Microsoft.NetApp/../../volumes + resources. + * AzureMonitor: Request and concat subsequent resource pages. + * Bug: Fix parse duration for day. + * Datasources: Improve error handling for error messages. + * Explore: Correct the functionality of shift-enter shortcut + across all uses. + * Explore: Show all dataFrames in data tab in Inspector. + * GraphNG: Fix Tooltip mode 'All' for XYChart. + * Loki: Fix highlight of logs when using filter expressions + with backticks. + * Modal: Force modal content to overflow with scroll. + * Plugins: Ignore symlinked folders when verifying plugin + signature. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * Toolkit: Improve error messages when tasks fail. +- Update to version 8.0.7 + + Security: Fixes CVE-2021-43798. +- Update to version 8.0.6 + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Add annotation upon alert state change. + * Alerting: Allow space in label and annotation names. + * InfluxDB: Improve legend labels for InfluxDB query results. + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Fix improper alert by changing the handling of + empty labels. + * CloudWatch/Logs: Reestablish Cloud Watch alert behavior. + * Dashboard: Avoid migration breaking on fieldConfig without + defaults field in folded panel. + * DashboardList: Fix issue not re-fetching dashboard list after + variable change. + * Database: Fix incorrect format of isolation level + configuration parameter for MySQL. + * InfluxDB: Correct tag filtering on InfluxDB data. + * Links: Fix links that caused a full page reload. + * Live: Fix HTTP error when InfluxDB metrics have an incomplete + or asymmetrical field set. + * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Change time field to "Time" for time + series queries. + * Postgres: Fix the handling of a null return value in query + results. + * Tempo: Show hex strings instead of uints for IDs. + * TimeSeries: Improve tooltip positioning when tooltip + overflows. + * Transformations: Add 'prepare time series' transformer. +- Update to version 8.0.5 + + Features and enhancements: + * Cloudwatch Logs: Send error down to client. + * Folders: Return 409 Conflict status when folder already + exists. + * TimeSeries: Do not show series in tooltip if it's hidden in + the viz. + + Bug fixes: + * AzureMonitor: Fix issue where resource group name is missing + on the resource picker button. + * Chore: Fix AWS auth assuming role with workspace IAM. + * DashboardQueryRunner: Fixes unrestrained subscriptions being + created. + * DateFormats: Fix reading correct setting key for + use_browser_locale. + * Links: Fix links to other apps outside Grafana when under sub + path. + * Snapshots: Fix snapshot absolute time range issue. + * Table: Fix data link color. + * Time Series: Fix X-axis time format when tick increment is + larger than a year. + * Tooltip Plugin: Prevent tooltip render if field is undefined. +- Update to version 8.0.4 + + Features and enhancements: + * Live: Rely on app url for origin check. + * PieChart: Sort legend descending, update placeholder. + * TimeSeries panel: Do not reinitialize plot when thresholds + mode change. + + Bug fixes: + * Elasticsearch: Allow case sensitive custom options in + date_histogram interval. + * Elasticsearch: Restore previous field naming strategy when + using variables. + * Explore: Fix import of queries between SQL data sources. + * InfluxDB: InfluxQL query editor: fix retention policy + handling. + * Loki: Send correct time range in template variable queries. + * TimeSeries: Preserve RegExp series overrides when migrating + from old graph panel. +- Update to version 8.0.3 + + Features and enhancements: + * Alerting: Increase alertmanager_conf column if MySQL. + * Time series/Bar chart panel: Handle infinite numbers as nulls + when converting to plot array. + * TimeSeries: Ensure series overrides that contain color are + migrated, and migrate the previous fieldConfig when changing + the panel type. + * ValueMappings: Improve singlestat value mappings migration. + + Bug fixes: + * Annotations: Fix annotation line and marker colors. + * AzureMonitor: Fix KQL template variable queries without + default workspace. + * CloudWatch/Logs: Fix missing response data for log queries. + * Elasticsearch: Restore previous field naming strategy when + using variables. + * LibraryPanels: Fix crash in library panels list when panel + plugin is not found. + * LogsPanel: Fix performance drop when moving logs panel in + dashboard. + * Loki: Parse log levels when ANSI coloring is enabled. + * MSSQL: Fix issue with hidden queries still being executed. + * PanelEdit: Display the VisualizationPicker that was not + displayed if a panel has an unknown panel plugin. + * Plugins: Fix loading symbolically linked plugins. + * Prometheus: Fix issue where legend name was replaced with + name Value in stat and gauge panels. + * State Timeline: Fix crash when hovering over panel. +- Update to version 8.0.2 + + Features and enhancements: + * Datasource: Add support for max_conns_per_host in dataproxy + settings. + + Bug fixes: + * Configuration: Fix changing org preferences in FireFox. + * PieChart: Fix legend dimension limits. + * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix panic in concurrent map writes. + * Variables: Hide default data source if missing from regex. +- Update to version 8.0.1 + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting/SSE: Fix "count_non_null" reducer validation. + * Cloudwatch: Fix duplicated time series. + * Cloudwatch: Fix missing defaultRegion. + * Dashboard: Fix Dashboard init failed error on dashboards with + old singlestat panels in collapsed rows. + * Datasource: Fix storing timeout option as numeric. + * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Fix annotation parsing for empty + responses. + * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Numeric/non-string values are now + returned from query variables. + * Postgres: Fix an error that was thrown when the annotation + query did not return any results. + * StatPanel: Fix an issue with the appearance of the graph when + switching color mode. + * Visualizations: Fix an issue in the + Stat/BarGauge/Gauge/PieChart panels where all values mode + were showing the same name if they had the same value. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * Toolkit: Resolve external fonts when Grafana is served from a + sub path. +- Update to version 8.0.0 + + Breaking changes: + * The following endpoints were deprecated for Grafana v5.0 and + support for them has now been removed: + GET /dashboards/db/:slug + GET /dashboard-solo/db/:slug + GET /api/dashboard/db/:slug + DELETE /api/dashboards/db/:slug + + Features and enhancements: + * AzureMonitor: Require default subscription for workspaces() + template variable query. + * AzureMonitor: Use resource type display names in the UI. + * Dashboard: Remove support for loading and deleting dashboard + by slug. + * InfluxDB: Deprecate direct browser access in data source. + * VizLegend: Add a read-only property. + + Bug fixes: + * AzureMonitor: Fix Azure Resource Graph queries in Azure + China. + * Checkbox: Fix vertical layout issue with checkboxes due to + fixed height. + * Dashboard: Fix Table view when editing causes the panel data + to not update. + * Dashboard: Fix issues where unsaved-changes warning is not + displayed. + * Login: Fixes Unauthorized message showing when on login page + or snapshot page. + * NodeGraph: Fix sorting markers in grid view. + * Short URL: Include orgId in generated short URLs. + * Variables: Support raw values of boolean type. +- Update to version 8.0.0-beta3 + + Breaking changes: + * The default HTTP method for Prometheus data source is now + POST. + + Features and enhancements: + * API: Support folder UID in dashboards API. + * Alerting: Add support for configuring avatar URL for the + Discord notifier. + * Alerting: Clarify that Threema Gateway Alerts support only + Basic IDs. + * Azure: Expose Azure settings to external plugins. + * AzureMonitor: Deprecate using separate credentials for Azure + Monitor Logs. + * AzureMonitor: Display variables in resource picker for Azure + Monitor Logs. + * AzureMonitor: Hide application insights for data sources not + using it. + * AzureMonitor: Support querying subscriptions and resource + groups in Azure Monitor Logs. + * AzureMonitor: remove requirement for default subscription. + * CloudWatch: Add Lambda@Edge Amazon CloudFront metrics. + * CloudWatch: Add missing AWS AppSync metrics. + * ConfirmModal: Auto focus delete button. + * Explore: Add caching for queries that are run from logs + navigation. + * Loki: Add formatting for annotations. + * Loki: Bring back processed bytes as meta information. + * NodeGraph: Display node graph collapsed by default with trace + view. + * Overrides: Include a manual override option to hide something + from visualization. + * PieChart: Support row data in pie charts. + * Prometheus: Update default HTTP method to POST for existing + data sources. + * Time series panel: Position tooltip correctly when window is + scrolled or resized. + + Bug fixes: + * Admin: Fix infinite loading edit on the profile page. + * Color: Fix issues with random colors in string and date + fields. + * Dashboard: Fix issue with title or folder change has no + effect after exiting settings view. + * DataLinks: Fix an issue is not working in data + link. + * Datasource: Fix dataproxy timeout should always be applied + for outgoing data source HTTP requests. + * Elasticsearch: Fix NewClient not passing httpClientProvider + to client impl. + * Explore: Fix Browser title not updated on Navigation to + Explore. + * GraphNG: Remove fieldName and hideInLegend properties from + UPlotSeriesBuilder. + * OAuth: Fix fallback to auto_assign_org_role setting for Azure + AD OAuth when no role claims exists. + * PanelChrome: Fix issue with empty panel after adding a non + data panel and coming back from panel edit. + * StatPanel: Fix data link tooltip not showing for single + value. + * Table: Fix sorting for number fields. + * Table: Have text underline for datalink, and add support for + image datalink. + * Time series panel: Position tooltip correctly when window is + scrolled or resized. + * Transformations: Prevent FilterByValue transform from + crashing panel edit. +- Update to version 8.0.0-beta2 + + Features and enhancements: + * AppPlugins: Expose react-router to apps. + * AzureMonitor: Add Azure Resource Graph. + * AzureMonitor: Managed Identity configuration UI. + * AzureMonitor: Token provider with support for Managed + Identities. + * AzureMonitor: Update Logs workspace() template variable query + to return resource URIs. + * BarChart: Value label sizing. + * CloudMonitoring: Add support for preprocessing. + * CloudWatch: Add AWS/EFS StorageBytes metric. + * CloudWatch: Allow use of missing AWS namespaces using custom + metrics. + * Datasource: Shared HTTP client provider for core backend data + sources and any data source using the data source proxy. + * InfluxDB: InfluxQL: allow empty tag values in the query + editor. + * Instrumentation: Instrument incoming HTTP request with + histograms by default. + * Library Panels: Add name endpoint & unique name validation to + AddLibraryPanelModal. + * Logs panel: Support details view. + * PieChart: Always show the calculation options dropdown in the + editor. + * PieChart: Remove beta flag. + * Plugins: Enforce signing for all plugins. + * Plugins: Remove support for deprecated backend plugin + protocol version. + * Tempo/Jaeger: Add better display name to legend. + * Timeline: Add time range zoom. + * Timeline: Adds opacity & line width option. + * Timeline: Value text alignment option. + * ValueMappings: Add duplicate action, and disable dismiss on + backdrop click. + * Zipkin: Add node graph view to trace response. + + Bug fixes: + * Annotations panel: Remove subpath from dashboard links. + * Content Security Policy: Allow all image sources by default. + * Content Security Policy: Relax default template wrt. loading + of scripts, due to nonces not working. + * Datasource: Fix tracing propagation for alert execution by + introducing HTTP client outgoing tracing middleware. + * InfluxDB: InfluxQL always apply time interval end. + * Library Panels: Fixes "error while loading library panels". + * NewsPanel: Fixes rendering issue in Safari. + * PanelChrome: Fix queries being issued again when scrolling in + and out of view. + * Plugins: Fix Azure token provider cache panic and auth param + nil value. + * Snapshots: Fix key and deleteKey being ignored when creating + an external snapshot. + * Table: Fix issue with cell border not showing with colored + background cells. + * Table: Makes tooltip scrollable for long JSON values. + * TimeSeries: Fix for Connected null values threshold toggle + during panel editing. + * Variables: Fixes inconsistent selected states on dashboard + load. + * Variables: Refreshes all panels even if panel is full screen. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * QueryField: Remove carriage return character from pasted text. +- Update to version 8.0.0-beta1 + + License update: + * AGPL License: Update license from Apache 2.0 to the GNU + Affero General Public License (AGPL). + + Breaking changes: + * Removes the never refresh option for Query variables. + * Removes the experimental Tags feature for Variables. + + Deprecations: + * The InfoBox & FeatureInfoBox are now deprecated please use + the Alert component instead with severity info. + + Features and enhancements: + * API: Add org users with pagination. + * API: Return 404 when deleting nonexistent API key. + * API: Return query results as JSON rather than base64 encoded + Arrow. + * Alerting: Allow sending notification tags to Opsgenie as + extra properties. + * Alerts: Replaces all uses of InfoBox & FeatureInfoBox with + Alert. + * Auth: Add support for JWT Authentication. + * AzureMonitor: Add support for + Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR metrics. + * AzureMonitor: Azure settings in Grafana server config. + * AzureMonitor: Migrate Metrics query editor to React. + * BarChart panel: enable series toggling via legend. + * BarChart panel: Adds support for Tooltip in BarChartPanel. + * PieChart panel: Change look of highlighted pie slices. + * CloudMonitoring: Migrate config editor from angular to react. + * CloudWatch: Add Amplify Console metrics and dimensions. + * CloudWatch: Add missing Redshift metrics to CloudWatch data + source. + * CloudWatch: Add metrics for managed RabbitMQ service. + * DashboardList: Enable templating on search tag input. + * Datasource config: correctly remove single custom http + header. + * Elasticsearch: Add generic support for template variables. + * Elasticsearch: Allow omitting field when metric supports + inline script. + * Elasticsearch: Allow setting a custom limit for log queries. + * Elasticsearch: Guess field type from first non-empty value. + * Elasticsearch: Use application/x-ndjson content type for + multisearch requests. + * Elasticsearch: Use semver strings to identify ES version. + * Explore: Add logs navigation to request more logs. + * Explore: Map Graphite queries to Loki. + * Explore: Scroll split panes in Explore independently. + * Explore: Wrap each panel in separate error boundary. + * FieldDisplay: Smarter naming of stat values when visualising + row values (all values) in stat panels. + * Graphite: Expand metric names for variables. + * Graphite: Handle unknown Graphite functions without breaking + the visual editor. + * Graphite: Show graphite functions descriptions. + * Graphite: Support request cancellation properly (Uses new + backendSrv.fetch Observable request API). + * InfluxDB: Flux: Improve handling of complex + response-structures. + * InfluxDB: Support region annotations. + * Inspector: Download logs for manual processing. + * Jaeger: Add node graph view for trace. + * Jaeger: Search traces. + * Loki: Use data source settings for alerting queries. + * NodeGraph: Exploration mode. + * OAuth: Add support for empty scopes. + * PanelChrome: New logic-less emotion based component with no + dependency on PanelModel or DashboardModel. + * PanelEdit: Adds a table view toggle to quickly view data in + table form. + * PanelEdit: Highlight matched words when searching options. + * PanelEdit: UX improvements. + * Plugins: PanelRenderer and simplified QueryRunner to be used + from plugins. + * Plugins: AuthType in route configuration and params + interpolation. + * Plugins: Enable plugin runtime install/uninstall + capabilities. + * Plugins: Support set body content in plugin routes. + * Plugins: Introduce marketplace app. + * Plugins: Moving the DataSourcePicker to grafana/runtime so it + can be reused in plugins. + * Prometheus: Add custom query params for alert and exemplars + queries. + * Prometheus: Use fuzzy string matching to autocomplete metric + names and label. + * Routing: Replace Angular routing with react-router. + * Slack: Use chat.postMessage API by default. + * Tempo: Search for Traces by querying Loki directly from + Tempo. + * Tempo: Show graph view of the trace. + * Themes: Switch theme without reload using global shortcut. + * TimeSeries panel: Add support for shared cursor. + * TimeSeries panel: Do not crash the panel if there is no time + series data in the response. + * Variables: Do not save repeated panels, rows and scopedVars. + * Variables: Removes experimental Tags feature. + * Variables: Removes the never refresh option. + * Visualizations: Unify tooltip options across visualizations. + * Visualizations: Refactor and unify option creation between + new visualizations. + * Visualizations: Remove singlestat panel. + + Bug fixes: + * APIKeys: Fixes issue with adding first api key. + * Alerting: Add checks for non supported units - disable + defaulting to seconds. + * Alerting: Fix issue where Slack notifications won't link to + user IDs. + * Alerting: Omit empty message in PagerDuty notifier. + * AzureMonitor: Fix migration error from older versions of App + Insights queries. + * CloudWatch: Fix AWS/Connect dimensions. + * CloudWatch: Fix broken AWS/MediaTailor dimension name. + * Dashboards: Allow string manipulation as advanced variable + format option. + * DataLinks: Includes harmless extended characters like + Cyrillic characters. + * Drawer: Fixes title overflowing its container. + * Explore: Fix issue when some query errors were not shown. + * Generic OAuth: Prevent adding duplicated users. + * Graphite: Handle invalid annotations. + * Graphite: Fix autocomplete when tags are not available. + * InfluxDB: Fix Cannot read property 'length' of undefined in + when parsing response. + * Instrumentation: Enable tracing when Jaeger host and port are + set. + * Instrumentation: Prefix metrics with grafana. + * MSSQL: By default let driver choose port. + * OAuth: Add optional strict parsing of role_attribute_path. + * Panel: Fixes description markdown with inline code being + rendered on newlines and full width. + * PanelChrome: Ignore data updates & errors for non data + panels. + * Permissions: Fix inherited folder permissions can prevent new + permissions being added to a dashboard. + * Plugins: Remove pre-existing plugin installs when installing + with grafana-cli. + * Plugins: Support installing to folders with whitespace and + fix pluginUrl trailing and leading whitespace failures. + * Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL: Don't return connection failure details + to the client. + * Postgres: Fix ms precision of interval in time group macro + when TimescaleDB is enabled. + * Provisioning: Use dashboard checksum field as change + indicator. + * SQL: Fix so that all captured errors are returned from sql + engine. + * Shortcuts: Fixes panel shortcuts so they always work. + * Table: Fixes so border is visible for cells with links. + * Variables: Clear query when data source type changes. + * Variables: Filters out builtin variables from unknown list. + * Variables: Refreshes all panels even if panel is full screen. + + Plugin development fixes & changes: + * Button: Introduce buttonStyle prop. + * DataQueryRequest: Remove deprecated props showingGraph and + showingTabel and exploreMode. + * grafana/ui: Update React Hook Form to v7. + * IconButton: Introduce variant for red and blue icon buttons. + * Plugins: Expose the getTimeZone function to be able to get + the current selected timeZone. + * TagsInput: Add className to TagsInput. + * VizLegend: Move onSeriesColorChanged to PanelContext + (breaking change). +- Update to version 7.5.13 + + Bug fixes: + * Alerting: Fix NoDataFound for alert rules using AND operator. + grub2 +- Fix Power10 LPAR error "The partition fails to activate as partition went + into invalid state" (bsc#1198714) + * 0001-powerpc-do-CAS-in-a-more-compatible-way.patch + hdf5:gnu-hpc +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:gnu-mpich-hpc +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:gnu-mvapich2-hpc +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:gnu-openmpi2-hpc +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:gnu-openmpi3-hpc +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:gnu-openmpi4-hpc +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:mvapich2 +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:openmpi2 +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:openmpi3 +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:openmpi4 +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). hdf5:serial +- Security Fix: + Add configure option --disable-hltools to disable GIF tools as + recommended in the 1.10.8 release: + CVE-2018-17433 (bsc#1109565), + CVE-2018-17436 (bsc#1109568), + CVE-2020-10809 (bsc#1167404). + +- add hdf5-wrappers.patch from Fedora, so strip flags from + wrappers and prefer shared linking +- add missing zlib-devel devel dep + +- Add hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch + * boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 + * Avoids package crashes due to an overeager version check. + Packages depending on the shared libraries are not being + rebuilt in Factory after a patchlevel version bump of hdf5 + without SONAME changes. + +- Update to version 1.10.8: + * Added new option to control the build of High-Level tools + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for Intel + * Adds C++ Autotools configuration file for PGI + * Updates PGI C options + * CMake will now run the shell script tests in test/ by default + * Removed unused HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET option from CMake + * CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default + * Removal of pre-VS2015 work-arounds + * Add CMake variable HDF5_LIB_INFIX + * Added a configure-time option to control certain compiler + warnings + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added a