- PyPAM - PAM bindings for Python
- PyYAML - YAML parser and emitter for Python
- axis - A SOAP implementation in Java
- btparser - Parser and analyzer for backtraces produced by GDB
- cim-schema - Common Information Model (CIM) Schema
- compat-openmpi - Open Message Passing Interface
- ding-libs - "Ding is not GLib" assorted utility libraries
- geronimo-specs - Geronimo J2EE server J2EE specifications
- glib-networking - Networking support for GLib
- hivex - Read and write Windows Registry binary hive files
- icu4j - International Components for Unicode for Java
- jakarta-commons-dbcp - Jakarta Commons DataBase Pooling Package
- json-c - A JSON implementation in C
- lapack - Numerical linear algebra package libraries
- libcgroup - Tools and libraries to control and monitor control groups
- libdbi - Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
- libgovirt - A GObject library for interacting with oVirt REST API
- libgphoto2 - Library for accessing digital cameras
- libguestfs - Access and modify virtual machine disk images
- libldb - A schema-less, ldap like, API and database
- libmicrohttpd - Lightweight library for embedding a webserver in applications
- libnl - Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets
- libnl3 - Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets
- libpcap - A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
- libsoup - Soup, an HTTP library implementation
- libvirt - Library providing a simple virtualization API
- libvirt-cim - A CIM provider for libvirt
- libvirt-java - Java bindings for the libvirt virtualization API
- libvirt-snmp - SNMP functionality for libvirt
- libxklavier - High-level API for X Keyboard Extension
- libxml2 - Library providing XML and HTML support
- libxslt - Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
- log4cpp - C++ logging library
- mingw32-binutils - MinGW Windows binutils
- mingw32-boost - MinGW Windows port of Boost C++ Libraries
- mingw32-bzip2 - MinGW port of bzip2 file compression utility
- mingw32-dlfcn - Implements a wrapper for dlfcn (dlopen dlclose dlsym dlerror)
- mingw32-expat - MinGW Windows port of expat XML parser library
- mingw32-filesystem - MinGW base filesystem and environment
- mingw32-gettext - GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages
- mingw32-glib2 - MinGW Windows GLib2 library
- mingw32-gnutls - MinGW GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library
- mingw32-iconv - GNU libraries and utilities for character set conversion
- mingw32-libgcrypt - MinGW Windows gcrypt encryption library
- mingw32-libgpg-error - MinGW Windows GnuPGP error library
- mingw32-libxml2 - MinGW Windows libxml2 XML processing library
- mingw32-libxslt - MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
- mingw32-nsis - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
- mingw32-pcre - MinGW Windows pcre library
- mingw32-pthreads - MinGW pthread library
- mingw32-qpid-cpp - MinGW Windows port of AMQP C++ Daemons and Libraries
- mingw32-runtime - MinGW Windows cross-compiler runtime
- mingw32-sigar - MinGW Windows sigar library
- mingw32-srvany - Utility for creating services for Windows
- mingw32-termcap - MinGW terminal feature database
- mingw32-w32api - Win32 header files and stubs
- mingw32-zlib - MinGW Windows zlib compression library
- mpich - A high-performance implementation of MPI
- mvapich - MPI implementation over Infiniband RDMA-enabled interconnect
- mvapich2 - OSU MVAPICH2 MPI package
- ocaml-libvirt - OCaml binding for libvirt
- ocsinventory-agent - Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation client
- opencv - Collection of algorithms for computer vision
- openmpi - Open Message Passing Interface
- perl-Authen-Krb5 - Krb5 Perl module
- perl-Authen-PAM - Authen::PAM Perl module
- perl-Authen-SASL - SASL Authentication framework for Perl
- perl-CGI-Session - Persistent session data in CGI applications
- perl-Class-MethodMaker - Perl module for creating generic object-oriented methods
- perl-Config-General - Generic configuration module for Perl
- perl-Crypt-SSLeay - Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
- perl-DBD-Pg - A PostgreSQL interface for perl
- perl-Date-Calc - Gregorian calendar date calculations
- perl-Date-Manip - A Perl module containing a wide variety of date manipulation routines
- perl-DateTime - Date and time objects
- perl-Frontier-RPC - A Perl interface for making and serving XML-RPC calls
- perl-GSSAPI - Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
- perl-IO-Socket-SSL - Perl library for transparent SSL
- perl-IO-Tty - Perl interface to pseudo tty's
- perl-IPC-Run - Perl module for interacting with child processes
- perl-IPC-Run3 - Run a subprocess in batch mode
- perl-Image-Size - Determine the size of images in several common formats in Perl
- perl-LDAP - LDAP Perl module
- perl-Makefile-Parser - Simple parser for Makefiles
- perl-Mozilla-LDAP - LDAP Perl module that wraps the OpenLDAP C SDK
- perl-Net-DNS - DNS resolver modules for Perl
- perl-Net-SSLeay - Perl extension for using OpenSSL
- perl-NetAddr-IP - Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
- perl-Parse-RecDescent - Parse-RecDescent Perl module
- perl-Proc-Daemon - Run Perl program as a daemon process
- perl-Proc-ProcessTable - Perl extension to access the unix process table
- perl-SOAP-Lite - Client and server side SOAP implementation
- perl-Socket6 - IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
- perl-Sys-Virt - Represent and manage a libvirt hypervisor connection
- perl-Term-ProgressBar - Provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
- perl-TermReadKey - A perl module for simple terminal control
- perl-Test-Inter - Framework for more readable interactive test scripts
- perl-Test-Memory-Cycle - Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
- perl-Test-MockObject - Perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
- perl-Test-Spelling - Check for spelling errors in POD files
- perl-TimeDate - A Perl module for time and date manipulation
- perl-WWW-Curl - Perl extension interface for libcurl
- perl-XML-Dumper - Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
- perl-libwww-perl - A Perl interface to the World-Wide Web
- poppler - PDF rendering library
- pyOpenSSL - Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
- python-django-horizon - Django application for talking to Openstack
- python-gudev - Python (PyGObject) bindings to the GUDev library
- python-logilab-common - Common libraries for Logilab projects
- python-netaddr - Pythonic manipulation of IPv4, IPv6, CIDR, EUI and MAC network addresses
- python-paramiko - A SSH2 protocol library for python
- python-pygments - A syntax highlighting engine written in Python
- python-reportlab - Python PDF generation library
- python-rhsm - A Python library to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
- python-sqlalchemy - Modular and flexible ORM library for python
- python-suds - A python SOAP client
- python-twisted-web - Twisted web client and server, programmable in Python
- python-urlgrabber - A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
- python-urwid - Console user interface library
- python-virtinst - Python modules and utilities for installing virtual machines
- pyxattr - Extended attributes library wrapper for Python
- redhat-support-lib-python - Red Hat Support Software Development Library
- redhat-support-tool - Tool for console access to Red Hat subscriber services
- rhnlib - Python libraries for the RHN project
- rubygems - The Ruby standard for packaging ruby libraries
- sat4j - A library of SAT solvers written in Java
- sblim-cim-client2 - Java CIM Client library
- scipy - Scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
- slf4j - Simple Logging Facade for Java
- spice-protocol - Spice protocol header files
- svrcore - Secure PIN handling using NSS crypto
- virt-top - Utility like top(1) for displaying virtualization stats
- webkitgtk - GTK+ Web content engine library
- xcb-proto - XCB protocol descriptions
- xmlgraphics-commons - XML Graphics Commons
- xmlrpc3 - Java XML-RPC implementation
- yum-metadata-parser - A fast metadata parser for yum