configure-time option to consider certain compiler + warnings + * Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated + documentation + * CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an + external project + * Added CMake option to format source files + * Change how the release part of version, in major.minor.release + is checked + * H5Gcreate1() now rejects size_hint parameters larger than + UINT32_MAX + * H5Pset_fapl_log() no longer crashes when passed an invalid + fapl ID + * Fixes a segfault when H5Pset_mdc_log_options() is called + multiple times + * File locking now works on Windows + * H5Epush_ret() now requires a trailing semicolon + * Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist + * H5Fget_name_f fixed to handle correctly trailing whitespaces + and newly allocated buffers. + * Added new H5S functions. + * Refactored the perform tools and removed dependencies on test + library. + * h5repack added help text for user-defined filters. + * Doxygen documentation is available when configured and + generated. + * Fixed CVE-2018-17432 (bsc#1109564) + * Fixed a segmentation fault + * Detection of simple data transform function "x" + * Fixed CVE-2020-10810 - an invalid read and memory leak when + parsing (bsc#1167401) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14460 (bsc#1102175) + * Fixed CVE-2018-11206 (bsc#1093657) + (same issue as CVE-2018-14032 (bsc#1101474)) + * Fixed CVE-2018-14033 (bsc#1101471) + (same issue as CVE-2020-10811 (bsc#1167405)) + * Remove underscores on header file guards + * class: + - Convert the entire byte array into a 1-d array of the + desired type, rather than performing 1 conversion per row; + - Use the Java Arrays method copyOfRange to grab the section + of the array from (1) that is desired to be inserted into + the destination array. + * Corrected path searched by CMake find_package command + * Corrected pkg-config compile script + * Fixed CMake C++ compiler flags + * Autotools clang debug optimization level change + * Better support for libaec (open-source Szip library) in CMake + * Refactor CMake configure for Fortran + * Remove arbitrary warning flag groups from CMake builds + * Reclassify CMake messages, to allow new modes and --log-level + option + * Fixes Autotools determination of the stat struct having an + st_blocks field + * Changed how h5dump and h5ls identify long double. + * Fixed tools argument parsing. + * Updated doxygen comments with changes for release +- Minor rebase of patches to apply cleanly. + + (bsc#1109570) - * CVE-2018-17434: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() + * CVE-2018-17234: Memory leak in the H5O__chunk_deserialize() - * CVE-2018-17437: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function - H5D__chunk_set_info_real. (bsc#1109168) + * CVE-2018-17434: A SIGFPE signal is raised in function apply_filters() + of h5repack_filters.c (bsc#1109566) + * CVE-2018-17437: Memory leak in the H5O_dtype_decode_helper() function + in H5Odtype.c. (bsc#1109569) + * CVE-2018-17237: A SIGFPE signal is raised in the function + H5D__chunk_set_info_real (bsc#1109168) (commit 4e31361d). htmldoc +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2022-27114 [bsc#1199370], image_load_jpeg can cause integer overflow + + htmldoc-CVE-2022-27114.patch + +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2022-28085 [bsc#1198933], Heap buffer overflow in function pdf_write_names in ps-pdf.cxx + + htmldoc-CVE-2022-28085.patch + hugin +- Also set CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=OFF (boo#1198785) + jasper -- bsc#1188437 CVE-2021-27845: Fix divide-by-zery in cp_create() - Add jasper-CVE-2021-27845.patch - -- bsc#1179748 CVE-2020-27828: Fix heap overflow by checking maxrlvls - Add jasper-CVE-2020-27828.patch -- bsc#1181483 CVE-2021-3272: Fix heap overflow by ensuring number - of channels matches image components - Add jasper-CVE-2021-3272.patch - -- bsc#1010979 CVE-2016-9398: Use new fix from upstream where we - actually check for allowed value range instead of just negating - Add jasper-CVE-2016-9398-upstream.patch - -- bsc#1120807 CVE-2018-20570: Fix heap based buffer over-read in jp2_encode - Add jasper-CVE-2018-20570.patch -- bsc#1120805 CVE-2018-20622: Fix memory leak in jas_malloc.c - Add jasper-CVE-2018-20622.patch -- bsc#1117328 CVE-2018-19543, bsc#1045450 CVE-2017-9782: Fix numchans mixup - Add jasper-CVE-2018-19543-CVE-2017-9782.patch -- bsc#1115637 CVE-2018-19139: Fix mem leaks by registering jpc_unk_destroyparms - Add jasper-CVE-2018-19139.patch -- bsc#1114498 CVE-2018-18873: Fix null pointer deref in ras_putdatastd - Add jasper-CVE-2018-18873.patch -- bsc#1088278 CVE-2018-9252: Fix reachable assertion in jpc_abstorelstepsize - Add jasper-CVE-2018-9252.patch -- bsc#1057152 CVE-2017-14132: Fix heap base overflow in by checking components - Add jasper-CVE-2017-14132.patch - -- bsc#1010980 CVE-2016-9399: Fix assert in calcstepsizes - Add jasper-CVE-2016-9399.patch -- bsc#1020451 CVE-2017-5499: Validate component depth bit - Add jasper-CVE-2017-5499.patch -- bsc#1020456 CVE-2017-5503, bsc#1020458 CVE-2017-5504, bsc#1020460 CVE-2017-5505: - Check bounds in jas_seq2d_bindsub() - Add jasper-CVE-2017-5503-CVE-2017-5504-CVE-2017-5505.patch - -- bsc#1092115 CVE-2018-9154: Fix possible denial of service - Add jasper-CVE-2018-9154.patch: dont abort in jpc_dec_process_sot() - -- jasper-CVE-2018-19541.patch: verify color palette information - in j2 files when it's read from the file as per specifications - of JPEG2000. (bsc#1117507) - -- bsc#1117508 CVE-2018-19540: Fix heap based overflow in jas_icctxtdesc_input - Add jasper-CVE-2018-19540.patch: Make sure asclen is at least 1 -- bsc#1117507 CVE-2018-19541: Fix heap based overread in jas_image_depalettize - Add jasper-CVE-2018-19541.patch: Check number of lutents - -- bsc#1117505 CVE-2018-19542 Fix NULL pointer dereference jp2_decode: - Add jasper-CVE-2018-19542.patch -- bsc#1010783 CVE-2016-9396 Fix reachable assertion in jpc_cox_getcompparms: - * Rename 0001-jpc_cs-reject-all-but-JPC_COX_INS-and-JPC_COX_RFT.patch - to jasper-CVE-2016-9396.patch - -- bsc#1117511 CVE-2018-19539 Fix access violation in jas_image_readcmpt: - * Add jasper-CVE-2018-19539.patch - -- Added patch: - * jasper-CVE-2018-9055.patch - + fix CVE-2018-9055, bsc#1087020: jasper: denial of service via - a reachable assertion in the function jpc_firstone in - libjasper/jpc/jpc_math.c. - -- Upgrade to 2.0.14 - * Soname and package name change libjasper1 to libjasper4 - * Security fixes: - + CVE-2016-9557 jasper: Signed integer overflow in jas_image.c -- Removed patches: - * jasper-1.900.1-uninitialized.patch - + not needed any more - * jasper-CVE-2016-10251.patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-8654.patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-9262.patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-9395.patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-9560.patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-9583.patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-9591.patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-9600.patch - * jasper-CVE-2017-1000050.patch - * jasper-CVE-2017-5498.patch - * jasper-CVE-2017-6850.patch - + Fixed upstream -- Added patches: - * 0001-jpc_cs-reject-all-but-JPC_COX_INS-and-JPC_COX_RFT.patch - + fix assertion failure JPC_NOMINALGAIN() which can be caused - by a crafted JP2 file. - * 0001-Added-a-fix-from-nrusch-to-allow-JasPer-to-be-build-.patch - + allow JasPer to be build with CMake 2.x as well as CMake 3.x. - -- Other bugs fixed by existing patches: - * jasper-CVE-2016-9395.patch - - bsc#1010756, CVE-2016-9394: assertion in jas_matrix_t - * jas_seq2d_create(int, int, int, int): Assertion - `xstart <= xend && ystart <= yend' - - bsc#1010757, CVE-2016-9392: pc_dec.c:1637: void - calcstepsizes(uint_fast16_t, int, uint_fast16_t *): - Assertion `!((expn + (numrlvls - 1) - (numrlvls - 1 - - ((bandno > 0) ? ((bandno + 2) / 3) : (0)))) & (~0x1f))' - failed. - - bsc#1010766, CVE-2016-9393: jpc_t2cod.c:297: int - jpc_pi_nextrpcl(jpc_pi_t *): Assertion - `pi->prcno pirlvl->numprcs' failed. - - bsc#1010977, CVE-2016-9395: jas_seq.c:90: jas_matrix_t - * jas_seq2d_create(int, int, int, int): Assertion `xstart - <= xend && ystart <= yend' failed. -- Other bugs fixed in current version: - * bsc#1010774, CVE-2016-9390: jas_seq.c:90: jas_matrix_t - * jas_seq2d_create(int, int, int, int): Assertion `xstart <= - xend && ystart <= yend' failed. - * bsc#1010782, CVE-2016-9391: jpc_bs.c:197: long - jpc_bitstream_getbits(jpc_bitstream_t *, int): Assertion - `n >= 0 && n < 32' failed. - * bsc#1010968, CVE-2016-9389: Assertion `((c1)->numcols_) == - numcols && ((c2)->numcols_) == numcols' failed. - * bsc#1010975, CVE-2016-9388: ras_dec.c:330: int - ras_getcmap(jas_stream_t *, ras_hdr_t *, ras_cmap_t *): - Assertion `numcolors <= 256' failed. - * bsc#1010960, CVE-2016-9387: jas_seq.c:90: jas_matrix<= yend' - failed. - -- Added patch: - * jasper-CVE-2016-9262.patch - + Fix for Multiple overflow vulnerabilities leading to use - after free (bsc#1009994, CVE-2016-9262) - -- Added patch: - * jasper-CVE-2017-1000050.patch - + Upstream fix for NULL Pointer Dereference jp2_encode - (bsc#1047958, CVE-2017-1000050) - -- Modified patch: - * jasper-CVE-2016-9583.patch - + integrate upstream change - 99a50593254d1b53002719bbecfc946c84b23d27, which fixed a null - pointer dereferencing crash. - -- Added patches: - * jasper-CVE-2016-9583.patch - - Out of bounds heap read in jpc_pi_nextpcrl() (bsc#1015400, - CVE-2016-9583) - * jasper-CVE-2017-6850.patch - - NULL pointer dereference in jp2_cdef_destroy (jp2_cod.c) - (bsc#1021868, CVE-2017-6850) - -- Added patches: - * jasper-CVE-2017-5498.patch - - Upstream changes putting braces and belts around - CVE-2017-5498, bsc#1020353, left-shift undefined behaviour - * jasper-CVE-2016-9600.patch - - Upstream fix for "Null Pointer Dereference due to missing - check for UNKNOWN color space in JP2 encoder" (CVE-2016-9600, - bsc#1018088) - -- Added patch: - * jasper-CVE-2016-10251.patch - - Upstream fix for bsc#1029497, CVE-2016-10251: Use of - uninitialized value in jpc_pi_nextcprl (jpc_t2cod.c) - -- Add -D_BSD_SOURCE to fix redefinition of system types in - jas_config.h and breakage in ppc64le, s390 and s390x - (bsc#1028070). - -- Added patch: - * jasper-CVE-2016-9591.patch - - Fix for bsc#1015993, CVE-2016-9591: Use-after-free on heap in - jas_matrix_destroy - -- Added patches: - * jasper-CVE-2016-8654.patch - - Upstream fix for bsc#1012530, CVE-2016-8654: Heap-based - buffer overflow in QMFB code in JPC codec - * jasper-CVE-2016-9395.patch - - Upstream fix for bsc#1010977, CVE-2016-9395: jas_seq.c:90: - jas_matrix_t *jas_seq2d_create(int, int, int, int): Assertion - 'xstart <= xend && ystart <= yend' failed - * jasper-CVE-2016-9398.patch - - Fix for bsc#1010979, CVE-2016-9398: jpc_math.c:94: int - jpc_floorlog2(int): Assertion 'x > 0' failed - * jasper-CVE-2016-9560.patch - - Upstream fix for bsc#1011830, CVE-2016-9560: stack-based - buffer overflow in jpc_tsfb_getbands2 (jpc_tsfb.c) - -- Update summaries. Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build. - -- Updated to bugfix release 1.900.14 - * Security fixes - + bsc#941919, CVE-2015-5203 - + bsc#1006591, CVE-2016-8880 - + bsc#1006593, CVE-2016-8881 - + bsc#1006597, CVE-2016-8882 - + bsc#1006598, CVE-2016-8883 - + bsc#1007009, CVE-2016-8884, CVE-2016-8885 - + bsc#1006599, CVE-2016-8886 - + bsc#1006836, bsc#1006839, CVE-2016-8887 - * Changes - + Add another data file for testing (Michael Adams) - + Ensure that not all tiles lie outside the image area (Michael - Adams) - + Added a note on sanitizer options (Michael Adams) - + Added a simple test script (Michael Adams) - + Added an --enable-memory-limit configure option (Michael - Adams) - + Manually merged and edited a few changes from Bob Friesenhahn - (GraphicsMagick Maintainer) for Windows (Michael Adams) - + Added some new mostly small image files (many of which are - corrupt/invalid) that are useful for testing purposes - (Michael Adams) - + The debugging function jpc_dec_dump did not consider the case - that a band can have a null data pointer (when a band - contains no samples). This caused a null pointer to be - dereferenced (Michael Adams) - + Changed the JPC bitstream code to more gracefully handle a - request for a larger sized integer than what can be handled - (i.e., return with an error instead of failing an assert). - (Michael Adams) - + The component domains must be the same for the ICT/RCT in the - JPC codec. This was previously enforced with an assertion. - Now, it is handled in a more graceful manner (Michael Adams) - + Fixed a few bugs in the RAS encoder and decoder where errors - were tested with assertions instead of being gracefully - handled (Michael Adams) - -- Updated to bugfix release 1.900.13 - * Changes - + Fixed another problem with incorrect cleanup of JP2 box data - upon error. (Michael Adams) - + Fixed another integer overflow problem. (Michael Adams) - + Replaced the remaining left and right shifts in the QMFB/MCT - code that can result in undefined behavior (due to shifting - negative values) with call to inline functions. - These functions collect all of the undefined behavior in one - place and also allow code sanitizers to ignore this ugliness - (via function attributes). (Michael Adams) - + Fixed a bug in the row/column split operations for QMFBs. - (Michael Adams) - + Made the PNM decoder more gracefully handle the not-fully- - supported feature of signed sample data. (Michael Adams) - + The PNM decoder did not gracefully handle an invalid magic - number in the PNM header. (Michael Adams) - + Fixed a MIF decoder bug. (Michael Adams) - + The imginfo command did not correctly handle an image with - zero components. (Michael Adams) - + Fixed an integer overflow problem. (Michael Adams) - + A new experimental memory allocator has been introduced. The - allocator is experimental in the sense that its API is not - considered stable and the allocator may change or disappear - entirely in future versions of the code. This new allocator - tracks how much memory is being used by jas_malloc and friends. - A maximum upper bound on the memory usage can be set via the - experimental API provided and a default value can be set at - build time as well. Such functionality may be useful in - run-time environments where the user wants to be able to limit - the amount of memory used by JasPer. This allocator is not - used by default. (Michael Adams) - + Changed the configure setup so that if GCC is used warnings - and pedantic errors are enabled. (Michael Adams) - + Fixed a bug that resulted in the destruction of JP2 box data - that had never been constructed in the first place. (Michael - Adams) - + The memory stream interface allows for a buffer size of zero. - The case of a zero-sized buffer was not handled correctly, as - it could lead to a double free (bsc#1005242, CVE-2016-8693). - (Michael Adams) - + Fixed a small memory leak for CRG marker segments. (Michael - Adams) - + Fixed a problem with a null pointer dereference in the BMP - decoder. (Michael Adams) - + Introduced jas_fast32_asl, jas_fast32_asr, and friends in - order to pull all undefined behavior for left and right shift - of (negative) integers into a small number of places and - provide a means to have UBSAN ignore this ugliness. (Michael - Adams) - + Fixed an integral type promotion problem by adding a JAS_CAST. - Modified the jpc_tsfb_synthesize function so that it will be a - noop for an empty sequence (in order to avoid dereferencing a - null pointer). (Michael Adams) - + Added some extra debugging log messages for memory - allocation/deallocation. (Michael Adams) - + The RCT and ICT require at least three components. Previously, - this was enforced with an assertion. Now, the assertion has - been replaced with a proper error check. (Michael Adams) - + The member (pi) in tiles was not properly initialized. This is - now corrected. Also, each tile is now only cleaned up once. - (Michael Adams) - + Initialize uninitialized variable. (Michael Adams) - + Added some options to configure for enabling various code - sanitizers. (Michael Adams) - + Added some range checks on parameters in some JPC marker - segments. (Michael Adams) - + Fixed potential integer overflow problem. (Michael Adams) - + Added some functions for safe integer arithmetic (for size_t) - in jas_math.h. (Michael Adams) - + Fixed some indentation issues. (Michael Adams) - + Converted a few raw mallocs to use jas_alloc2. Added code in - the jas_* memory allocation/deallocation functions to generate - debugging log messages. Only disable JAS_DBGLOG message if - NDEBUG is defined. (Michael Adams) - + Added more error/log messages for debugging in the JPEG - decoder. (Michael Adams) - + Added some extra log messages for debugging. Added check of - value returned by jas_matrix_create. (Michael Adams) - + Applied fix for VPATH builds (Michael Adams) - + Did some cleanup (Michael Adams) - + Fixed 'inline' for older version of Visual Studio. (dirk) - + Fix a potential double fclose of a FILE* in the JPEG decoder. - (Michael Adams) - + Changed jas_types.h to assume that header files required by - the C99 standard are present. (Michael Adams) - + Incorporated changes from patch - jasper-1.900.3-libjasper-stepsizes-overflow.patch (Michael - Adams) - + Incorporated changes from patch - jasper-1.900.3-CVE-2011-4516-CVE-2011-4517-CERT-VU-887409.patch - (Michael Adams) - + Incorporated changes from patch - jasper-1.900.3-Coverity-RESOURCE_LEAK.patch (Michael Adams) - + Incorporated patch jasper-1.900.3-Coverity-NULL_RETURNS.patch - (Michael Adams) - + Fixed memory leak in jiv. (Michael Adams) - + Fixed a sanitizer failure in the BMP codec (bsc#1005084, - CVE-2016-8690). Also, added a --debug-level command line - option to the imginfo command for debugging purposes. - (Michael Adams) - + Added some missing type casts to ensure promotion to the - correct unsigned type to avoid undefined behavior (and stop - warnings from USAN). (Michael Adams) - + Fixed a linking problem with newer versions of GCC. (Michael - Adams) - + Changed --enable-debug configure option to enable some GCC - sanitizers. (Michael Adams) - + Added range check on XRsiz and YRsiz fields of SIZ marker - segment (bsc#1005090, CVE-2016-8691, CVE-2016-8692). (Michael - Adams) - + At many places in the code, jas_malloc or jas_recalloc was - being invoked with the size argument being computed in a - manner that would not allow integer overflow to be detected. - Now, these places in the code have been modified to use - special-purpose memory allocation functions (e.g., jas_alloc2, - jas_alloc3, jas_realloc2) that check for overflow. - (Michael Adams) - + Add fixes for CVE-2014-8137. (Michael Adams) - + Added fix for CVE-2016-2089. (Michael Adams) - + Moved abort into default case of switch statement. (Michael - Adams) - + Remove auto-generated file aclocal.m4 from repository. - (Michael Adams) - + Removed HAVE_VLA stuff from various configuration and build - files. Also, changed a few INCLUDES to AM_CPPFLAGS in automake - files (since INCLUDES is deprecated). (Michael Adams) - + 1.701.0-GL (Richard Hughes) - + pkgconfig (Richard Hughes) - + Coverity-UNREACHABLE (Richard Hughes) - + CVE-2016-1867 (Richard Hughes) - + CVE-2014-9029 (Richard Hughes) - + CVE-2014-8158 (Richard Hughes) - + CVE-2014-8157 (Richard Hughes) - + CVE-2014-8138 (Richard Hughes) - + CVE-2015-5221 (Richard Hughes) - + CVE-2016-2116 (Richard Hughes) - + Coverity-FORWARD_NULL (Richard Hughes) - + jpc_dec.c (Richard Hughes) - + Coverity-CHECKED_RETURN (Richard Hughes) - + CVE-2016-1577 (Richard Hughes) - + Coverity-UNUSED_VALUE (Richard Hughes) - + Coverity-BAD_SIZEOF (Richard Hughes) - + CVE-2008-3522 (Richard Hughes) -- Removed patches: - * jasper-1.900.1-bug258253.patch - * jasper-1.900.1-bug392410.patch - * jasper-1.900.1-no-undef-true-false.patch - * jasper-1.900.1-bug725758.patch - * jasper-overflow-bnc906364.patch - * jasper-CVE-2014-8137.patch - * jasper-CVE-2014-8138.patch - * jasper-CVE-2014-8157.patch - * jasper-CVE-2014-8158.patch - * jasper-jpc_dec.patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-1867.patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-2089.patch - + Fixed upstream -- Force -std=c99, since the upstream sources assume C99 - -- Modified patch - * jasper-CVE-2016-2089.patch - + Use the new version of patch from - - with more targetted checks. -- Version the Obsoletes/Provides so that the package does not - obsolete itself - -- Add jasper-CVE-2016-2089.patch - * CVE-2016-2089: invalid read in the JasPer's jas_matrix_clip() - function (bsc#963983) - -- Add jasper-CVE-2016-1867.patch - * CVE-2016-1867: Out-of-bounds Read in the JasPer's - jpc_pi_nextcprl() function (bsc#961886) - -- Add jasper-jpc_dec.patch to fix failure when manipulating images - with 4 component color using reversible color translation - (deb#469786); patch taken from Fedora. - -- fixed CVE-2014-8157, CVE-2014-8158 (bnc#911837) - + jasper-CVE-2014-8157.patch - + jasper-CVE-2014-8158.patch - -- fixed CVE-2014-8137, CVE-2014-8138 (bnc#909474, bnc#909475) - + jasper-CVE-2014-8137.patch - + jasper-CVE-2014-8138.patch - -- fixed possible overflow CVE-2014-9029 (bnc#906364) - + jasper-overflow-bnc906364.patch - java-11-openjdk +- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.15+10 (April 2022 CPU) + * Security fixes: + + JDK-8284920: Incorrect Token type causes XPath expression to + return empty result + + JDK-8284548: Invalid XPath expression causes + StringIndexOutOfBoundsException + + JDK-8281388: Change wrapping of EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo + + JDK-8282397: createTempFile method of is failing + when called with suffix of spaces character + + JDK-8278356: Improve file creation + + JDK-8270504, bsc#1198672, CVE-2022-21426: Better Xpath + expression handling + + JDK-8272594: Better record of recordings + + JDK-8277672, bsc#1198674, CVE-2022-21434: Better invocation + handler handling + + JDK-8282300: Throws NamingException instead of + InvalidNameException after JDK-8278972 + + JDK-8278972, bsc#1198673, CVE-2022-21496: Improve URL supports + + JDK-8272261: Improve JFR recording file processing + + JDK-8269938: Enhance XML processing passes redux + + JDK-8272255: Completely handle MIDI files + + JDK-8278805: Enhance BMP image loading + + JDK-8278449: Improve keychain support + + JDK-8277227: Better identification of OIDs + + JDK-8275151, bsc#1198675, CVE-2022-21443: Improved Object + Identification + + JDK-8274221: More definite BER encodings + + JDK-8278798: Improve supported intrinsic + * Other changes: + + JDK-8283778: 11u GHA: Fix GCC 9 ubuntu package names + + JDK-8283018: 11u GHA: Update GCC 9 minor versions + + JDK-8275082, bsc#1198671, CVE-2022-21476: Update XML Security + for Java to 2.3.0 + + JDK-8282761: XPathFactoryImpl remove setProperty and + getProperty methods + + JDK-8283270: [11u] broken JRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC after Backport + of JDK-8253795 + + JDK-8275703: System.loadLibrary fails on Big Sur for + libraries hidden from filesystem + + JDK-8277795: ldap connection timeout not honoured under + contention + + JDK-8276141: XPathFactory set/getProperty method + + JDK-8255410: Add ChaCha20 and Poly1305 support to SunPKCS11 + provider + + JDK-8211333: AArch64: Fix another build failure after + JDK-8211029 + + JDK-8279669: test/jdk/com/sun/jdi/ uses + wrong condition + + JDK-8261107: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the + ICC_Profile.getInstance(InputStream) + + JDK-8282372: [11] build issue on MacOS/aarch64 12.2.1 using + Xcode 13.1: call to 'log2_intptr' is ambiguous + + JDK-8214004: Missing space between compiler thread name and + task info in hs_err + + JDK-8250750: JDK-8247515 fix for OSX pc_to_symbol() lookup + fails with some symbols + + JDK-8277488: Add expiry exception for Digicert + (geotrustglobalca) expiring in May 2022 + + JDK-8247515: OSX pc_to_symbol() lookup does not work with + core files + + JDK-8254085: javax/swing/text/Caret/ + / failed with + "RuntimeException: Wrong caret position" + + JDK-8247272: SA ELF file support has never worked for 64-bit + causing address to symbol name mapping to fail + + JDK-8233986: ProblemList javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTextUI/ + /8001470/ for windows-x64 + + JDK-8274524: SSLSocket.close() hangs if it is called during + the ssl handshake + + JDK-8255239: The timezone of the hs_err_pid log file is + corrupted in Japanese locale + + JDK-8272541: Incorrect overflow test in Toom-Cook branch of + BigInteger multiplication + + JDK-8254072: AArch64: Get rid of --disable-warnings-as-errors + on Windows+ARM64 build + + JDK-8262894: [macos_aarch64] SIGBUS in Assembler::ld_st2 + + JDK-8266889: [macosx-aarch64] Crash with SIGBUS in + MarkActivationClosure::do_code_blob during + vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/.../bi04t002 test run + + JDK-8241004: NMT tests fail on unaligned thread size with + debug build + + JDK-8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port + + JDK-8280414: Memory leak in DefaultProxySelector + + JDK-8280526: x86_32 Math.sqrt performance regression with + - XX:UseSSE={0,1} + + JDK-8279076: C2: Bad AD file when matching SqrtF with UseSSE=0 + + JDK-8281520: JFR: A wrong parameter is passed to the + constructor of LeakKlassWriter + + JDK-8281599: test/lib/jdk/test/lib/ is + redundant since JDK-8268801 + + JDK-8190748: java/text/Format/DateFormat/ + and NonGregorianFormatTest fail intermittently + + JDK-8281061: [s390] JFR runs into assertions while validating + interpreter frames + + JDK-8280155: [PPC64, s390] frame size checks are not yet + correct + + JDK-8279924: [PPC64, s390] implement + frame::is_interpreted_frame_valid checks + + JDK-8261205: AssertionError: Cannot add metadata to an + intersection type + + JDK-8277992: Add fast jdk_svc subtests to jdk:tier3 + + JDK-8216969: ParseException thrown for certain months with + russian locale + + JDK-8278381: [GCC 11] Address::make_raw() does not initialize + rspec + + JDK-8264650: Cross-compilation to macos/aarch64 + + JDK-8256321: Some "inactive" color profiles use the wrong + profile class + + JDK-8280999: array_bounds should be array-bounds after 8278507 + + JDK-8177814: jdk/editpad is not in jdk TEST.groups + + JDK-8279702: [macosx] ignore xcodebuild warnings on M1 + + JDK-8280786: Build failure on Solaris after 8262392 + + JDK-8218546: Unable to connect to using + + + JDK-8278758: runtime/BootstrapMethod/ + fails with release VMs after JDK-8262134 + + JDK-8279833: Loop optimization issue in + String.encodeUTF8_UTF16 + + JDK-8273277: C2: Move conditional negation into rc_predicate + + JDK-8253197: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/StopThread/stopthrd007/ + / fails with "ERROR: + DebuggeeSleepingThread: ThreadDeath lost" + + JDK-8236210: javac generates wrong annotation for fields + generated from record components + + JDK-8236505: Mark jdk/editpad/ as @headful + + JDK-8270874: JFrame paint artifacts when dragged from + standard monitor to HiDPI monitor + + JDK-8271202: C1: assert(false) failed: live_in set of first + block must be empty + + JDK-8277447: Hotspot C1 compiler crashes on Kotlin suspend + fun with loop + + JDK-8275610: C2: Object field load floats above its null + check resulting in a segfault + + JDK-8266421: Deadlock in Sound System + + JDK-8274795: AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in + macro assembler + + JDK-8232533: G1 uses only a single thread for pretouching the + java heap + + JDK-8273933: [TESTBUG] Test must run without preallocated + exceptions + + JDK-8268542: serviceability/logging/ tests + only 1st test case + + JDK-8251998: remove usage of PropertyResolvingWrapper in + vmTestbase/jit/t + + JDK-8273438: Enable parallelism in + vmTestbase/metaspace/stressHierarchy tests + + JDK-8273433: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase_nsk_sysdict + tests + + JDK-8273341: Update Siphash to version 1.0 + + JDK-8278871: [JVMCI] assert((uint)reason < 2* + _trap_hist_limit) failed: oob + + JDK-8275326: C2: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop + detected + + JDK-8251127: clean up FileInstaller $test.src $cwd in + remaining vmTestbase_vm_compiler tests + + JDK-8252005: narrow disabling of allowSmartActionArgs in + vmTestbase + + JDK-8279998: PPC64 debug builds fail with "untested: + RangeCheckStub: predicate_failed_trap_id" + + JDK-8193277: SimpleFileObject inconsistency between getName + and getShortName + + JDK-8225559: assertion error at TransTypes.visitApply + + JDK-8220634: SymLinkArchiveTest should handle not being able + to create symlinks + + JDK-8214026: Canonicalized archive paths appearing in + diagnostics + + JDK-8251126: nsk.share.GoldChecker should read golden file + from ${test.src} + + JDK-8237798: rewrite vmTestbase/jit/tiered from shell to java + + JDK-8262134: compiler/uncommontrap/ failed + with "guarantee(false) failed: wrong number of expression + stack elements during deopt" + + JDK-8210194: [TESTBUG] jvmti_FollowRefObjects.cpp missing + initializer for member + _jvmtiHeapCallbacks::heap_reference_callback + + JDK-8277441: CompileQueue::add fails with + assert(_last->next() == __null) failed: not last + + JDK-8273704: failed : + drawString with InfiniteXform transform takes long time + + JDK-8277328: jdk/jshell/ failures + on Windows + + JDK-8251132: make main classes public in vmTestbase/jit tests + + JDK-8274465: Fix javax/swing/text/ParagraphView/6364882/ + / failures + + JDK-8273634: [TEST_BUG] Improve javax/swing/text/ + /ParagraphView/6364882/ + + JDK-8249019: clean up FileInstaller $test.src $cwd in + vmTestbase_vm_compiler tests + + JDK-8274338: com/sun/jdi/ failed + "assert(m != __null) failed: NULL mirror" + + JDK-8279300: [arm32] SIGILL when running + GetObjectSizeIntrinsicsTest + + JDK-8273682: Upgrade Jline to 3.20.0 + + JDK-8256154: Some TestNG tests require default constructors + + JDK-8237787: rewrite vmTestbase/vm/compiler/CodeCacheInfo* + from shell to java + + JDK-8223142: Clean-up WS and CB. + + JDK-8278384: Bytecodes::result_type() for arraylength returns + T_VOID instead of T_INT + + JDK-8278172: java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ + / should only run on Linux + + JDK-8279077: JFR crashes on Linux ppc due to missing crash + protector in signal handler + + JDK-8279225: [arm32] C1 longs comparison operation destroys + argument registers + + JDK-8276623: JDK-8275650 accidentally pushed "out" file + + JDK-8279379: GHA: Print tests that are in error + + JDK-8275536: Add test to check that File::lastModified + returns same time stamp as Files.getLastModifiedTime + + JDK-8274658: ISO 4217 Amendment 170 Update + + JDK-8239502: [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/text/FlowView/ + /6318524/ never fails + + JDK-8277342: vmTestbase/nsk/stress/strace/ + fails with SIGSEGV in InstanceKlass::jni_id_for + + JDK-8275650: Problemlist java/io/File/createTempFile/ + / for Windows 11 + + JDK-8268014: Build failure on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server + 11.4 (s390x) due to 'SYS_get_mempolicy' was not declared + + JDK-8241423: NUMA APIs fail to work in dockers due to + dependent syscalls are disabled by default + + JDK-8065704: Set LC_ALL=C for all relevant commands in the + build system + + JDK-8254827: JVMCI: Enable it for Windows+AArch64 + + JDK-8276314: [JVMCI] check alignment of call displacement + during code installation + + JDK-8265150: AsyncGetCallTrace crashes on ResourceMark + + JDK-8276177: nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/ + /StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption failed with + "assert(def_ik->is_being_redefined()) failed: should be + being redefined to get here" + + JDK-8273638: javax/swing/JTable/4235420/ fails + in GTK L&F + + JDK-8258554: javax/swing/JTable/4235420/ fails + in GTK L&F + + JDK-8277385: Zero: Enable CompactStrings support + + JDK-8278116: runtime/modules/ has + duplicate -Xmx + + JDK-8278115: gc/stress/gclocker/ + has duplicate -Xmx + + JDK-8274736: Concurrent read/close of SSLSockets causes + SSLSessions to be invalidated unnecessarily + + JDK-8278309: [windows] use of uninitialized OSThread::_state + + JDK-8202142: jfr/event/io/TestInstrumentation is unstable + + JDK-8207793: [TESTBUG] runtime/Metaspace/ + / fails: heap needs to be increased + + JDK-8211170: AArch64: Warnings in C1 and template interpreter + + JDK-8273575: memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must + be deallocated + + JDK-8266187: Memory leak in appendBootClassPath() + + JDK-8240904: Screen flashes on test failures when running + tests from make + + JDK-8234930: Use MAP_JIT when allocating pages for code cache + on macOS + + JDK-8275811: Incorrect instance to dispose + + JDK-8186780: clang fastdebug assertion failure in + os_linux_x86:os::verify_stack_alignment() + + JDK-8266171: -Warray-bounds happens in imageioJPEG.c + + JDK-8266170: -Wnonnull happens in classLoaderData.inline.hpp + + JDK-8207011: Remove uses of the register storage class + specifier + + JDK-8266172: -Wstringop-overflow happens in vmError.cpp + + JDK-8274714: Incorrect verifier protected access error message + + JDK-8273514: java/util/DoubleStreamSums/ + failure + + JDK-8214761: Bug in parallel Kahan summation implementation + + JDK-8272473: Parsing epoch seconds at a DST transition with a + non-UTC parser is wrong + + JDK-8255035: Update BCEL to Version 6.5.0 + + JDK-8257769: Cipher.getParameters() throws NPE for + ChaCha20-Poly1305 + + JDK-8233827: Enable screenshots in the enhanced failure + handler on Linux/macOS + + JDK-8210236: Prepare + ciReceiverTypeData::translate_receiver_data_from for + concurrent class unloading + + JDK-8273366: [testbug] javax/swing/UIDefaults/6302464/ + / fails on macOS12 + + JDK-8199079: Test javax/swing/UIDefaults/6302464/ + / is unstable + + JDK-8256373: [Windows/HiDPI] The Frame#setBounds does not + work in a minimized state + + JDK-8274523: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ + / test should handle Shenandoah + + JDK-8208074: [TESTBUG] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/ + /StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption/ + failed with NullPointerException + + JDK-8266168: -Wmaybe-uninitialized happens in check_code.c + + JDK-8266174: -Wmisleading-indentation happens in + libmlib_image sources + + JDK-8251558: J2DBench should support shaped and translucent + windows + + JDK-8254940: AArch64: Cleanup non-product thread members + + JDK-8266173: -Wmaybe-uninitialized happens in jni_util.c + + JDK-8263185: Mallinfo deprecated in glibc 2.33 + + JDK-8257467: [TESTBUG] -Wdeprecated-declarations is reported + at sigset() in exesigtest.c + + JDK-8266176: -Wmaybe-uninitialized happens in + libArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionTest.c + + JDK-8274265: Suspicious string concatenation in + logTestUtils.inline.hpp + + JDK-8222825: ARM32 SIGILL issue on single core CPU (not + supported PLDW instruction) + + JDK-8276105: C2: Conv(D|F)2(I|L)Nodes::Ideal should handle + rounding correctly + + JDK-8268882: C2: assert(n->outcnt() != 0 || C->top() == n || + n->is_Proj()) failed: No dead instructions after post-alloc + + JDK-8272345: macos doesn't check `os::set_boot_path()` result + + JDK-8277796: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.15 +- Modified patch: + * fips.patch + + rediff to changed context + +- Stop adding the JavaEE modules when building for Factory + jboss-logging +- Build against the provider of mvn(log4j:log4j:1.2.16) instead of + mvn(log4j:log4j), in order to be able to build both on systems + with and without reload4j (bsc#1197642) + +- Do not build against the log4j12 packages + +- Fix the source url + +- Update to 3.4.1 + jetty-artifact-remote-resources +- Do not require mvn(log4j:log4j) for build (bsc#1197642) + kcron +- Update to 21.12.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 21.12.2: + * Improve temporary file handling + * KCronHelper: Return error when things don't work out +- Drop patches, now upstream: + * 0001-Improve-temporary-file-handling.patch + * 0001-KCronHelper-Return-error-when-things-don-t-work-out.patch + +- Add more upstream changes (boo#1195154, boo#1193945): + * 0001-Write-into-crontab-instead-of-replacing-the-file.patch + +- Add upstream change: + * 0001-Improve-temporary-file-handling.patch (boo#1195154, boo#1195152, CVE-2022-24986) + +- Update to 21.12.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.12.1 +- Add upstream patch: + 0001-KCronHelper-Return-error-when-things-don-t-work-out.patch + (contributes to boo#1195154, boo#1193945) + +- Update to 21.12.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.12.0 + +- Update to 21.12.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.11.90 + +- Update to 21.11.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 21.11.80 + +- Update to 21.11.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 21.08.3: + * Remove includes from .cpp/.h + * Add freebsd support + * Implementing the System Cron functionality using KAuth + * Use a fancy stl function as recommended by cppcheck + * Added comments for clarification, unrelated to other changes. + * Added debug messages + * GlobalCron is redundant now, as its functionality is moved into system cron. + * Remove running as root and implement temporary authorization. + * Add helper files for KAuth. + * Align sentence with other similar ones. + * A few more typos. + * Fixing typos in source code + * Fix documentation typo + * Rename isSpace to isSpaceAt + * Ignore auto-generated files. + * Use directly qCDebug + * Don't set option tabs (kde#442845) + * add support for building without deprecated methods + * We use c++17 now here + +- Update to 21.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.08.2 + +- Update to 21.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.08.1 + +- Update to 21.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.08.0 + +- Update to 21.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.07.90 + +- Update to 21.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 21.07.80 + +- Update to 21.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 21.04.3: + * Remove unused boolean + * Add build support + clazy + * Modernize code + * Make sure that it compiles without deprecated method + * It's autogenerated + * Remove unused KIconThemes dependency + * Use QIcon::fromTheme instead of KIconLoader + * Remove forward declaratinon when we include file + * Time to increase version +- Only install the license files once + +- Update to 21.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.04.2 + +- Update to 21.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.04.1 + +- Update to 21.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.04.0 + +- Update to 21.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.03.90 + +- Update to 21.03.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 21.03.80 + +- Update to 21.03.80 + * New feature release +- Too many changes to list here. + +- Update to 20.12.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 20.12.2 + +- Update to 20.12.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 20.12.1 + +- Update to 20.12.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 20.12.0 + +- Update to 20.12.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 20.11.90 + +- Update to 20.11.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 20.11.80 + +- Update to 20.11.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 20.08.3: + * Use systemsettings5 instead of kcmshell5 + * If include is define in .h remove it if it's defined in .cpp too (scripted) + +- Update to 20.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 20.08.2 + +- Update to 20.08.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 20.08.1 + +- Update to 20.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 20.08.0 + +- Update to 20.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 20.07.90 + +- Update to 20.07.90 + * New feature release +- No code change since 20.07.80 + +- Update to 20.07.80 + * New feature release +- Changes since 20.04.3: + * Use camelcase include. (scripted) + * Use new variable + * install it in /kcms subdirectory + +- Update to 20.04.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 20.04.2 + kdump +- kdumptool calibrate: add more margin to reservation calculations + (bsc#1196728) +- remount target filesystem r/w for fadump (bsc1197125) +- stop reloading FADump on CPU hot-add event (jsc#IBM-768) +- mkdumprd: add option to run dracut in debug mode + kernel-64kb +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-azure +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- intel_idle: add core C6 optimization for SPR (bsc#1198602). +- commit d6fb753 + +- intel_idle: add 'preferred_cstates' module argument + (bsc#1198602). +- commit 0bc7d2b + +- intel_idle: add SPR support (bsc#1198602). +- commit 2bc31de + +- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section +- commit e93d073 + +- SCSI: iscsi: fix iscsi_endpoint changes (bsc#1197685). +- SCSI: iscsi: fix iscsi_cls_conn changes (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: qedi: Fix failed disconnect handling (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix NOP handling during conn recovery + (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix unbound endpoint error handling (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix conn cleanup and stop race during iscsid + restart (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix endpoint reuse regression (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Release endpoint ID when its freed (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix offload conn cleanup when iscsid restarts + (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Move iscsi_ep_disconnect() (bsc#1197685). +- commit d5cdaca + +- Sorted using + Since sequence_patch required it. +- commit 6bf7976 + +- PCI: hv: Remove unused hv_set_msi_entry_from_desc() + (bsc#1198228). +- commit b61cd71 + +- x86/platform/uv: Log gap hole end size (bsc#1198417). +- commit 8618bf4 + +- x86/platform/uv: Update TSC sync state for UV5 (bsc#1198417). +- commit 3d0fd26 + +- x86/platform/uv: Update NMI Handler for UV5 (bsc#1198417). +- commit 76ba15c + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-debug +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-default +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-docs +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-kvmsmall +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-obs-build +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-obs-qa +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-source +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-source-azure +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- intel_idle: add core C6 optimization for SPR (bsc#1198602). +- commit d6fb753 + +- intel_idle: add 'preferred_cstates' module argument + (bsc#1198602). +- commit 0bc7d2b + +- intel_idle: add SPR support (bsc#1198602). +- commit 2bc31de + +- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section +- commit e93d073 + +- SCSI: iscsi: fix iscsi_endpoint changes (bsc#1197685). +- SCSI: iscsi: fix iscsi_cls_conn changes (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: qedi: Fix failed disconnect handling (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix NOP handling during conn recovery + (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix unbound endpoint error handling (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix conn cleanup and stop race during iscsid + restart (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix endpoint reuse regression (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Release endpoint ID when its freed (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix offload conn cleanup when iscsid restarts + (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Move iscsi_ep_disconnect() (bsc#1197685). +- commit d5cdaca + +- Sorted using + Since sequence_patch required it. +- commit 6bf7976 + +- PCI: hv: Remove unused hv_set_msi_entry_from_desc() + (bsc#1198228). +- commit b61cd71 + +- x86/platform/uv: Log gap hole end size (bsc#1198417). +- commit 8618bf4 + +- x86/platform/uv: Update TSC sync state for UV5 (bsc#1198417). +- commit 3d0fd26 + +- x86/platform/uv: Update NMI Handler for UV5 (bsc#1198417). +- commit 76ba15c + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-syms +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-syms-azure +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- intel_idle: add core C6 optimization for SPR (bsc#1198602). +- commit d6fb753 + +- intel_idle: add 'preferred_cstates' module argument + (bsc#1198602). +- commit 0bc7d2b + +- intel_idle: add SPR support (bsc#1198602). +- commit 2bc31de + +- Move upstreamed patches into sorted section +- commit e93d073 + +- SCSI: iscsi: fix iscsi_endpoint changes (bsc#1197685). +- SCSI: iscsi: fix iscsi_cls_conn changes (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: qedi: Fix failed disconnect handling (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix NOP handling during conn recovery + (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix unbound endpoint error handling (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix conn cleanup and stop race during iscsid + restart (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix endpoint reuse regression (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Release endpoint ID when its freed (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Fix offload conn cleanup when iscsid restarts + (bsc#1197685). +- scsi: iscsi: Move iscsi_ep_disconnect() (bsc#1197685). +- commit d5cdaca + +- Sorted using + Since sequence_patch required it. +- commit 6bf7976 + +- PCI: hv: Remove unused hv_set_msi_entry_from_desc() + (bsc#1198228). +- commit b61cd71 + +- x86/platform/uv: Log gap hole end size (bsc#1198417). +- commit 8618bf4 + +- x86/platform/uv: Update TSC sync state for UV5 (bsc#1198417). +- commit 3d0fd26 + +- x86/platform/uv: Update NMI Handler for UV5 (bsc#1198417). +- commit 76ba15c + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kernel-zfcpdump +- PCI: vmd: Revert 2565e5b69c44 ("PCI: vmd: Do not disable + MSI-X remapping if interrupt remapping is enabled by + IOMMU.") (bsc#1199405). +- PCI: vmd: Assign VMD IRQ domain before enumeration + (bsc#1199405). +- commit 93b2923 + +- Revert "btrfs: props: change how empty value is interpreted" (bsc#1195224) +- commit 49db222 + +- btrfs: qgroup: fix deadlock between rescan worker and remove + qgroup (bsc#1199295). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between quota disable and qgroup rescan + worker (bsc#1199295). +- commit 0d6264b + +- xen/x86: obtain full video frame buffer address for Dom0 also + under EFI (bsc#1193556). +- xen/x86: obtain upper 32 bits of video frame buffer address + for Dom0 (bsc#1193556). +- commit d8dc579 + +- Correct a typo in the patch reference for hisilicon fix (bsc#1198240) +- commit 358b264 + +- cifs: fix NULL ptr dereference in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit e7a2e2d + +- cifs: prevent bad output lengths in smb2_ioctl_query_info() + (CVE-2022-0168 bsc#1197472). +- commit 3a95308 + +- Update patches.suse/sched-topology-Skip-updating-masks-for-non-online-nodes.patch + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports) + stable-5.14.4 bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 65227e4 + +- Update patches.suse/powerpc-numa-Update-cpu_cpu_map-on-CPU-online-offlin.patch + (jsc#SLE-13615 bsc#1180100 ltc#190257 git-fixes bsc#1197446 ltc#183000). +- commit 0d949cf + +- Update + patches.suse/ovl-fix-missing-negative-dentry-check-in-ovl_rename.patch + (stable-5.14.12 CVE-2021-20321 bsc#1191647). +- commit babea76 + +- iova: Export alloc_iova_fast() and free_iova_fast() + (bsc#1199124). +- commit 281942e + +- scsi: hisi_sas: Limit users changing debugfs BIST count value + (bsc#1198803). +- scsi: hisi_sas: Increase debugfs_dump_index after dump is + completed (bsc#1198806). +- commit 4ed546a + +- netfilter: nf_tables: validate registers coming from userspace + (CVE-2022-1015 bsc#1197227). +- commit 0aabb62 + +- mm: vmalloc: introduce array allocation functions (bsc#1198110). +- commit dbcab11 + +- mm: use vmalloc_array and vcalloc for array allocations + (bsc#1198110). +- commit 4993f07 + +- KVM: use __vcalloc for very large allocations (bsc#1198110). +- commit 525fc7a + +- KVM: x86/mmu: do compare-and-exchange of gPTE via the user address (CVE-2022-1158 bsc#1197660). +- commit c813453 + +- crypto: hisilicon/sec - fix the aead software fallback for + engine (bsc#1198240). +- commit 7a54f7c + +- powerpc/64: Move paca allocation later in boot (bsc#1190812). +- commit a185abb + kpmcore +- Update to 21.12.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 21.12.2: + * Do not repeatedly open and close file when reading from it. + * Do not repeatedly open and close file when writing to it. + * Make sure that path passed to WriteData is block device. + * Restrict CopyFileData to writing to already existing files. + * Rename CopyBlocks to CopyFileData. + * Check for relative paths in ExternalCommandHelper::CopyBlocks. + * Restrict QProcess::ProcessChannelMode to two used values. + * Be a bit more strict in root helper when checking path to /etc/fstab. +- Drop patches, now upstream: + * 0001-Do-not-repeatedly-open-and-close-file-when-reading-f.patch + * 0001-Do-not-repeatedly-open-and-close-file-when-writing-t.patch + * 0001-Make-sure-that-path-passed-to-WriteData-is-block-dev.patch + * 0001-Restrict-CopyFileData-to-writing-to-already-existing.patch + * 0001-Rename-CopyBlocks-to-CopyFileData.patch + * 0001-Check-for-relative-paths-in-ExternalCommandHelper-Co.patch + * 0001-Restrict-QProcess-ProcessChannelMode-to-two-used-val.patch + * 0001-Be-a-bit-more-strict-in-root-helper-when-checking-pa.patch + +- Backport more upstream changes: + * 0001-Restrict-CreateFile-method-to-WriteFstab-method-in-p.patch + * 0001-Add-a-comment-about-WriteOnly.patch + * 0001-Add-a-few-more-comments-explaining-copy-direction.patch + * 0001-Set-false-as-the-default-return-value-and-change-it-.patch + * 0001-Rename-blockSize-to-chunkSize-to-avoid-confusion-wit.patch + * 0001-Fix-a-typo-in-definition-of-MiB-constant.patch + * 0001-Rename-variables-into-more-appropriate-fstabPath-and.patch + +- Backport upstream changes to address security issues + (contributes to boo#1178848) + * 0001-Add-new-job-to-change-permission-of-the-newly-create.patch + * 0001-Move-the-changePosixPermission-to-the-Filesystem.patch + * 0001-Add-posix-permissions-on-filesystems-used-in-posix-s.patch + * 0001-Allow-running-chmod-in-externalcommand-helper.patch + * 0001-Add-support-for-copying-unknown-partitions.patch + * 0001-Fix-davfs-entries-being-omitted-from-fstab-file.patch + * 0001-Changing-swap-labels-while-swap-is-active-does-not-s.patch + * 0001-Be-a-bit-more-strict-in-root-helper-when-checking-pa.patch + * 0001-Restrict-QProcess-ProcessChannelMode-to-two-used-val.patch + * 0001-Check-for-relative-paths-in-ExternalCommandHelper-Co.patch + * 0001-Rename-CopyBlocks-to-CopyFileData.patch + * 0001-Restrict-CopyFileData-to-writing-to-already-existing.patch + * 0001-Make-sure-that-path-passed-to-WriteData-is-block-dev.patch + * 0001-Do-not-repeatedly-open-and-close-file-when-writing-t.patch + * 0001-Do-not-repeatedly-open-and-close-file-when-reading-f.patch + * 0001-Update-description-of-polkit-helper.patch + +- Update to 21.12.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 21.12.1: + * Fix infinite recursion in dummy backend. (kde#432704) + +- Update to 21.12.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 21.08.3: + * Fix broken fstab when mount point includes space. (kde#446218) + * Fix seek error when filling device with random data or zeroes. + * Do not destroy zfs pool when removing zfs partition. + * Bump minimal cmake version to 3.16 + * Initialize all fields in Partition + * Clear attributes on new partition creation + +- Update to 21.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.08.1 + +- Update to 21.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.08.0 + +- Update to 21.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.04.2 + +- Update to 21.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.04.1 + +- Update to 21.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.04.0 +- Use GCC 10 on Leap + +- Update to 21.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 4.2.0 + * KAuth helper replaced with pure PolkitQt1 helper + * KDE Partition Manager (including KPMcore library) is now fully + REUSE 3.0 compliant + * Support for partitions with unknown file system + * Fixed and improved mount point and /etc/fstab handling + * Fixed a crash that was present for a long time but hard to + reproduce reliably + * KPMcore gained support for GPT partition attributes (It is not + yet wired in KDE Partition Manager) + * KPMcore has more support for setting GPT partition label and + UUID (Again, not yet wired in KDE Partition Manager) + * Port away from various deprecated Qt/KDE methods + * Workaround bad JSON output from sfdisk (will be fixed in + util-linux 2.37). + * Import partition flags when importing partition table + * Apply colour scheme to secondary (MBR logical) partitions + +- Use %cmake_build instead of %make_jobs + +- Update to 4.1.0 + * Support for Minix file system + * Initial support for file system specific features although it's + not exposed via KDE Partition Manager GUI yet + * Some bug fixes, in particular Calamares installer should work + better than with 4.0 + +- Update to 4.0.1 + * Do not align partitions if they are mounted, moving data when + partitions are mounted is almost guaranteed to cause data loss + (kde#412575) + +- Update to 4.0.0 + * Ported to KAuth to let the GUI run as unprivileged user + * KPMcore backend was ported away from libparted to sfdisk (part + of util-linux) + * Ported S.M.A.R.T. code away from unmaintained libatasmart to + smartmontools + * Better support for LUKS2 + * Detection support for Apple's APFS filesystem and Microsoft's + Bitlocker + * Many of the KPMcore classes now use d-pointers, which in the + future releases will help us to maintain binary compatibility + (ABI) a bit better + * Use more modern C++ features + * Some bugfixes, in particular related to LVM +- Relax versioned requirements to not violate the SLPP + leechcraft +- Obsoleted torrent plugin for Leap 15.4 because of rasterbar update. + openSUSE Leap 15.4 still ships too legacy Qt & gcc packages. +- Disabled qml requires. + libapparmor +- add php8-fpm-mr876.patch so that php8 php-fpm can read its config + (boo#1186267#c11) +- parser: add conflict with apparmor-utils < 3.0 to avoid aa-status + file conflict on upgrade (boo#1198958) +- utils: add missing dependency on apparmor-parser (boo#1198958#c4) + +- Enhance zgrep-profile-mr870.diff to also allow/support zstd + (boo#1198922). + +- update zgrep-profile-mr870.diff to allow executing 'expr' (boo#1198531) + +- Add samba-new-dcerpcd.patch, samba-4.16 has a new dcerpcd daemon + which now will spawn new additional services on demand. We need to + modify the existing smbd/winbind profiles and additionally add a + new set of profiles to cater for the new functionality; + (bnc#1198309); + +- Add samba_deny_net_admin.patch to add new rule to deny + noisy setsockopt calls from systemd; (bnc#1196850). + +- add profile for zgrep and xzgrep to prevent CVE-2022-1271 + (zgrep-profile-mr870.diff) + +- ensure precompiled cache files are newer than (text) profiles +- reload profiles in %posttrans instead of %post to ensure both + - profiles and -abstractons package are updated before the cache + in /var/cache/apparmor/ gets built (boo#1195463 #c20) + +- Add update-samba-bgqd.diff to add new rule to fix 'DENIED' open on + /proc/{pid}/fd for samba-bgqd (bnc#1196850). +- Add update-usr-sbin-smbd.diff to add new rule to allow reading of + openssl.cnf (bnc#1195463). + libdvdread -- Added baselibs.conf. Removed licenses link from spec. - -- Added Requires: pkg-config to get the .pc file to build. - libinput +- Update to version 1.19.4 (boo#1198111): + * This release includes a fix for CVE-2022-1215, a format string + vulnerability in the evdev device handling. + libinput:extra +- Update to version 1.19.4 (boo#1198111): + * This release includes a fix for CVE-2022-1215, a format string + vulnerability in the evdev device handling. + liblangtag +- allow to build for later service packs of SLE 15 [bsc#1197767] + (-Wno-error=format-extra-args) + -- Version bump to 0.5 - * Enhancements: - * Iterator support - * Add lt_tag_convert_from_locale_string() - * Bug Fixes: - * Fix wrong traversal on keys - * Fix xml parser for tags in range - * Improve portability - * Fix broken lt_tag_transform() - * Fix the build issue when builddir != srcdir - * Fix broken lt_tag_convert_from_locale() - * Fix memory leaks - * Fix linker issue - * Use secure_getenv if available - * more -- Remove upstreamed patches. - -- Use full download url. -- Apply patches from git to fix few build issues. - -- Fix Requires to demand glib2-devel not gtk1 variant - (thanks coolo) - * Fix copy&pasto in one summary. - -- Use both lpgl and mpl licenses. - * thanks to babelworx for the hint (merge request fails to - complete so doing it myself). - -- Fix desc not to contain mention of libexttextcat. - -- Add missing directory to the list. - -- Initial package. Version 0.4.0. - libpulp +- Update package with libpulp-0.2.2 (jsc#SLE-20049). +- Use colored output by default (disable with --color=no) +- Packer now reports errors in .dsc in a GCC 5+ fashion. +- Trigger now has a summarized mode (disable with -v) + libslirp +- Fix a dhcp regression [bsc#1198773] + +libslirp-fix-dhcp-1.patch + +libslirp-fix-dhcp-2.patch + liburing2 +- avoid requiring kernel-default (bsc#1193522) + libwmf +- Define conditionally make_build to fix build on systems that do + not have that macro + +- update to 0.2.12: + * upstream changed to fork from Fedora: + * fix abi + * merge in fixes for libgd CVE-2019-6978 + * release with coverity, clang and shellcheck fixes + * Seeing as seems to be dead, but libwmf is still in + use and has had a bunch of security bugs reported against, and I've a + history with libwmf, I'll call this libwmf 0.2.9 and merge in my (Red Hat) + fixes. +- drop libwmf-, libwmf- obsolete +- drop libwmf- upstream via + +- drop libwmf- part of + +- drop libwmf- part of + +- drop libwmf- upstream via + +- drop libwmf- upstream via + +- drop reproducible.patch: differently done upstream +- drop use-pkg-config-for-freetype.patch: obsolete + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Add use-pkg-config-for-freetype.patch to use pkgconfig to detect + Freetype libraries. Add BR autoconf, automake, libtool due to + above. + +- libwmf- update so -config --libs + do not inject bogus dependencies to other packages. +- build with disable-static too. + +- Fix -devel package Requires not to still include xorg-x11-devel + -- dropped libwmf-devel -> libwmf-tools dependency (bnc#892356) - -- Clean spec file with spec-cleaner -- Do not distribute *.la files - -- Add libwmf- to fix realloc return value - usage (bnc#495842, bnc#831299) - -- Added url as source. - Please see - -- Add libwmf-0_2-7 to baselibs.conf. - -- Add libjpeg-devel as BuildRequires, needed to resolve build error -- Add selected Xorg packages to BR to have wmf2x be built again - -- Remove further redundant sections - -- Actually use "libwmf-tools" instead of wmf-utils, this goes much - more in line with the preexisting libwpd-tools and libwps-tools. - -- Remove redundant/unwanted tags/section (cf. specfile guidelines) -- Apply shlib packaging (-> new libwmf-0_2-7 subpackage), - create "wmf-utils" subpackage as suggested by namtrac - -- fix file list - -- fix build of in-tree copy of gd to build with new libpng14 - (long deprecated function has been removed) - -- package baselibs.conf -- enable parallel build - -- rediff another patch - -- rediffed without fuzz, some spec cleanups - libxcam +- Use -std=gnu++11 in ppc64le to work around a bug in gcc7 which + redefines bool in altivec.h thus making all code that uses bool + fail to build (boo#1195517) + lksctp-tools +- Update to version 1.0.17 (bsc#1197590) + * Build: add option to disable tests build + * sctp_test: fix hostname resolution + * man: remove sysctl listing from sctp.7 + * Fix recieved->received typos + * Fix usage help for sctp_test + * test_1_to_1_accept_close: also expect EACCES when accept on + an established socket + * lksctp-tools: make bind_test can do while disable IPV6 + * libsctp: add pkg-config support + * autoconf: add m4 folder +- Run spec-cleaner + +- Disable LTO (boo#1133097). + -- upgraded to 1.0.10 - T:TEST Split the kernel frame test framework from lksctp-tools. - The framework is very sensitive to all kernel changes, not just - ones related to SCTP. As such, it has been a gating fractor - to the releases of the new tools. - T:APP New tool sctp_status to be used with SCTP conformance tests. - - T:APP Add -T option to sctp_test - T:APP Fix the -e option to sctp_darn - T:LIB Fix building of static libraries. - T:LIB Fix compile warning in addrs.c - T:APP Update the application useage of sctp_connectx - T:TEST Update the sctp_connectx() functional tests. - T:API Update to the sctp_connectx(). Now takes additional argument. - T:API Let sctp_recvmsg() honor passed in MSG_ flags - K: See kernel change log for details. We'll track only tools - changes here from now on. - -- upgraded to 1.0.9 - - adjusted to 2.6.26 - - Implement and export SCTP-AUTH API extensions based on sctpsocket-16 draft - - lots of bugfixes -- disable shared libraries and .la files - lxc +- update to 4.0.12: + Bugfixes¶ + * Fixed CRIU restoration of containers with pre-created veth interfaces + * Fixed issue with kernels lacking SMT support + * Extended cgroup2 config options in (cgroup2) + * lxc-download now relies on HTTPS for validation (avoids GPG issues) +- drop patch as + upstream remove the GPG functionality + +- update to 4.0.11: + Bugfixes + * Core scheduling support (lxc.sched.core) + * riscv64 support in lxc.arch + * Significantly improved bash completion profile + * Greater use of the new VFS mount API (when supported by the kernel) + * Fix containers with empty network namespaces + * Handle kernels that lack TIOCGPTPEER + * Improve CPU bitmask/id handling (handle skipped CPU numbers) + * Reworked the tests to run offline + lxd +- Update to LXD 5.1. The full upstream changelog is available from: + + boo#1199216 + + Sysinfo system call interception + + lxc cluster role sub-command + * lxc storage volume info shows volume total size + + Configurable host network interface naming pattern + * Overrideable evacuation mode + * Setting profiles during an image copy +- Backport upstream patch to fix build on x32 systems. + + 0001-lxd-secommp-Fix-sysinfo-syscall-interception-on-32-b.patch +- Make CRIU a Recommends so that we can still use LXD on 32-bit openSUSE. + +- Update to LXD 4.24. The full upstream changelog is available from: + + boo#1199215 + This is the last release before LXD 5.0 (which does not support the Leap 15.3 + kernel -- LXD 5.0 requires kernel 5.4 or newer). Thus this will be the last + LXD release for Leap 15.3. + + lxc file mount and new files API + + Cluster event hub role + * Reworked lxc storage volume info + + AppArmor profiles for image extractors + + Grafana dashboard + + Degraded startup (missing disk) + + restricted.containers.interception project option + + core.metrics_authentication server option + + Network interface name and MTU in virtual machines + + I/O uring support for VM storage + + ipv4.neighbor_probe and ipv6.neighbor_probe NIC options + manpages-l10n +- Update to version 4.14.0: + * New language: Ukrainian. + * Updated many translations. +- Remove unused argument in %man_lang_package macro definition. + mayavi +- Update to 4.7.4: + This is primarily a bugfix release that resolves issues with + VTK-9.0.3 and VTK-9.1.x compatibility. CI now uses GitHub Actions + and a few other minor bugs have been fixed. `mlab` imports may be + a little faster thanks to some cleanup. +- Release note for 4.7.3: + This is a small bug fix release mainly concerned with + compatability with Traits 6.2.0 and soon to be release TraitsUI + 7.2.0. +- Streamline python cache compilation and deduplication + +- Remove unneeded BuildRequires on python3-nose. + +- update to 4.7.2: + The significant update for this release is that it is compatible with the + latest VTK-9.x series and is known to work with VTK 9.0.1 from PyPI. The + picker UI has changed to no longer pop up a UI window but instead show the + picked attributes on the render window directly. The original picker UI is now + available on the scene's UI in a separate "Picker" tab. This is accessible + from either the pipeline view when one edits the properties of a scene or + through the "configure scene" gear icon on the scene window toolbar. + a few dozen bugfixes, see included changes +- drop no_vtk_require.patch (obsolete) + mdadm +- skip RAID assembly if DM_UDEV_DISABLE_OTHER_RULES_FLAG (bsc#1196054) + * Add 0121-udev-md-raid-assembly.rules-skip-if-DM_UDEV_DISABLE_.patch + mokutil +- Update to 0.5.0 + + mokutil: delete key/hash from the reverse request + + efi_x509: fix an error handling in is_immediate_ca() + + efi_x509: fix certificates fingerprint calculation + + efi_x509: use EVP_Digest()* functions instead of the deprecated + SHA1_*() + + src/util.c: fix NULL pointer dereference in mok_get_variable + + mokutil: Read the SbatLevelRT variable to get the SBAT entries + + mokutil: add mok-variables parsing support + + mokutil: Add option to print the UEFI SBAT variable content + + mokutil: only check for Secure Boot support in options that + need it + + efi_x509: add the function to fetch SKID + + keyring: add the function to check kernel keyring + + mokutil: initialize data for efi_get_variable() + + mokutil: correct the data for efi_set_variable() in + set_password() + + mokutil: improve the readability of issue_mok_request() + + mokutil: drop the checks for PK and KEK + + mokutil: check the blocklists before enrolling a key + + mokutil: adjust the command bits + + mokutil: remove "--simple-hash" + + make CA check non-fatal + + mokutil: close file in the error path + + mokutil: do the CA check + + efi_x509: add the function to check immediate CA + + efi_x509: use d2i_X509() to create X509 handling + + mokutil: rename hash_file as pw_hash_file + + password-crypt: update the function names + + password-crypt: fix the types of several functions + + mokutil: fix the error message in sb_state() + + mokutil: move x509 functions to efi_x509.c + + mokutil: move the hash functions to efi_hash.c + + util: add functions for db_var_name and db_friendly_name + + Remove the SHA1 code from identify_hash_type() + + Map the UEFI variable names with a function + + Fix -Wcast-align warnings + + Fix 32 bit build + + Add --timeout to manpage and other corrections. + + mokutil.c: fix typo enrollement -> enrollment + + Avoid taking pointer to packed struct + + Fix name of --enable-validation in the description + + Remove shebang from bash-completion/mokutil +- Add mokutil-fix-missing-header.patch to fix the compilation error + due to the missing header +- Refresh mokutil-remove-libkeyutils-check.patch and only apply + it to openSUSE Leap 15.* +- Drop upstreamed patches: + + mokutil-remove-shebang-from-bash-completion-file.patch + + mokutil-bsc1173115-add-ca-and-keyring-checks.patch +- Drop mokutil-support-revoke-builtin-cert.patch since we don't use + the builtin cert prompt patch in shim anymore. + +- spec file cleanup + +- Update mokutil-support-revoke-builtin-cert.patch + + Add "--revoke-cert" to the man page + -- Add mokutil-fix-hash-file-read.patch to fix the error handling of - reading a hash file - multipath-tools +- If multipath-tools is newly installed, load dm-multipath + (bsc#1196898) + mutt +- Add patch uudecode-e5ed080c.patch for bsc#1198518 and CVE-2022-1328 + to fix a buffer overflow in uudecoder + mysql-workbench +- Fixed change in libshh version header + * added mysql-workbench-ssh.patch + nodejs14 +Update to 14.19.1: + * deps: upgrade openssl sources to 1.1.1n (bsc#1196877, CVE-2022-0778) + Infinite loop in BN_mod_sqrt() reachable when parsing certificates + More details at +- CVE-2021-44906.patch: fix prototype pollution in npm dependency + (bsc#1198247, CVE-2021-44906) +- CVE-2021-44907.patch: fix insuficient sanitation in npm dependency + (bsc#1197283, CVE-2021-44907) +- CVE-2022-0235.patch: fix passing of cookie data and sensitive headers + to different hostnames in node-fetch-npm (bsc#1194819, CVE-2022-0235) + o2scl +- Add o2scl-eos_quark_cfl6-test-increase-tol.patch: Increase the + tolerance of a test that fails due to minor tolerance issues on + x86_64 [gh#awsteiner/o2scl#18]. + openblas:gnu-hpc +- For non-HPC builds create links (bsc#1198885): + %_lib/libopenblas_<flavor>.so[.0] -> + %_lib/openblas-<flavor>/[.0] + openblas:gnu-hpc-pthreads +- For non-HPC builds create links (bsc#1198885): + %_lib/libopenblas_<flavor>.so[.0] -> + %_lib/openblas-<flavor>/[.0] + openblas:openmp +- For non-HPC builds create links (bsc#1198885): + %_lib/libopenblas_<flavor>.so[.0] -> + %_lib/openblas-<flavor>/[.0] + openblas:pthreads +- For non-HPC builds create links (bsc#1198885): + %_lib/libopenblas_<flavor>.so[.0] -> + %_lib/openblas-<flavor>/[.0] + openblas:serial +- For non-HPC builds create links (bsc#1198885): + %_lib/libopenblas_<flavor>.so[.0] -> + %_lib/openblas-<flavor>/[.0] + openldap2 +- bsc#1191157 - Correct version specification in ppolicy to allow + submission to SP3 for TLS1.3 + +- bsc#1191157 - allow specification of max/min TLS version with TLS1.3 + * 0239-ITS-9422-Update-for-TLS-v1.3.patch + * 0240-ITS-9518-add-LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_PROTOCOL_MAX-option.patch + * 0241-TLS-set-protocol-version.patch + +- bsc#1197004 - libldap was able to be out of step with openldap in + some cases which could cause incorrect installations and symbol + resolution failures. openldap2 and libldap now are locked to their + related release versions. + +- jsc#PM-3288 - restore CLDAP functionality in CLI tools + openssl-1_1 +- FIPS: add bsc1185319-FIPS-KAT-for-ECDSA.patch + * Known answer test for ECDSA + * bsc#1185319 +- FIPS: add bsc1198207-FIPS-add-hash_hmac-drbg-kat.patch + * Enable tests for Deterministic Random Bit Generator + * bsc#1198207 +- Bypass a regression test that fails in FIPS mode. + * [openssl-1_1-shortcut-test_afalg_aes_cbc.patch] + orthanc +- version 1.11.0 + * new API version 1.7 + * new configuration parameter + * for detailed changelog see NEWS + +- switched source urls to https + orthanc-dicomweb +- Version 1.8 + * Show an error message when trying to send studies > 4GB via STOW-RS + * Optimized QIDO-RS to build its responses from DB if tags are saved in "ExtraMainDicomTags". + * New configuration "PublicRoot" + ovmf +- Respin amd-sev and amd-sev-es features + After more testing, we found that not all descriptors can support + both amd-sev with amd-sev-es. So we removed all amd-sev and amd-sev-es + feature tags but only keep them in ovmf-x86_64-2m.json and + 60-ovmf-x86_64.json. (bsc#1198246#c75) + pangomm +- Update to version 2.50.0: + * CI: Comment out 'meson test' + * Attribute: Add some create_attr_*() methods + * AttrList: Add to_string() and from_string() + * Regenerate docs.xml and .defs files, using files from pango + 1.50.0 + * build: Support Visual Studio 2022 builds + * Add FontMap::get_family() + * Add the CairoFontMapImpl class + * CI: Switching to debian:testing + * AttrList: Add get_attributes(), update(), equal() + * docs/reference/ Remove obsolete entry + * CI: Add .gitlab-ci.yml + * Don't include individual pango headers, part 2 + * Don't include individual pango headers + * Use pango from the main branch + * 2.49.1 + * Add dependencies to Doxygen tag files in subprojects + * Fix build as subproject without building documentation + * Visual Studio builds: Clean up build files + * Subprojects can use meson.add_dist_script() if meson.version() + >= 0.58.0 + * Meson build: No implicit_include_directories + * Meson build: No implicit_include_directories + * Meson build: Make it possible to use pangomm as a subproject + * pangommconfig.h.*: Don't dllimport on MinGW + * Meson build: Use relative paths to untracked/ + * GlyphItem: Make most methods public + * Layout, LayoutIter: Add get_const_line() and get_const_lines() +- Drop baselibs.conf, not needed nor used for this branch. + +- Update to version 2.48.2: + * NMake Makefiles: Correct VS2019 toolset number + * build: Support Visual Studio 2022 builds + * Don't include individual pango headers, part 2 + * Don't include individual pango headers + * Use pango from the main branch +- Switch to using a gitcheckout via source service. Pass + maintainer-mode=true to meson and add m4, mm-common and + perl(XML::Parser) BuildRequires, as this is needed with a + git-checkout. + +- Update to version 2.48.1: + + GlyphItem: Fix a memory leak in split() + + Layout: Speed up get_log_attrs() + + Build: + - Meson build: Use relative paths to untracked/ + - pangommconfig.h.*: Don't dllimport on MinGW + - Meson build: Make it possible to use pangomm as a subproject + - Meson build: No implicit_include_directories +- Add pangomm-docs-without-timestamp.patch: Do not add timestamp to + generated doc files. + +- Update to version 2.48.0: + + FontFamily, FontMap: Implement the Gio::ListModel interface + CairoFontMap: Add get_default() + + Attribute: Add Overline and ShowFlags enums and some create*() + methods Renderer: Add vfuncs + + Font, FontFace, FontFamily, FontMetrics: Add new methods + + LayoutRun: Rename to GlyphItem + + LayoutIter: Fix get_run() and get_line() + + GlyphString, Item: Wrap pango_shape_with_flags() + + Layout: Add set/get_line_spacing() + + Build: + - Depend on giomm (not just glibmm) + - Use __declspec(dllexport) when building with Visual Studio + - Meson build: Avoid some recompilations + - Meson build: Better error message if trying to build with + maintainer-mode=false when true is necessary + - Meson build: Set default value of the 'warnings' option to + 'min' + - Improve NMake support + - Improve Visual Studio support + - docs/reference/: Update for Doxygen >= 1.8.16 + - Meson build: Fix versioning on macOS + - Change the ABI to pangomm-2.48 +- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port. +- Bump base_ver and libname (and in baselibs.conf) following + upstream changes. +- Add doxygen, graphviz and xsltproc BuildRequires, needed to build + documentation now. +- Replace pkgconfig(glibmm-2.66) with pkgconfig(giomm-2.68) and + pkgconfig(glibmm-2.68) BuildRequires following upstream changes. +- Drop libtool and mm-common BuildRequires, no longer needed. + +- Update to version 2.43.2: + + Coverage: Remove max(), to_bytes() and one create() + + Layout::get_lines(): Fix ownership of the GSList + + Remove deprecated API: + - AttrList: non-const operator bool() + - CairoFontMap: create_context() + - Color: non-const operator bool() + - Layout: get_iter(LayoutIter& iter) + - LayoutIter: assign_gobj() + + pango/src/color.hg: Fix call to _CLASS_BOXEDTYPE_STATIC + + Build: + - Use glibmm-2.66 instead of glibmm-2.60 + - tools/gen_scripts: Update for non-source-dir builds + - Add support for building pangomm with Meson + - Check if .git is a directory or file + - NMake Makefiles: Allow builds from a GIT checkout + - Visual Studio: Drop gendef.exe, use __declspec(dllexport) + - The fixed call to _CLASS_BOXEDTYPE_STATIC in color.hg is + necessary in order to use glibmm 2.65.1 or later, combined + with maintainer-mode in pangomm. +- Drop upstream fixed patches: + + pangomm-use-glibmm-266.patch + + pangomm-use-glibmm-264.patch + + pangomm-use-glibmm-262.patch + +- Add pangomm-use-glibmm-266.patch: Forward port to use libmm-2.66. +- Replace pkgconfig(glibmm-2.64) BuildRequires with + pkgconfig(glibmm-2.66). + +- Add pangomm-use-glibmm-264.patch: Forward port to use libmm-2.64. +- Replace pkgconfig(glibmm-2.62) BuildRequires with + pkgconfig(glibmm-2.64). + partitionmanager +- Update license to GPL-3.0-or-later. + +- Update to 21.12.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.12.2 + +- Update to 21.12.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.12.1 + +- Update to 21.12.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 21.08.3: + * Bump minimal cmake version to 3.16 + +- Update to 21.08.3 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.08.1 + +- Update to 21.08.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.08.0 + +- Update to 21.08.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 21.04.2: + * Switch default file system to Btrfs (kde#438376) + +- Update to 21.04.2 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code change since 21.04.1 + +- Update to 21.04.1 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- Changes since 21.04.0: + * Fix appstream link + +- Update to 21.04.0 + * New feature release + * For more details please see: + * + +- Update to 4.2.0 + * KAuth helper replaced with pure PolkitQt1 helper + * KDE Partition Manager (including KPMcore library) is now fully + REUSE 3.0 compliant + * Support for partitions with unknown file system + * Fixed and improved mount point and /etc/fstab handling + * Fixed a crash that was present for a long time but hard to + reproduce reliably + * KPMcore gained support for GPT partition attributes (It is not + yet wired in KDE Partition Manager) + * KPMcore has more support for setting GPT partition label and + UUID (Again, not yet wired in KDE Partition Manager) + * Port away from various deprecated Qt/KDE methods + * Workaround bad JSON output from sfdisk (will be fixed in + util-linux 2.37). + * Import partition flags when importing partition table + * Apply colour scheme to secondary (MBR logical) partitions + +- Update to 4.1.0 + * Support for Minix file system + +- Update to 4.0.0 + * Ported to KAuth to let the GUI run as unprivileged user + * KPMcore backend was ported away from libparted to sfdisk (part + of util-linux) + * Ported S.M.A.R.T. code away from unmaintained libatasmart to + smartmontools + * Better support for LUKS2 + * Detection support for Apple's APFS filesystem and Microsoft's + Bitlocker + * Many of the KPMcore classes now use d-pointers, which in the + future releases will help us to maintain binary compatibility + (ABI) a bit better + * Use more modern C++ features + * Some bugfixes, in particular related to LVM + patterns-gnome +- Enable bijiben for default installation on SLE as well + (bsc#1192326). + +- Recommend systemd-icon-branding by gnome_x11: try to get the + correct branding installed, allowing to show the correct icon in + gnome-control-center. + pcre2 +- do not enable jit-sealloc [bsc#1182864] [bsc#1199208] + +- enable jit for s390x [bsc#1199196] + peazip +- Update to 8.6.0: + BACKEND + * Pea 1.07 + * 7z updated to 21.07 + * (Linux) Zstd 1.5.2 + CODE + * Fixed dictionary size for ZIP using XZ compression + * Compiled with Lazarus 2.2.0 + * Various fixes + FILE MANAGER + * Improved theming + * New .ico and .png icons are now available in (peazip)/res/share/icons + directory for customizing the application on Linux, macOS, and Windows systems + * Simplified organization of UI layout + * Added link to devices mounted in /var/run/media in filesystem treeview, when applicable + * File / archive browser can now alternatively display larger details, + and large list modes (from Style menu on status bar) in order to improve readability and touch usability + EXTRACTION and ARCHIVING + * Added "Immediate execution" option for Profiles and Presets, in Add button's dropdown menu + * Added command line switches to compress items using one of the compression presets + or loading a saved custom compression setting + * Added option to not immediately save edited files into archive, keeping changes for further editing + (or for manually saving to archive from context menu, More submenu) + * Labels in status bar of Archiving and Extraction screens are clickable to show synthetic information about the task + * Improved compression settings + * Improved usage of Layouts +- Switch from GTK2 to QT5 + +- Update to 8.4.0: + BACKEND + * Pea 1.05 + * 7z 21.06 (console) used by default on Darwin/macOS, Linux, and Windows + * p7zip, and szcnick's p7zip (fork of p7zip) syntax is fully supported + and can be used as alternative replacing (peazip)/res/bin/7z/7z binary + CODE + * Fixed issues when temporary work path is set to user's temp + * Fixed smart extraction not able to remove extra level of nesting + FILE MANAGER + * Added single and multi core performances benchmark, in main menu Tools > System benchmark (pea) + * The benchmark performs integer and floating point arithmetic operations + * Benchmark result unit is arbitrary and only meant to allow comparison between different platforms + * For reference 2020 MacBook Air M1 score is 100 (single core) and 515 (multi core) for aarm64 build + * (Darwin/macOS, Linux) File manager columns' menu is available righclicking status bar + * Added links to Volumes, Applications, and System/Applications in navigation treeview + * Added auto-configured custom apps for "Open with" submenu + * Open command prompt here function now working + * PeaUtils launching from PeaZip now working + * Language can now be changed from dropdown menu from General settings tab (main menu, Options > Settings) + * Previous method allowing to manually select the language file is still available + from the link before the dropdown menu + EXTRACTION and ARCHIVING + * New option to not stop sequences of archive test tasks unless an error is encountered + * From main menu, Options > Settings, Advanced tab set "Stop to inspect report for error, + list" instead of default value "Stop to inspect report for error, list, test" + * With this setting, a successful archive test closes on completion unless an error is foud in the archive and test fails, + in which case error message (and full report) is shown to user and needs to be dismissed + before continuing with following test in sequence + * Improved management of temporary work files + * 7z/p7zip work files during compression are now inside peazip-tmp subpath, + if work directory is set to Custom or User's tem + +- 7z is expected to be in ../res/bin/7z + * this is mentioned in comment 5 of bsc#1195041 (even if the bug + itself is about something else) + perl +- Stabilize Socket::VERSION comparisons [bnc#1193489] + new patch: perl-Stabilize-Socket-VERSION-comparisons.patch + permissions + * backport of apptainer whitelisting (bsc#1196145, bsc#1198720) + +- Update to version 20201225: pgadmin4 +- Add patch from upstream to fix an issue throwing an error in + when uploading a CSV Desktop mode: + * 0001-Fixed-an-issue-when-uploading-a-CSV.patch +- Add patch from upstream to fix an unrestricted file upload in + pgAdmin (boo#1197143, CVE-2022-0959): + * 0002-Ensure-that-upload-paths-are-children-of-the-storage-directory.patch + polkit-default-privs +- Update to version 13.2+20220422.7977f05: + * Backport of power-profiles-daemon (bsc#1198693) + post-build-checks-malwarescan +- EXLUDELIST: Whitelist qemu binaries to avoid a FP (bsc#1199055) + -- work around broken file in kiwi source - postgresql12 +- bsc#1195680: Upgrade to 12.10: + * + * Reindexing might be needed after applying this upgrade, so + please read the release notes carefully. +- boo#1190740: Add constraints file with 12GB of memory for s390x + as a workaround + +- Add a llvmjit-devel subpackage to pull in the right versions + of clang and llvm for building extensions. +- Fix some mistakes in the interdependencies between the + implementation packages and their noarch counterpart. +- Update the BuildIgnore section. + postgresql14 +- bsc#1195680: Upgrade to 14.2: + * + * Reindexing might be needed after applying this upgrade, so + please read the release notes carefully. + +- boo#1190740: Add constraints file with 12GB of memory for s390x + as a workaround + +- Add a llvmjit-devel subpackage to pull in the right versions + of clang and llvm for building extensions. +- Fix some mistakes in the interdependencies between the + implementation packages and their noarch counterpart. +- Update the BuildIgnore section. + ppp +- bsc#1197799: Add ppp-2.4.7-DES-openssl.patch to fix build on + SLE-15-SP3 and SP4. + -- Update to 2.4.7: - * Fixed a potential security issue in parsing option files - (CVE-2014-3158, bnc#891489). - * There is a new "stop-bits" option, which takes an argument of - 1 or 2, indicating the number of stop bits to use for async serial - ports. - * Various bug fixes. - psmisc + * Add a fallback if the system call name_to_handle_at() is + not supported by the used file system. +- Add patch psmisc-22.21-semaphores.patch + * Replace the synchronizing over pipes of the sub process for the + stat(2) system call with mutex and conditions from pthreads(7) + (bsc#1194172) +- Add patch psmisc-22.21-statx.patch + * Use statx(2) or SYS_statx system call to replace the stat(2) + system call and avoid the sub process at all (bsc#1194172) + +- Change patch 0001-Use-mountinfo-to-be-able-to-use-the-mount-identity.patch python-PyVirtualDisplay +- Update to v2.2 + * no release notes +- Disable python2: not supported, not resolvable on Leaps + +- Update to v2.1 + * no release notes + +- Remove %bcond_without test and activate test suite +- Update to v1.3.2 + * No changelog available + See + +- Update to 0.2.5: + * No changelog available + +- Run through spec-cleaner + -- Update to version 0.1.1: - * No changelog available - -- Initial python3 support - -- Update to 0.1.1 version: - * bugfix for wx pyscreenshot backend - * remove entrypoint2 dependency - -- Initial version - python-Twisted +- Stop removing test directories, it also removes a public module. + (bsc#1198852, bsc#1198854, bsc#1198855) + python-Whoosh +- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1197830) + +- Add NullMatcherClass-hashable.patch which adds __hash__ + method to NullMatcherClass, so that it works with Sphinx4 + (gh#whoosh-community/whoosh#570). + +- Add patch to fix build with pytest4+ (both in git of upstream): + * pytest4.patch + * py2encoding.patch +- Use fdupes +- Update URL +- Make sure py2 tests are run too + +- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package + -- build documentation during build - -- now uses py.test instead of nose for testing - -- Update to version 2.5.4 - + New index format - + Better API for index creation - -- Update to version 2.4.1: - + Fixes issues #242, #257, #261, #262, #263 -- Renamed to python-Whoosh, obsoletes python-whoosh -- Install HTML documentation and LICENSE.txt -- Set SPDX-style license -- Run testsuite - python-contextvars +- Add the package to SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 (jsc#SLE-24404) + python-entrypoint2 +- update to 0.2.1: + * readme conversion to markdown + * pytest and readme updates + * code formatting improvements +- remove remove_nose.patch (upstream) + +- Add missing runtime dependencies +- Remove build dependency on coverage + -- Initial version - python-immutables +- Add the package to SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 (jsc#SLE-24404) + python-kiwi +- Bump version: 9.24.16 → 9.24.17 + This version includes fixes for: + * Fix booting GRUB submenu entries with hybrid images (linux/linuxefi) + Variables assigned with "set" are not visible in submenus for some reason. + Export $linux and $initrd, so that they also work in submenu entries. + Fixes bsc#1192523 + +- Stick to pytest v6.x.y + Signed-off-by: David Cassany <> + python-nltk +- Update to 3.7 + - Improve and update the NLTK team page on (#2855, + [#2941]) + - Drop support for Python 3.6, support Python 3.10 (#2920) +- Update to 3.6.7 + - Resolve IndexError in `sent_tokenize` and `word_tokenize` + (#2922) +- Update to 3.6.6 + - Refactor `gensim.doctest` to work for gensim 4.0.0 and up + (#2914) + - Add Precision, Recall, F-measure, Confusion Matrix to Taggers + (#2862) + - Added warnings if .zip files exist without any corresponding + .csv files. (#2908) + - Fix `FileNotFoundError` when the `download_dir` is + a non-existing nested folder (#2910) + - Rename omw to omw-1.4 (#2907) + - Resolve ReDoS opportunity by fixing incorrectly specified + regex (#2906, bsc#1191030, CVE-2021-3828). + - Support OMW 1.4 (#2899) + - Deprecate Tree get and set node methods (#2900) + - Fix broken inaugural test case (#2903) + - Use Multilingual Wordnet Data from OMW with newer Wordnet + versions (#2889) + - Keep NLTKs "tokenize" module working with pathlib (#2896) + - Make prettyprinter to be more readable (#2893) + - Update links to the nltk book (#2895) + - Add `CITATION.cff` to nltk (#2880) + - Resolve serious ReDoS in PunktSentenceTokenizer (#2869) + - Delete old CI config files (#2881) + - Improve Tokenize documentation + add TokenizerI as superclass + for TweetTokenizer (#2878) + - Fix expected value for BLEU score doctest after changes from + [#2572] + - Add multi Bleu functionality and tests (#2793) + - Deprecate 'return_str' parameter in NLTKWordTokenizer and + TreebankWordTokenizer (#2883) + - Allow empty string in CFG's + more (#2888) + - Partition `` module into `tree` package + pickle fix + (#2863) + - Fix several TreebankWordTokenizer and NLTKWordTokenizer bugs + (#2877) + - Rewind Wordnet data file after each lookup (#2868) + - Correct __init__ call for SyntaxCorpusReader subclasses + (#2872) + - Documentation fixes (#2873) + - Fix levenstein distance for duplicated letters (#2849) + - Support alternative Wordnet versions (#2860) + - Remove hundreds of formatting warnings for (#2859) + - Modernize `` pages (#2856) + - Fix Bleu Score smoothing function from taking log(0) (#2839) + - Update third party tools to newer versions and removing + MaltParser fixed version (#2832) + - Fix TypeError: _pretty() takes 1 positional argument but 2 + were given in sem/ (#2854) + - Replace `http` with `https` in most URLs (#2852) +- Update to 3.6.5 + - modernised website + - addressed issues + - support ZWJ sequences emoji and skin tone modifer emoji in + TweetTokenizer + - METEOR evaluation now requires pre-tokenized input + - Code linting and type hinting + - implement get_refs function for DrtLambdaExpression + - Enable automated CoreNLP, Senna, Prover9/Mace4, Megam, + MaltParser CI tests + - specify minimum regex version that supports regex.Pattern + - avoid re.Pattern and regex.Pattern which fail for Python 3.6, + 3.7 +- Update to 3.6.4 + - deprecate `nltk.usage(obj)` in favor of `help(obj)` + - resolve ReDoS vulnerability in Corpus Reader + - solidify performance tests + - improve phone number recognition in tweet tokenizer + - refactored CISTEM stemmer for German + - identify NLTK Team as the author + - replace travis badge with github actions badge + - add +- Update to 3.6.3 + - Dropped support for Python 3.5 + - Run CI tests on Windows, too + - Moved from Travis CI to GitHub Actions + - Code and comment cleanups + - Visualize WordNet relation graphs using Graphviz + - Fixed large error in METEOR score + - Apply isort, pyupgrade, black, added as pre-commit hooks + - Prevent debug_decisions in Punkt from throwing IndexError + - Resolved ZeroDivisionError in RIBES with dissimilar sentences + - Initialize WordNet IC total counts with smoothing value + - Fixed AttributeError for Arabic ARLSTem2 stemmer + - Many fixes and improvements to lm language model package + - Fix bug in nltk.metrics.aline, C_skip = -10 + - Improvements to TweetTokenizer + - Optional show arg for FreqDist.plot, ConditionalFreqDist.plot + - edit_distance now computes Damerau-Levenshtein edit-distance +- Update to 3.6.2 + - move test code to nltk/test + - fix bug in NgramAssocMeasures (order preserving fix) +- Update to 3.6 + - add support for Python 3.9 + - add Tree.fromlist + - compute Minimum Spanning Tree of unweighted graph using BFS + - fix bug with infinite loop in Wordnet closure and tree + - fix bug in calculating BLEU using smoothing method 4 + - Wordnet synset similarities work for all pos + - new Arabic light stemmer (ARLSTem2) + - new syllable tokenizer (LegalitySyllableTokenizer) + - remove nose in favor of pytest + +- Update to v3.5 + * add support for Python 3.8 + * drop support for Python 2 + * create NLTK's own Tokenizer class distinct from the Treebank + reference tokeniser + * update Vader sentiment analyser + * fix JSON serialization of some PoS taggers + * minor improvements in grammar.CFG, Vader, pl196x corpus reader, + StringTokenizer + * change implementation <= and >= for FreqDist so they are partial + orders + * make FreqDist iterable + * correctly handle Penn Treebank trees with a unlabeled branching + top node + python-paramiko +- Add CVE-2022-24302-race-condition.patch: + * Fix a race condition between creation and chmod when writing private + keys. (bsc#1197279) + python-poppler-qt5 +- Update to 21.3.0: + Fix #43: Building 21.1.0 fails with unsupported function return type + by Ben Greiner +- Drop patch merged upstream: + * python-poppler-qt5-mapqvector.patch +- Drop support for sip4, which means only 15.4 and higher are now + supported (also solves boo#1198526) + python-pyface +- Use python-importlib_resources for SLE15 and Leap 15 + +- Add pyface-pr958-qt5deprecation.patch for python310 test failures + * gh#enthought/pyface#958, gh#enthought/pyface#873 + * Remove wx test skip for Python 3.9 because the patch for qt + weirdly also fixes the previously encountered problems with + wx in python39 and python310 as well. + +- test with qtwebengine, now that qtwebkit has been removed. + +- Exclude wx test for python39 flavor because of segfault inside + xvfb-run + +- Update to 7.3.0 + * Replace use of Traits on_trait_change with observe. +- Release 7.2.0 + * New <pyface.undo> subpackage that has been copied over from + apptools (soon to be deprecated in apptools) +- Release 7.1.0 + * A new pyface.data_view subpackage has been introduced + to support visualization of hierarchical and + non-hierarchical tabular data. See Pyface DataViews + section of the user manual for an introduction. + Additional examples are also added to the source + distribution. Please note that as of this release the + API is provisional. + * A new pyface.color.Color class and a corresponding + pyface.ui_traits.PyfaceColor trait type have been + introduced to support representing colors via a toolkit + independent API. See Trait Types section of the user manual + for further details. +- Add explicit skip_python2 +- Don't test numpy in python36 (NEP 29, not available in TW) + +- Update to 7.0.0 + * Use Traits 6 features (#480, #494) + * WxPython 4 support (#469, #473, #497, $499) + * Remove six and other Python 2 code (#493) + * Add utility functions for Qt images (#498) + * Allow live update of Action images (#484) + * Add Qt Multimedia APIs to pyface.qt (#485) + * Allow additional copyright notices in the AboutDialog class (#467) + * Replace default AboutDialog and Splashscreen images with Python logo (#454) + * Allow to run in non EDM environments (#443) + * Add assertEventuallyTrueInGui method to GuiTestAssistant (#419) + * Multiple bugfixes + -- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged) - -- Added a note about being part of the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS). - -- Update to 4.3.0 - * no changelog - python-pytest-xvfb +- skip python2 to make it build for Leap 15.3 + +- Update to v2.0.0: + * PyVirtualDisplay 1.3 and newer is now supported, support for older versions was dropped. + * Support for Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4 is now dropped. + * Support for Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 was added (no code changes required). + * Xvfb is now not started anymore in the xdist master process. + +- Require also xdpyinfo as it is used for verifications + python-scikit-image +- Skip test_imageio_truncated_jpg test + python-traits +- Update to 6.3.1: + * Make PrefixMap._map available again, for compatibility with Mayavi. (#1578) + * Support for Python 3.10 has been added. + * The observe mini-language now supports use of "*" for listening to all + traits on a HasTraits object. Currently this support is limited to + cases where the "*" appears in a terminal position. For example, + observe("foo:*") is supported, but observe("*:foo") is not. (#1496, #1525) + * The Any trait type now supports a factory argument (with accompanying + args and kw arguments). This can be used to specify a per-instance + default, for example with Any(factory=dict). (#1557, #1558) + * When a method is decorated with an observe decorator, the method + signature is now checked, and a warning issued if it doesn't match the + expected signature. (#1529) + * The Date, Datetime and Time trait types have a new argument allow_none. + (#1432) + * The Date trait type has a new argument allow_datetime .(#1429) + * The ObserverGraph instances that result from compiling ObserverExpression + objects and observe mini-language strings are now cached. + * The equality definition on ObserverExpression has been simplified. (#1517) + * A failure to parse an observe mini-language string now raises ValueError + rather than LarkError. (#1507) + * Invalid assignments to PrefixList and PrefixMap traits produced an + unnecessarily nested exception. This has been fixed. (#1564) + * An observe-decorated listener method whose name has the special form + "_traitname_changed" will no longer be triggered both as as result of the + observe decorator and the special naming: it will only be triggered via + the observe decorator. (#1560) + * The delegate parameter was mistyped in the typing stubs for the Delegate + trait type. This has been fixed. (#1556) + * The Function and Method trait types will no longer fail when arguments are + passed. Note that these trait types are already deprecated, and should not + be used in new code. (#1543) + * A use of the (deprecated) distutils library has been replaced with + sysconfig. (#1452) + * Dynamic default handing has been fixed in the _instance_handler_factory + used by the TraitsUI TableEditor. (#1446, #1450) + * A bad observe-decorated listener signature in a test has been fixed. (#1530) +- Remove nose from BuildRequires, the nose portion of the testsuite is + firmly deprecated. + +- unskip python36. NumPy is actually optional. + +- Skip python 3.6. +- Change source URL to Github. +- Update to version 6.2.0. + * The Traits examples are now distributed as part of the Traits + egg, and are contributed to the etsdemo application. + * Performance of the observe framework has been significantly + improved. + * It's no longer necessary to specify a trait comparison mode of + ComparisonMode.identity when using observe to observe items + in a List, Dict or Set. + * When importing from Traits, you should always import from one + of the api modules (for example, traits.api, + traits.adaptation.api, etc.) This recommendation has now been + made explicit in the documentation. If you find something you + need that's not available from one of the api modules, please + let the Traits developers know. + +- Update to 6.1.0 + * A new :mod:`observation <traits.observation>` framework for observing traited + attributes and other observable objects has been introduced. This is intended + to provide a full replacement for the existing :func:`on_trait_change` + mechanism, and aims to fix a number of fundamental flaws and limitations of + that mechanism. See the :ref:`observe-notification` section of + the user manual for an introduction to this framework. + * New :class:`~traits.trait_list_object.TraitList`, + :class:`~traits.trait_dict_object.TraitDict` and + :class:`~traits.trait_set_object.TraitSet` classes have been added, + subclassing Python's built-in :class:`python:list`, :class:`python:dict` and + :class:`python:set` (respectively). Instances of these classes are observable + objects in their own right, and it's possible to attach observers to them + directly. These classes were primarily introduced to support the new + observation framework, and are not expected to be used directly. The API for + these objects and their notification system is provisional, and may change in + a future Traits release. + * A new :class:`.Union` trait type has been added. This is intended as a + simpler replacement for the existing :class:`.Either` trait type, which + will eventually be deprecated. + * New :class:`.PrefixList`, :class:`.PrefixMap` and :class:`.Map` trait types + have been added. These replace the existing :class:`.TraitPrefixList`, + :class:`.TraitPrefixMap` and :class:`.TraitMap` subclasses of + :class:`.TraitHandler`, which are deprecated. + * Typing stubs for the Traits library have been added in a + ``traits-stubs`` package, which will be released separately to PyPI. This + should help support Traits-using projects that want to make use of type + annotations and type checkers like `mypy <>`_. + * Python 2.7 is no longer supported; Traits 6.0 requires Python 3.5 or later. + * Trait types related to Python 2 (for example ``Unicode`` and ``Long``) have + been deprecated in favour of their Python 3 equivalents (for example ``Str`` + and ``Int``). + * Many little-used historical features of Traits have been deprecated, and + are scheduled for removal in Traits 7.0. + * Some historical features of Traits that had no evidence of external usage + were removed in Traits 6.0. + * Introspection of ``CTrait`` and ``HasTraits`` objects is greatly improved. + All of the internal state that was previously hidden within the C extension + is now accessible from Python. + * The Traits codebase has undergone some significant reorganizations, + reformattings and style cleanups to make it easier to work with, and + to improve the separation between Traits and TraitsUI. + * This release was focused mainly on cleanup and bugfixing. Nevertheless, + it contains a sprinkling of new features. There's a new ``Datetime`` + trait type. The ``Enum`` trait type now supports Python enumerations. + The ``File`` trait type supports path-like objects. + * And many more... see upstream changelog +- Convert to multibuild to break build cycle with pyface +- Add patch fix-test.patch to make the tests pass + -- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged) - python-traitsui +- Update to 7.2.1 + * Explicitly require traits 6.2 and pyface 7.3 (#1666, #1668) +- Release 7.2.0 + * TraitsUI 7.2.0 is a minor release which includes numerous bug + fixes, documentation improvements, code maintenance changes, + and enhancements. + * The migration from on_trait_change to observe is underway. As a + result, TraitsUI now requires Traits >= 6.2. + * New display-only VideoEditor (currently only on Qt backend). + Exapnsion of features for the new UITester including the + ability to inspect UI object visibility / enabledness. Also + documentation for testing has been updated. + * Notes on upgrading: This release of TraitsUI now depends on + Traits 6.2+ and pyface 7.2+. Also, deprecated code / modules + have been removed. Namely, the :mod:traitsui.image + <traitsui.image> module which was moved to pyface.image, + editors_gen modules, Editor and EditorFactory factory methods + on Toolkit objects, and more. For a complete list, see PRs in + the "Removals" section. These were all generally unused / + deprecated for sometime. Also, importing directly from + traitsui.editors has been deprecated. Please update imports to + import directly from :mod:traitsui.api or + :mod:traitsui.editors.api. +- Detailed changelog at + +- Add traitsui-pr1689-deprecations.patch + * gh#enthought/traitsui#1689 + gh#enthought/traitsui#1681 + +- Update to 7.1.1 + * Fix scrollable trait of a Group not being implemented on Qt + (#1406) + * Fix icon button's clickable area too small for FileEditor and + RangeEditor on Qt and OSX (#1383) + * Fix missing minimize and maximize buttons for dialogs opened + on certain Linux platforms (#1409) +- Release 7.1.0 + Highlights of this release + * A new traitsui.testing.api module has been introduced for + testing GUI applications built using TraitsUI. See Testing + TraitsUI Applications for an introduction. Builtin support has + been added for testing several TraitsUI editors. More support + will be added in the future. + * On OSX and Qt, there have been reports of missing UI view + updates after a push button is clicked. While this is + suspected to be a Qt issue, changes have been made to + ButtonEditor, SetEditor and ImageEnumEditor to mitigate the + situation. + * The internal logic for disposing an instance traitsui.ui.UI is + changed as an attempt to resolve AttributeError that occurs + while a nested UI is removed. + Notes on upgrading + * On the issue about Qt button not causing views to update on + OSX, projects that have been working around the issue by + adding GUI().process_events() (or similar) in their + applications may now try to remove those workarounds. However, + the change that mitigates the issue in a production + environment has implications for tests: The button's click + slot is no longer invoked immediately but always invoked by + the Qt GUI event loop. Tests that used to call the Qt button + click method directly and rely on the event to happen + immediately will now need to update their tests to ensure that + the click slot is processed by the Qt GUI event loop in the + same order as before. Consider using the new testing library + which automatically runs the GUI event loop after each + interaction (e.g. mouse click). + Future removals + * traitsui.image has been moved to pyface.image more than 3 + years ago and has since been deprecated. Previously it was + scheduled to be removed in TraitsUI 6.0. This planned removal + is now deferred to TraitsUI 7.2. +- use pytest-xvfb +- Don't test numpy on python36 + +- version update to 7.0.1 + * Fix error from true division of integers for Qt RangeEditor and BoundsEditor + (#999, #1000) + * Fix handling of minimum and maximum datetimes in Qt DatetimeEditor (#803) + * Fix error in wx TabularEditor (#969) + * Fix wx panel error due to alignments (#829) + * Fix various issues in the demo application (#799, #808) + * Fix format_func not used when EnumEditor is initialized with static values + (#848) + * Fix demo application description (#850) + * Fix auto-add functionality in ListStrModel (#860) + * Fix segmentation fault for TabularModel (#871, #873) + * Fix event handling in ListStrEditor and TabularEditor for adding and removing + items (#875) + * Fix TabularAdapter crashes when column number reduces (#897) + * Fix theme pickling issue (#915) + * Fix error from example's script (#813) +- use pytest instead of nose for running tests + +- Update to 7.0.0 + * Documentation improvements (#720, #724, #723, #778) + * WxPython 4 compatibility and support (#708, #736, #762, #772, #775, #776) + * Traits 6 compatibility and enhancements (#689, #690, #693, #695, #713, #727, #770) + * Style improvements (#648, #771) + * Add placeholder text option for TextEditor (#735) + * Examples clean-up and unification (#697, #702, #703, #705, #711, #712, #777) + * Add a DatetimeEditor (#719, #730) + * Refactor and clean-up of base Editor class (#685, #686, #688) + * Remove use of Category classes from TraitsUI (#654) + * Add LEDEditor for Qt (#635) + * Add 'docs' command to (#624) + * Add TabularAdapter to traitsui.api (#627) + * Enhancements to CI and testing (#683, #714, #740) + * Documentation fixes (#546, #766) + * Fix cgi.escape for Python 3.8 (#780) + * Log exceptions in table sorting (#751) + * Use TupleEditor for traits derived from BaseTuple (#747) + * Fixes for Undo/Redo (#733) + * Add explicit redraw for TableEditor selection (#721) + * Fixes for Qt5 support (#709) + * Fix bugs in color functions (#707, #744) + * Fix importing of ProgressColumn and EditColumn (#691) + * Set initial focus item correctly in Qt (#602) + * Fix text elision test on some platforms (#644) + * Fix a bug with TableEditor column clicking (#669) + * Fix typo in progress column exception (#662) + +- Fix build without python2 + +- Update to 6.1.3: + * Add "bool" to allowed types for TableColumn (#656) + * Fix tabular editor column widths (#652) + * Fix setting valus in DataFrameEditor (#651) + * Allow '...' in addition to ellipsis in text elision (#644) + * Handle invalid values in RangeEditor better (#637) + * Fix multi-select in Qt TabularEditor (#633) + * Fix call to Bind in Wx FileEditor (#628) + * Fixes to doc links in tutorial (#619) + * Remove 3.5 from test matrix (#615) + * Ensure has consistent default Python versions (#614) + * Fix typos in comments for table editor (#610) + * Comprehensive tests for the base Editor object (#609) + * Fix ContextValue __init__ method (#607) + * Fix in examples for Python 3 (#603) + * Set initial item focus correctly on Qt (#602) + * Make View and UI icons an Image trait (#600) + * Fix TableEditor styling for Qt (#597) + +- Update to Release 6.1.2 + + Fixes + * Fix tree node copy failure to copy + * Fix/scroll to row preserve column + * Call correct object on label change for TreeNodeObject + * Remove uses of etsdevtools + * Fix modal view application + * Remove unicode usage + * Update Travis CI configuration to be compatible with Ubuntu Xenial. + * Build CI on maintenance branches + * Fix an erroneous handler removal + * Fix the sizeHint() default for TreeItemDelegate. + * Update unittest import +- Update to Release 6.1.1 + + Fixes + * Fix TreeNodeObject listener cache. + * Fix tree node insertion. +- Update to Release 6.1.0 + + Enhancemenrs + * Switch to using six instead of 2to3. + * Experimental Pyside2 support. + * Allow arbitrary rendering of tree nodes in Qt backend. + * Use tooltip metadata on a trait instead of desc, if available. + * Enable scroll to column for TabularEditor + * Add demo for tabular editor with context menu. + * Allow the use of extended trait names in TreeNodes where possible. + * Allow drag move and drag copy modes on Qt TabularEditor. + + Fixes + * Fixes to README. + * Documentation fixes. + * Fixes to + * Fix an attribute error on Qt TextRangeEditor. + * Use SimpleEditor for Qt TextEditor's "text" style. + * Fix handling of Range traits with a mix of constant and named bounds. + * Fix display selection on Wx backend. + * Fixes for Qt TableEditor selections. + * Fix deprecation warnings for inspect.getargspec. + * Fixes to etstool. + * Fix TreeEditor unhashable type errors. + * Fix crash when TabularEditor has no columns. + * Clone editor factories so they don't share traits. + * Avoid creation of dummy traits by springy items. + * Fix drag and drop crash in Python 3. + * Fix Undo/Redo for readonly items and error handling. + * Fix source parsing in demo app. + * Fix signature of close() method of Qt modal dialog. + * Fix incorrect code in Wx ColorEditor. + * Fix incorrect code in Wx ProgressEditor. + * Remove uses of deprecated HasTraits.set() calls. + * Fix rendering of CheckboxColumn on OS X and Qt. + -- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged) - -- Added a note about being part of the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS). - -- Update to 4.3.0 - * no changelog - python-uamqp +- Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1197848) + +- New upstream release + + Version 1.5.3 + + For detailed information about changes see the + HISTORY.rst file provided with this package + +- New upstream release + + Version 1.5.1 + + For detailed information about changes see the + HISTORY.rst file provided with this package + +- New upstream release + + Version 1.5.0 + + For detailed information about changes see the + HISTORY.rst file provided with this package + +- New upstream release + + Version 1.4.3 + + For detailed information about changes see the + HISTORY.rst file provided with this package + +- New upstream release + + Version 1.4.1 + + For detailed information about changes see the + HISTORY.rst file provided with this package + +- New upstream release + + Version 1.4.0 + + For detailed information about changes see the + HISTORY.rst file provided with this package + +- New upstream release + + Version 1.2.15 + + For detailed information about changes see the + HISTORY.rst file provided with this package +- Refresh patches for new version + + u_strip-werror.patch + +- New upstream release + + Version 1.2.13 + + For detailed information about changes see the + HISTORY.rst file provided with this package + +- Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater + python39 +- Update bundled pip wheel to the latest SLE version patched + against bsc#1186819 (CVE-2021-3572). + +- Add patch support-expat-245.patch: + * Support Expat >= 2.4.5 + +- Update to 3.9.10: + Bugfix-only release + +- Remove shebangs from from python-base libraries in _libdir + (bsc#1193179). +- Readjust patches: + - bpo-31046_ensurepip_honours_prefix.patch + - decimal.patch + - python-3.3.0b1-fix_date_time_compiler.patch + +- Update to 3.9.9: + * Core and Builtins + + bpo-30570: Fixed a crash in issubclass() from infinite recursion when searching pathological __bases__ tuples. + + bpo-45494: Fix parser crash when reporting errors involving invalid continuation characters. Patch by Pablo Galindo. + + bpo-45385: Fix reference leak from descr_check. Patch by Dong-hee Na. + + bpo-45167: Fix deepcopying of types.GenericAlias objects. + + bpo-44219: Release the GIL while performing isatty system calls on arbitrary file descriptors. In particular, this affects os.isatty(), os.device_encoding() and io.TextIOWrapper. By extension, in text mode is also affected. This change solves a deadlock in os.isatty(). Patch by Vincent Michel in bpo-44219. + + bpo-44959: Added fallback to extension modules with ‘.sl’ suffix on HP-UX + + bpo-44050: Extensions that indicate they use global state (by setting m_size to -1) can again be used in multiple interpreters. This reverts to behavior of Python 3.8. + + bpo-45121: Fix issue where Protocol.__init__ raises RecursionError when it’s called directly or via super(). Patch provided by Yurii Karabas. + + bpo-45083: When the interpreter renders an exception, its name now has a complete qualname. Previously only the class name was concatenated to the module name, which sometimes resulted in an incorrect full name being displayed. + + bpo-45738: Fix computation of error location for invalid continuation characters in the parser. Patch by Pablo Galindo. + + Library + + bpo-45678: Fix bug in Python 3.9 that meant functools.singledispatchmethod failed to properly wrap the attributes of the target method. Patch by Alex Waygood. + + bpo-45679: Fix caching of multi-value typing.Literal. Literal[True, 2] is no longer equal to Literal[1, 2]. + + bpo-45438: Fix typing.Signature string representation for generic builtin types. + + bpo-45581: sqlite3.connect() now correctly raises MemoryError if the underlying SQLite API signals memory error. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. + + bpo-39679: Fix bug in functools.singledispatchmethod that caused it to fail when attempting to register a classmethod() or staticmethod() using type annotations. Patch contributed by Alex Waygood. + + bpo-45515: Add references to zoneinfo in the datetime documentation, mostly replacing outdated references to Change by Paul Ganssle. + + bpo-45467: Fix incremental decoder and stream reader in the “raw-unicode-escape†codec. Previously they failed if the escape sequence was split. + + bpo-45461: Fix incremental decoder and stream reader in the “unicode-escape†codec. Previously they failed if the escape sequence was split. + + bpo-45239: Fixed email.utils.parsedate_tz() crashing with UnboundLocalError on certain invalid input instead of returning None. Patch by Ben Hoyt. + + bpo-44904: Fix bug in the doctest module that caused it to fail if a docstring included an example with a classmethod property. Patch by Alex Waygood. + + bpo-45406: Make inspect.getmodule() catch FileNotFoundError raised by :’func:inspect.getabsfile, and return None to indicate that the module could not be determined. + + bpo-45262: Prevent use-after-free in asyncio. Make sure the cached running loop holder gets cleared on dealloc to prevent use-after-free in get_running_loop + + bpo-45386: Make xmlrpc.client more robust to C runtimes where the underlying C strftime function results in a ValueError when testing for year formatting options. + + bpo-45371: Fix clang rpath issue in distutils. The UnixCCompiler now uses correct clang option to add a runtime library directory (rpath) to a shared library. + + bpo-20028: Improve error message of csv.Dialect when initializing. Patch by Vajrasky Kok and Dong-hee Na. + + bpo-45343: Update bundled pip to 21.2.4 and setuptools to 58.1.0 + + bpo-41710: On Unix, if the sem_clockwait() function is available in the C library (glibc 2.30 and newer), the threading.Lock.acquire() method now uses the monotonic clock (time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC) for the timeout, rather than using the system clock (time.CLOCK_REALTIME), to not be affected by system clock changes. Patch by Victor Stinner. + + bpo-45328: Fixed http.client.HTTPConnection to work properly in OSs that don’t support the TCP_NODELAY socket option. + + bpo-1596321: Fix the threading._shutdown() function when the threading module was imported first from a thread different than the main thread: no longer log an error at Python exit. + + bpo-45274: Fix a race condition in the Thread.join() method of the threading module. If the function is interrupted by a signal and the signal handler raises an exception, make sure that the thread remains in a consistent state to prevent a deadlock. Patch by Victor Stinner. + + bpo-45238: Fix unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase.debug(): it runs now asynchronous methods and callbacks. + + bpo-36674: unittest.TestCase.debug() raises now a unittest.SkipTest if the class or the test method are decorated with the skipping decorator. + + bpo-45235: Fix an issue where argparse would not preserve values in a provided namespace when using a subparser with defaults. + + bpo-45234: Fixed a regression in copyfile(), copy(), copy2() raising FileNotFoundError when source is a directory, which should raise IsADirectoryError + + bpo-45228: Fix stack buffer overflow in parsing J1939 network address. + + bpo-45192: Fix the tempfile._infer_return_type function so that the dir argument of the tempfile functions accepts an object implementing the os.PathLike protocol. + + bpo-45160: When tracing a tkinter variable used by a ttk OptionMenu, callbacks are no longer made twice. + + bpo-35474: Calling mimetypes.guess_all_extensions() with strict=False no longer affects the result of the following call with strict=True. Also, mutating the returned list no longer affects the global state. + + bpo-45166: typing.get_type_hints() now works with Final wrapped in ForwardRef. + + bpo-45097: Remove deprecation warnings about the loop argument in asyncio incorrectly emitted in cases when the user does not pass the loop argument. + + bpo-45081: Fix issue when dataclasses that inherit from typing.Protocol subclasses have wrong __init__. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas. + + bpo-24444: Fixed an error raised in argparse help display when help for an option is set to 1+ blank spaces or when choices arg is an empty container. + + bpo-45021: Fix a potential deadlock at shutdown of forked children when using concurrent.futures module + + bpo-45030: Fix integer overflow in pickling and copying the range iterator. + + bpo-39039: raises ReadError when a zlib error occurs during file extraction. + + bpo-44594: Fix an edge case of ExitStack and AsyncExitStack exception chaining. They will now match with block behavior when __context__ is explicitly set to None when the exception is in flight. + * Documentation + + bpo-45726: Improve documentation for functools.singledispatch() and functools.singledispatchmethod. + + bpo-45680: Amend the docs on GenericAlias objects to clarify that non-container classes can also implement __class_getitem__. Patch contributed by Alex Waygood. + + bpo-45655: Add a new “relevant PEPs†section to the top of the documentation for the typing module. Patch by Alex Waygood. + + bpo-45604: Add level argument to multiprocessing.log_to_stderr function docs. + + bpo-45464: Mention in the documentation of Built-in Exceptions that inheriting from multiple exception types in a single subclass is not recommended due to possible memory layout incompatibility. + + bpo-45449: Add note about PEP 585 in + + bpo-45516: Add protocol description to the documentation. + + bpo-20692: Add Programming FAQ entry explaining that int literal attribute access requires either a space after or parentheses around the literal. + + bpo-45216: Remove extra documentation listing methods in difflib. It was rendering twice in pydoc and was outdated in some places. + + bpo-45772: socket.socket documentation is corrected to a class from a function. + + bpo-45392: Update the docstring of the type built-in to remove a redundant line and to mention keyword arguments for the constructor. + * Tests + + bpo-45578: Add tests for dis.distb() + + bpo-45577: Add subtests for all pickle protocols in test_zoneinfo. + + bpo-43592: test.libregrtest now raises the soft resource limit for the maximum number of file descriptors when the default is too low for our test suite as was often the case on macOS. + + bpo-40173: Fix + + bpo-45280: Add a test case for empty typing.NamedTuple. + + bpo-45269: Cover case when invalid markers type is supplied to c_make_encoder. + + bpo-45209: Fix UserWarning: resource_tracker warning in _test_multiprocessing._TestSharedMemory.test_shared_memory_cleaned_after_process_termination + + bpo-45195: Fix test_readline.test_nonascii(): sometimes, the newline character is not written at the end, so don’t expect it in the output. Patch by Victor Stinner. + + bpo-45156: Fixes infinite loop on unittest.mock.seal() of mocks created by create_autospec(). + + bpo-45042: Fixes that test classes decorated with @hashlib_helper.requires_hashdigest were skipped all the time. + + bpo-45235: Reverted an argparse bugfix that caused regression in the handling of default arguments for subparsers. This prevented leaf level arguments from taking precedence over root level arguments. + + bpo-45765: In importlib.metadata, fix distribution discovery for an empty path. + + bpo-45644: In-place JSON file formatting using python3 -m json.tool infile infile now works correctly, previously it left the file empty. Patch by Chris Wesseling. + * Build + + bpo-43158: now uses values from configure script to build the _uuid extension module. Configure now detects util-linux’s libuuid, too. + + bpo-45571: Modules/Setup now use PY_CFLAGS_NODIST instead of PY_CFLAGS to compile shared modules. + + bpo-45532: Update sys.version to use main as fallback information. Patch by Jeong YunWon. + + bpo-45405: Prevent internal configure error when running configure with recent versions of non-Apple clang. Patch by David Bohman. + + bpo-45220: Avoid building with the Windows 11 SDK previews automatically. This may be overridden by setting the DefaultWindowsSDKVersion environment variable before building. + * C API + + bpo-44687: BufferedReader.peek() no longer raises ValueError when the entire file has already been buffered. + + bpo-44751: Remove crypt.h include from the public Python.h header. +- Drop patch incorrect-deprecation-warn-asyncio.patch, fix included. + +- rpm-build-python dependency is available on the current + Factory, not with SLE. + +- Add incorrect-deprecation-warn-asyncio.patch to fix bpo#45097 + (from gh#python/cpython#28153) to remove incorrect deprecation + warnings in asyncio. + +- BuildRequire rpm-build-python: The provider to inject python(abi) + has been moved there. rpm-build pulls rpm-build-python + automatically in when building anything against python3-base, but + this implies that the initial build of python3-base does not + trigger the automatic installation. + +- Update to 3.9.7: + - Security + - Replaced usage of tempfile.mktemp() with TemporaryDirectory + to avoid a potential race condition. + - Add auditing events to the marshal module, and stop raising + code.__init__ events for every unmarshalled code object. + Directly instantiated code objects will continue to raise + an event, and audit event handlers should inspect or + collect the raw marshal data. This reduces a significant + performance overhead when loading from .pyc files. + - Made the internal putcmd function in smtplib sanitize input + for presence of \r and \n characters to avoid (unlikely) + command injection. + - Core and Builtins + - Fixed pickling of range iterators that iterated for over + 2**32 times. + - Fix a race in WeakKeyDictionary, WeakValueDictionary and + WeakSet when two threads attempt to commit the last pending + removal. This fixes asyncio.create_task and fixes a data + loss in where shutdown_asyncgens is not run + - Fixed a corner case bug where the result of + float.fromhex('0x.8p-1074') was rounded the wrong way. + - Refine the syntax error for trailing commas in import + statements. Patch by Pablo Galindo. + - Restore behaviour of complex exponentiation with + integer-valued exponent of type float or complex. + - Correct the ast locations of f-strings with format specs + and repeated expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo + - Use new trashcan macros (Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN/END) in + frameobject.c instead of the old ones + (Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN/END). + - Fix segmentation fault with deep recursion when cleaning + method objects. Patch by Augusto Goulart and Pablo Galindo. + - Fix bug where PyErr_SetObject hangs when the current + exception has a cycle in its context chain. + - Fix reference leaks in the error paths of update_bases() + and __build_class__. Patch by Pablo Galindo. + - Fix undefined behaviour in complex object exponentiation. + - Remove uses of PyObject_GC_Del() in error path when + initializing types.GenericAlias. + - Remove the pass-through for hash() of weakref.proxy objects + to prevent unintended consequences when the original + referred object dies while the proxy is part of a hashable + object. Patch by Pablo Galindo. + - Fix ltrace functionality when exceptions are raised. Patch + by Pablo Galindo + - Fix a crash at Python exit when a deallocator function + removes the last strong reference to a heap type. Patch by + Victor Stinner. + - Fix crash when using passing a non-exception to + a generator’s throw() method. Patch by Noah Oxer + - Library + - run() now always return a TestResult instance. Previously + it returned None if the test class or method was decorated + with a skipping decorator. + - Fix bugs in cleaning up classes and modules in unittest: + - Functions registered with addModuleCleanup() were not + called unless the user defines tearDownModule() in + their test module. + - Functions registered with addClassCleanup() were not + called if tearDownClass is set to None. + - Buffering in TestResult did not work with functions + registered with addClassCleanup() and + addModuleCleanup(). + - Errors in functions registered with addClassCleanup() + and addModuleCleanup() were not handled correctly in + buffered and debug modes. + - Errors in setUpModule() and functions registered with + addModuleCleanup() were reported in wrong order. + - And several lesser bugs. + - Made email date parsing more robust against malformed + input, namely a whitespace-only Date: header. Patch by + Wouter Bolsterlee. + - Fix a crash in the signal handler of the faulthandler + module: no longer modify the reference count of frame + objects. Patch by Victor Stinner. + - Method stopTestRun() is now always called in pair with + method startTestRun() for TestResult objects implicitly + created in run(). Previously it was not called for test + methods and classes decorated with a skipping decorator. + - argparse.BooleanOptionalAction’s default value is no longer + printed twice when used with + argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter. + - Upgrade bundled pip to 21.2.3 and setuptools to 57.4.0 + - Fix the os.set_inheritable() function on FreeBSD 14 for + file descriptor opened with the O_PATH flag: ignore the + EBADF error on ioctl(), fallback on the fcntl() + implementation. Patch by Victor Stinner. + - The @functools.total_ordering() decorator now works with + metaclasses. + - sqlite3 user-defined functions and aggregators returning + strings with embedded NUL characters are no longer + truncated. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. + - Always show loop= arg deprecations in asyncio.gather() and + asyncio.sleep() + - Non-protocol subclasses of typing.Protocol ignore now the + __init__ method inherited from protocol base classes. + - The tokenize.tokenize() doesn’t incorrectly generate + a NEWLINE token if the source doesn’t end with a new line + character but the last line is a comment, as the function + is already generating a NL token. Patch by Pablo Galindo + - Fix http.client.HTTPSConnection fails to download >2GiB + data. + - rcompleter does not call getattr() on property objects to + avoid the side-effect of evaluating the corresponding + method. + - weakref.proxy objects referencing non-iterators now raise + TypeError rather than dereferencing the null tp_iternext + slot and crashing. + - The implementation of now + matches that of frozenset.__hash__(). + - Fixed issue in compileall.compile_file() when sys.stdout is + redirected. Patch by Stefan Hölzl. + - Give priority to using the current class constructor in + inspect.signature(). Patch by Weipeng Hong. + - Fix memory leak in _tkinter._flatten() if it is called with + a sequence or set, but not list or tuple. + - Update shutil.copyfile() to raise FileNotFoundError instead + of confusing IsADirectoryError when a path ending with + a os.path.sep does not exist; shutil.copy() and + shutil.copy2() are also affected. + - handle StopIteration subclass raised from + @contextlib.contextmanager generator + - Make the implementation consistency of indexOf() between + C and Python versions. Patch by Dong-hee Na. + - Fixes TypedDict to work with typing.get_type_hints() and + postponed evaluation of annotations across modules. + - Fix bug with pdb’s handling of import error due to + a package which does not have a __main__ module + - Fixed an exception thrown while parsing a malformed + multipart email by email.message.EmailMessage. + - pathlib.PureWindowsPath.is_reserved() now identifies + a greater range of reserved filenames, including those with + trailing spaces or colons. + - Handle exceptions from parsing the arg of pdb’s run/restart + command. + - The sqlite3 context manager now performs a rollback (thus + releasing the database lock) if commit failed. Patch by + Luca Citi and Erlend E. Aasland. + - Improved string handling for sqlite3 user-defined functions + and aggregates: + - It is now possible to pass strings with embedded null + characters to UDFs + - Conversion failures now correctly raise MemoryError + - Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. + - Handle RecursionError in TracebackException’s constructor, + so that long exceptions chains are truncated instead of + causing traceback formatting to fail. + - Fix email.message.EmailMessage.set_content() when called + with binary data and 7bit content transfer encoding. + - The compresslevel and preset keyword arguments of + are now both documented and tested. + - Fixed a Y2k38 bug in the compileall module where it would + fail to compile files with a modification time after the + year 2038. + - Fix test___all__ on platforms lacking a shared memory + implementation. + - Pass multiprocessing BaseProxy argument manager_owned + through AutoProxy. + - email.utils.getaddresses() now accepts email.header.Header + objects along with string values. Patch by Zackery Spytz. + - lib2to3 now recognizes async generators everywhere. + - Fix TypeError when required subparsers without dest do not + receive arguments. Patch by Anthony Sottile. + - Documentation + - Removed the othergui.rst file, any references to it, and + the list of GUI frameworks in the FAQ. In their place I’ve + added links to the Python Wiki page on GUI frameworks. + - Update the definition of __future__ in the glossary by + replacing the confusing word “pseudo-module†with a more + accurate description. + - Add typical examples to os.path.splitext docs + - Clarify that shutil.make_archive() is not thread-safe due + to reliance on changing the current working directory. + - Update of three expired hyperlinks in + Doc/distributing/index.rst: “Project structureâ€, “Building + and packaging the projectâ€, and “Uploading the project to + the Python Packaging Indexâ€. + - Updated the docstring and docs of filecmp.cmp() to be more + accurate and less confusing especially in respect to + shallow arg. + - Match the docstring and python implementation of countOf() + to the behavior of its c implementation. + - List all kwargs for textwrap.wrap(), textwrap.fill(), and + textwrap.shorten(). Now, there are nav links to attributes + of TextWrap, which makes navigation much easier while + minimizing duplication in the documentation. + - Clarify that atexit uses equality comparisons internally. + - Documentation of csv.Dialect is more descriptive. + - Fix documentation for the return type of + sysconfig.get_path(). + - Add a “Security Considerations†index which links to + standard library modules that have explicitly documented + security considerations. + - Remove the unqualified claim that tkinter is threadsafe. It + has not been true for several years and likely never was. + An explanation of what is true may be added later, after + more discussion, and possibly after patching _tkinter.c, + - Tests + - Add calls of gc.collect() in tests to support PyPy. + - Made tests relying on the _asyncio C extension module + optional to allow running on alternative Python + implementations. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka. + - Fix auto history tests of test_readline: sometimes, the + newline character is not written at the end, so don’t + expect it in the output. + - Add ability to wholesale silence DeprecationWarnings while + running the regression test suite. + - Notify users running test_decimal regression tests on macOS + of potential harmless “malloc can’t allocate region†+ messages spewed by test_decimal. + - Fixed floating point precision issue in turtle tests. + - Regression tests, when run with -w, are now re-running only + the affected test methods instead of re-running the entire + test file. + - Add test for nested queues when using multiprocessing + shared objects AutoProxy[Queue] inside ListProxy and + DictProxy + +- Add decimal.patch to add building with --with-system-libmpdec + option (bsc#1189356). + +- test_faulthandler is still problematic under qemu linux-user emulation, + disable it there +- Reenable profileopt with qemu emulation, test_faulthandler is no longer + run during profiling + - - bpo-44022: mod:http.client now avoids infinitely reading - potential HTTP headers after a 100 Continue status response - from the server. + - bpo-44022 (bsc#1189241, CVE-2021-3737): http.client now + avoids infinitely reading potential HTTP headers after + a 100 Continue status response from the server. - - bpo-43075: Fix Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) - vulnerability in urllib.request.AbstractBasicAuthHandler. - The ReDoS-vulnerable regex has quadratic worst-case - complexity and it allows cause a denial of service when - identifying crafted invalid RFCs. This ReDoS issue is on - the client side and needs remote attackers to control the - HTTP server. + - bpo-43075 (CVE-2021-3733, bsc#1189287): Fix Regular + Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerability in + urllib.request.AbstractBasicAuthHandler. The + ReDoS-vulnerable regex has quadratic worst-case complexity + and it allows cause a denial of service when identifying + crafted invalid RFCs. This ReDoS issue is on the client + side and needs remote attackers to control the HTTP server. qemu +- enable aio=io_uring on all kvm architectures (bsc#1197699) + qemu:linux-user +- enable aio=io_uring on all kvm architectures (bsc#1197699) + qemu:testsuite +- enable aio=io_uring on all kvm architectures (bsc#1197699) + re2 +- Use Release config so O3 is used + +- Avoid sporadic failures by setting until-pass on CTest + +- Disable tests on ARMv6 + +- Disable tests on ZSystems and RISCV + +- Switch build to CMake, otherwise CMake config is not installed. + Required for Apache ORC and arrow, and google-or-tools. + ( +- Run some real tests via CTest + release-notes-openSUSE -- 15.4.20220228 - - Initial package for Leap 15.4 (boo#1196553) +- Fix double-byte languages segfaulting (boo#1199388) +- Change git:// to https:// in _service file +- Clean up spec file + +- 15.4.20220228 +- Initial package for Leap 15.4 (boo#1196553) rpmlint +- whitelist kcron (bsc#1199006) + +- Backport of power-profiles-daemon (bsc#1198693). + +- fix kpmcore, nm-priv and tukitd whitelistings that contained absolute paths + instead of only the basenames (bsc#1198521) + +- Backport of deepin-api (bsc#1196681 bsc#1070943) + rsyslog +- (CVE-2022-24903) fix potential heap buffer overflow in modules for TCP + syslog reception (bsc#1199061) + * add CVE-2022-24903.patch + +- add service dependencies for remote logging (bsc#1194669) +- update config example in remote.conf to match upstream documentation + ruby2 +- Update suse.patch: + - backport fix for CVE-2022-28739: ruby: Buffer overrun in + String-to-Float conversion (boo#1198441) + - back port date 2.0.3 CVE-2021-41817 (boo#1193035) + - merge the previous bug fixes into suse.patch + - CVE-2021-32066.patch + - CVE-2021-31810.patch + - CVE-2021-31799.patch + +- Add Requires to make and gcc to ruby-devel to make the default + extconf.rb work + rubygem-puma +- updated to version 4.3.11 + * fix bsc#1196222, CVE-2022-23634 + rubygem-puma: puma would not always call 'close' on the response body + * fix bsc#1191681, CVE-2021-41136 + * fix bsc#1188527, CVE-2021-29509 + rubygem-yast-rake +- Fixed "rake actions:run" to replace the "${{ matrix.<value> }}" + variables in the Docker image name (bsc#1195216) +- 0.2.45 + +- Support multiple Rubocop versions (bsc#1139270) +- 0.2.44 + +- Make webrick dependency just optional to avoid another build + dependency on ruby3 (bsc#1193192) +- 0.2.43 + +- Fixed running the GitHub Actions locally ("rake actions:run"), + allow settting additional Docker options in the YAML config + or via DOCKER_OPTIONS environment variable (bsc#1191400) +- 0.2.42 + +- Move the "sle_latest" build target to SLE15-SP4 (bsc#1187677) +- Added "sle15sp4" and future "sle15sp5" build targets +- 0.2.41 + s390-tools +- Added s390-tools-sles15sp4-zdump-fix-segfault-due-to-double-free.patch + for bsc#1199128. zgetdump --info may lead to a core dump when + issued for the device node (not a partition) right after + installing multi-volume dump tool (without taking actual dump). + sanlock +- spec: Add libuuid as a build requirement to fix compilation on + SLE15 SP4 + bsc#1197853 + -- Update to sanlock 3.1.0 - - fix debug status for add/rem lockspace - - add_lockspace error for conflicting lockspace definitions - - transient timeout handling in acquire and release - - allow more than 8 resources per client - - fix spaces in path names - -- Update to sanlock 3.0.1 - - Add lvb feature - - Various bug fixes and improvements - - Drop upstream patch 0001-fix-systemd-service-files.patch - -- update license to new format - -- Update to sanlock 2.6 - - Add fence_sanlock, a fence agent that uses /dev/watchdog to - reset hosts (currently disabled) - - Various bug fixes and improvements - -- Update to sanlock 2.1 - - python: release leases for other processes - - python: add shared resource parameter to acquire - - add a logrotate file - - status for all shared tokens - - retry transient sh failures - - fix inquire state string - -- Fixed init script packaging - -- Fixed specification of licenses - -- Source sanlock tarball instead of download URL - -- Don't use __DATE__ and __TIME__ macros when printing version -- Don't add user 'sanlock' for now - -- Fix some rpmlint warnings - -- Add support for systemd -- Add /etc/sysconfig/sanlock configuration file - -- Pass '-g sanlock' option to wdmd - -- Update to sanlock 1.9 -- Add SUSE init script for sanlock and wdmd - -- initial package based on package from openstack - sblim-sfcb +- no_tls11_config.patch: add config option sslNoTLSv1_2 to + optionally disable TLSv1.2 (bsc#1190107) +- tls13.patch: enable TLS v1.3 by removing explicit curve selection. + This should not be required for OpenSSL 1.1.0+ (bsc#1190107) +- + merged into source and dropped as patch + slurm +- Add 'CommunicationParameters=block_null_hash' to slurm.conf, please + add this parameter to existing configurations as part of CVE-2022-29500: + This new option provides additional protection against a potential exploit. +- Update to 20.11.9: + * burst_buffer - add missing common directory to the Makefile SUBDIRS. + * sacct - fix truncation when printing jobidraw field. + * GRES - Fix loading state of jobs using --gpus to request gpus. + * Fix minor logic error in health check node state output + * Fix GCC 11.1 compiler warnings. + * Delay steps when memory already used instead of rejecting step request. + * Fix memory leak in the slurmdbd when requesting wckeys from all clusters. + * Fix determining if a reservation is used or not. + * openapi/v0.0.35 - Honor kill_on_invalid_dependency as job parameter. + * openapi/v0.0.36 - Honor kill_on_invalid_dependency as job parameter. + * Fix various issues dealing with updates on magnetic reservations that could + lead to abort slurmctld. + * openapi/v0.0.36 - Avoid setting default values of min_cpus, job name, cwd, + mail_type, and contiguous on job update. + * openapi/v0.0.36 - Clear user hold on job update if hold=false. + * Fix slurmctld segfault due to a bit_test() call with a MAINT+ANY_NODES + reservation NULL node_bitmap. + * Fix slurmctld segfault due to a bit_copy() call with a REPLACE+ANY_NODES + reservation NULL node_bitmap. + * Fix error in GPU frequency validation logic. + * Fix error in pmix logic dealing with the incorrect size of buffer. + * PMIx v1.1.4 and below are no longer supported. + * Fix shutdown of slurmdbd plugin to correctly notice when the agent thread + finishes. + * Fix slurmctld segfault due to job array --batch features double free. + * CVE-2022-29500 - Prevent credential abuse (bsc#1199278). + * CVE-2022-29501 - Prevent abuse of REQUEST_FORWARD_DATA (bsc#1199279). +- Update to 20.11.8: + * slurmctld - fix erroneous "StepId=CORRUPT" messages in error logs. + * Correct the error given when auth plugin fails to pack a credential. + * Fix unused-variable compiler warning on FreeBSD in fd_resolve_path(). + * acct_gather_filesystem/lustre - only emit collection error once per step. + * srun - leave SLURM_DIST_UNKNOWN as default for --interactive. + * Add GRES environment variables (e.g., CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES) into the + interactive step, the same as is done for the batch step. + * Fix various potential deadlocks when altering objects in the database + dealing with every cluster in the database. + * slurmrestd - handle slurmdbd connection failures without segfaulting. + * slurmrestd - fix segfault for searches in slurmdb/v0.0.36/jobs. + * slurmrestd - remove (non-functioning) users query parameter for + slurmdb/v0.0.36/jobs from openapi.json + * slurmrestd - fix segfault in slurmrestd db/jobs with numeric queries + * slurmrestd - add argv handling for job/submit endpoint. + * srun - fix broken node step allocation in a heterogeneous allocation. + * Fail step creation if -n is not multiple of --ntasks-per-gpu. + * job_container/tmpfs - Fix slowdown on teardown. + * Fix problem with SlurmctldProlog where requeued jobs would never launch. + * job_container/tmpfs - Fix issue when restarting slurmd where the namespace + mount points could disappear. + * sacct - avoid truncating JobId at 34 characters. + * scancel - fix segfault when --wckey filtering option is used. + * select/cons_tres - Fix memory leak. + * Prevent file descriptor leak in job_container/tmpfs on slurmd restart. + * slurmrestd/dbv0.0.36 - Fix values dumped in job state/current and + job step state. + * slurmrestd/dbv0.0.36 - Correct description for previous state property. + * perlapi/libslurmdb - expose tres_req_str to job hash. + * scrontab - close and reopen temporary crontab file to deal with editors + that do not change the original file, but instead write out then rename + a new file. + * sstat - fix linking so that it will work when --without-shared-libslurm + was used to build Slurm. + * Clear allocated cpus for running steps in a job before handling requested + nodes on new step. + * Don't reject a step if not enough nodes are available. Instead, defer the + step until enough nodes are available to satisfy the request. + * Don't reject a step if it requests at least one specific node that is + already allocated to another step. Instead, defer the step until the + requested node(s) become available. + * slurmrestd - add description for slurmdb/job endpoint. + * Better handling of --mem=0. + * Ignore DefCpuPerGpu when --cpus-per-task given. + * sacct - fix segfault when printing StepId (or when using --long). + spacecmd +- version 4.2.16-1 + * implement system.bootstrap (bsc#1194909) + * Fix interactive mode for "system_applyerrata" and "errata_apply" (bsc#1194363) + sphinx +- Added CVE-2020-29050.patch for fixing CVE-2020-29050 boo#1195227 + Source debian and manticoresearch +- Packaging: + + Renew with spec-cleaner -m + + Update copyright year + + Cleanup older suse version %if construct + + Use libmariadb-devel instead mysql-devel + + Use %autopatch + spotify-easyrpm +- Remove dependency on gconf2 + sshuttle +- depend on setuptools_scm also on older dists + +- version update to 1.1.0 + * Support the sudo use_pty option which is now the default in some operating systems. See #712. + * Support doas as well as sudo. See #708. + * for more details see + +- modified patches + % fix-shebang.patch (refreshed) +- python-mock is not required for build + +- do not require pytest-runner for build, it is not needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * sshuttle.service + stoken -- Change gtk and libtomcrypt build requirements. -- Remove useless "--with-libtomcrypt" parameter from %%configure. - -- Add patch to avoid static CFLAGS. -- Require proper libtomcrypt version. - -- First build. - subversion +- Fix CVE-2022-24070 mod_dav_svn is vulnerable to memory corruption + (CVE-2022-24070, bsc#1197940) + * subversion-CVE-2022-24070.patch +- Fix CVE-2021-28544 SVN authz protected copyfrom paths regression + (CVE-2021-28544, bsc#1197939) + * subversion-CVE-2021-28544.patch + suseRegisterInfo +- version 4.2.6-1 + * Fix the condition for preventing building python 2 subpackage + for SLE15 + systemd +- Call pam_loginuid when creating user@.service (bsc#1198507) + It's a backport of upstream commit 1000522a60ceade446773c67031b47a566d4a70d. + systemd-presets-branding-openSUSE +- Enable acpid (boo#1196609), its not installed by default on most + systems anymore but the enlightenment desktop still uses its + events to trigger various bindings and shows an error dialog + when acpid is not running. + +- Enable storeBackup (bsc#1115457). + systemd-presets-common-SUSE +- enable vgauthd service for VMWare by default (bsc#1195251) + systemd:mini +- Call pam_loginuid when creating user@.service (bsc#1198507) + It's a backport of upstream commit 1000522a60ceade446773c67031b47a566d4a70d. + terminology +- Removed debug code accidently left in + +- Build "Flat" colorscheme as part of build process so that it gets + the right name and is useable. + * feature-flat-colorscheme.patch + terminology-theme-openSUSE +- 20220430.1.26 - Major change to theme based off new Dimensions theme. + -- Update for terminology 0.4.0 - This theme now provides default.edj - texlive-specs-a +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-b +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-c +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-d +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-e +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-f +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-g +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-h +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-i +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-j +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-k +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-l +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-m +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-n +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-o +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-p +- Port back mltex.doc from latest version 4.2svn63213 as upstream has now + removed all .dvi, .pdf, and .tex files from doc tree due to the + used Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license + +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-q +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-r +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-s +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-t +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-u +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-v +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-w +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-x +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-y +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texlive-specs-z +- Add a _constraints file to increase required disk size (boo#1198793) +- Avoid doubled luatex/texlua shebangs (boo#1198790) +- Do not bail out if local ls-R is not writable (boo#1194496) + texworks +- Add texworks-drop-FindLua-cmake-module.patch: Drop custom + FindLua.cmake included in sources in favour of cmake's default + module [gh#TeXworks/texworks#924]. + +- Add upstream patch (boo#1198849): + * 0001-QtPDF-Fix-compilation-with-Qt-5.15.patch + -- Update to version 0.4.4: - + Fix crash caused by Qt when adding lines at the beginning of a - document - + Fix search/replace for multi-line strings - + Work around layout issues which cause lines to disappear - + Fix building with BSD make - + Fix block selection of last paragraph - + Fix overwrite of "Find all occurrences" option - + Improve "Unable to execute..." error dialog - + Rename "Show/Hide Output Panel" to "Show/Hide Console Output" - in the menu and the preferences dialog - + Remove subject and add instructions to body of the "email to - mailinglist" - + Bring the window running TeX to the top at the beginning of - typesetting to ensure that the console output is visible - + Allow symlinks and display only folders in "path for programs" - in the preferences dialog - + Add "Clear Recent Files" to "Open Recent" menu - + Add an autocompletion entry to the preferences dialog - + Add Lua(La)TeX to the default tools (and drop LaTeXmk by - default) - + Add an option to open log files - + Add CMake support (experimental) - + Update SyncTeX to version 1.17 - + Update URLs to - + Some enhancements to functions available to scripting - + Avoid showing an empty message box for script results - + Resolve symlinks when looking for scripts - + Expose the scripts' titles, authors, filenames, etc. to - scripting - + Update/improve scripts: open pdf in default viewer, derive - spellchecking language from babel package, log parser. - -- patch license to follow standard - tor +- tor + * New feature: Congestion control to improve traffic speed and + stability on the network once a majority of Exit nodes upgrade + boo#1198949 + * Directory authorities: improved handling of "MiddleOnly" relays + * Improved mitigation against guard discovery attacks on clients + and short-lived services + * Improve observed performance under DNS load + * Improve handling of overload state + * end-of-life relays running version 0.4.2.x, 0.4.3.x, + 0.4.4.x and 0.4.5 alphas/rc, 0.3.5.x are now rejected + * Onion service v2 addresses are no longer recognized + +- tor + * minor bugfixes and features + * + +- tor + * remove the DNS timeout metric from the overload general signal + * regenerate fallback directories generated on December 15, 2021 + * Update the geoip files to match the IPFire Location Database, + as retrieved on 2021/12/15 + * Reject IPv6-only DirPort + touchegg +- update to 2.0.14: + * Performance improvements calculating the size of the animations + * Fix crash that might happen when multiple input devices are added and + removed + +- Update to version 2.0.13 (changes since 2.0.10): + * Allow to display any animation on SEND_KEYS/RUN_COMMAND. + * Add cyclic option to CHANGE_DESKTOP. + * Improve pinch gesture detection on touchscreens. + * Honour the XDG basedir specification. + * Improve pinch detection when the fingers are placed + horizontally or vertically. + * Allow to run in multiple X displays. + * Allow to configure the number of times a repeated action is + executed. + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_touchegg.service.patch + -- Create package in openSuse Build : Alessandro de Oliveira Faria. - vagrant +- Add patch to disable failing ftp tests + Added patches: + * disable-failing-ftp-tests.patch + webkit2gtk3:gtk3 +- Disable gold linker. It is unmaintained and now disabled on + factory. +- Switch to gcc 11. +- Increase mem_per_process. Attempt to fix sporadic bild failure + (bsc#1198743). + webkit2gtk3:gtk3-soup2 +- Disable gold linker. It is unmaintained and now disabled on + factory. +- Switch to gcc 11. +- Increase mem_per_process. Attempt to fix sporadic bild failure + (bsc#1198743). + webkit2gtk3:gtk4 +- Disable gold linker. It is unmaintained and now disabled on + factory. +- Switch to gcc 11. +- Increase mem_per_process. Attempt to fix sporadic bild failure + (bsc#1198743). + xfs +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * xfs.service + -- U_Only-call-SnfSetFormat-if-libXfont-is-built-with-SNF.patch - * needed after switching to libXfont 1.8, which now disables - support for SNF font format by default - xkeyboard-config +- U_Add-the-new-AZERTY-layout-norm-NF-Z71-300.patch + * Backport French standardized AZERTY layout (AFNOR: NF Z71-300) + (bsc#1188867) + yast2-bootloader +- AutoYaST: do not clone device for hibernation and also check + during autoinstallation if device for hibernation exists and if + not then use proposed one. (bsc#1187690 and bsc#1197192) +- 4.4.17 + yast2-installation +- Revert changes introduced in v4.3.50 as it produces some ordering + cycle issues (bsc#1198294) +- 4.4.52 + yast2-packager +- Run the package solver after selecting additional system + packages, fixes possible broken package dependencies after system + upgrade (bsc#1195828) +- 4.4.31 + +- Don't rely on install.inf availability #(bsc#1198560) +- 4.4.30 + +- Fixed migration summary in Leap -> SLES migration (bsc#1198562) +- 4.4.29 + +- Show package downloads in the global progress bar during package + installation (bsc#1195608) + PR: +- 4.4.28 + yast2-registration +- Import the SSL certificate from the <reg_server_cert> AutoYaST + data also in the self-update step (bsc#1199091) +- 4.4.21 + +- Fixed importing SSL certificates (bsc#1195220) + (by +- 4.4.20 + +- Reload the SUSEConnect cache after importing a SSL certificate + (bsc#1195220) (by +- 4.4.19 + yast2-s390 +- Don't call 'mkinitrd' in the inst-sys (bsc#1197632) +- 4.4.6 + yast2-trans +- Update to version 84.87.20220422.7945491fb3: + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Korean) + * New POT for text domain 'storage'. + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + +- Update to version 84.87.20220419.0c85b52778: + * New POT for text domain 'migration_sle'. + * New POT for text domain 'hana-update'. + * New POT for text domain 'firstboot'. + * New POT for text domain 'control'. + * New POT for text domain 'cc-control'. + * Fixed control.xml translations + * Fixed control.xml translations + * Fixed control.xml translations + * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) + +- Update to version 84.87.20220415.000649bca9: + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Fixed messages extracted from XML files + * Fixed messages extracted from XML files + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Fixed messages extracted from XML files + * Fixed messages extracted from XML files + * Fixed messages extracted from XML files + * Fixed translations + * Fixed translations + * Fixed messages extracted from XML files + * Fixed firstboot translations + * New POT for text domain 'iscsi-client'. + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * New POT for text domain 'firstboot'. + +- Update to version 84.87.20220410.9099c51b0c: + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * New POT for text domain 'users'. + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * New POT for text domain 'packager'. + * New POT for text domain 'iscsi-client'. + * New POT for text domain 'base'. + +- Update to version 84.87.20220406.6a9f225e0e: + * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) + * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) + * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) + * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'. + * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) + * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China) (zh_CN)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * New POT for text domain 'network'. + * New POT for text domain 'country'. + - * New POT for text domain 'add-on'. - * New POT for text domain 'base'. - * New POT for text domain 'bootloader'. - * New POT for text domain 'country'. - * New POT for text domain 'installation'. + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - * New POT for text domain 'packager'. - * New POT for text domain 'storage'. - * Added translation using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) - * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * New POT for text domain 'add-on'. + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) - * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) - * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Czech) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * New POT for text domain 'packager'. + * New POT for text domain 'network'. + * New POT for text domain 'installation'. + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) + * New POT for text domain 'storage'. + * New POT for text domain 'country'. + * New POT for text domain 'bootloader'. + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - * Translated using Weblate (Galician) - * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) + * Translated using Weblate (Croatian) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * New POT for text domain 'packager'. + * New POT for text domain 'base'. + * New POT for text domain 'packager'. + * New POT for text domain 'base'. + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (German) - * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Galician) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (French) - * Translated using Weblate (Russian) - * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Translated using Weblate (German) + * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Added translation using Weblate (Sinhala) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) + * Translated using Weblate (Russian) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) + * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) + * Translated using Weblate (Italian) + * Added translation using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))